Back around the launch of OoT I channel surfed my way to an extensive news segment about the game, including footage from many areas & dungeons, a history of the Zelda franchise with emphasis on how big of a deal it is that they successfully made it 3D now, and an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto. Does anyone remember this? I think it was on CNN or maybe C|Net TV or some cable outlet like that.
It was startling and impressive to see so much emphasis and time given to a videogame on a mainstream network like that. Really stuck with me. I remember it being at least 5-10 minutes long and they showed scenes of the Dodongo boss fight, and the dungeon room that has the chain reaction of bomb flowers around the column that drops down to form stairs when you ignite the bombs. I think some Forest Temple footage was in there too.
I didn’t even know about the game at the time so it was a nice surprise. I haven’t been able to find it on youtube or even references to it on sites, but I know I didn’t dream it either.
It was startling and impressive to see so much emphasis and time given to a videogame on a mainstream network like that. Really stuck with me. I remember it being at least 5-10 minutes long and they showed scenes of the Dodongo boss fight, and the dungeon room that has the chain reaction of bomb flowers around the column that drops down to form stairs when you ignite the bombs. I think some Forest Temple footage was in there too.
I didn’t even know about the game at the time so it was a nice surprise. I haven’t been able to find it on youtube or even references to it on sites, but I know I didn’t dream it either.