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Lighting about to clapback!
A Central Florida deputy's body cam shook violently as lightning struck about 20 feet from him and a woman standing outside an assisted-living facility, producing a thunderclap that sounded like a bomb Wednesday.
No injuries were reported.
Cpl. Kevin Stevenson of the Pasco County Sheriff's Office was responding to a call for service at the Hudson Manor Assisted Living Facility when the bolt produced the explosive noise, startling him.
"What the!?" exclaimed Stevenson, who had just finished greeting the woman after exiting his patrol car.
"Holy cow! You'd better go back inside, ma'am," he told the woman, who appeared unfazed.
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Florida ranks highest for lightning fatalities in the United States, according to AccuWeather.
"On average, Florida has 3,500 cloud to ground lightning flashes per day and 1.2 million flashes per year," AccuWeather says.
Texas, Oklahoma and Kansas have more lightning flashes, but experts say more people are killed in Florida because of our population density and the amount of time people spend outside.
If you're outside when a thunderstorm rolls in, you should avoid bodies of water and get indoors, or at least inside a vehicle, as quickly as possible if you're able to.
"Tents and pavilions are not good options," AccuWeather says, citing an NOAA study.
If you can’t get inside a building or a vehicle, get as low to the ground as you can, perhaps even into a ditch.

Lightning bolt strikes 20 feet from Florida deputy; body cam records explosive thunderclap
A Central Florida deputy’s body cam shook violently as lightning struck about 20 feet from him and a woman standing outside an assisted-living facility, producing a thunderclap that sounded l…