Gold Member
Streamers are already playing Lords of The Fallen.
Fextra Life:
Reviewer Impressions
Lords of the Fallen (2023) has a total of 63 Trophies (1 Platinum, 0 Gold, 7 Silver, 55 Bronze). Below you can find the full Lords of the Fallen trophy list.
Lords of the Fallen (2023) has a total of 63 Trophies (1 Platinum, 0 Gold, 7 Silver, 55 Bronze). Below you can find the full Lords of the Fallen trophy list.
- Some of these impressions are 1 Hour Long
- There are also streamers playing the game.
Fextra Life:
“I’ll just say this; if you are a Souls-fan, you’re gonna want to play the new Lords of the Fallen. You’re just gonna want to play it. It has all the things so far that I’ve seen, that makes Souls what it is”.
Reviewer Impressions
- All reviewers agreed that Hexworks studio turned out to have an excellent "soulslike", which fans of FromSoftware games should definitely like. According to bloggers, Lords of the Fallen will be a big hit if it keeps the pace of the preview version throughout the game.
- Lords of the Fallen is similar to FromSoftware games in many ways, starting from the basic gameplay mechanics and bosses, ending with the way of storytelling. So, the characters in action-RPG also often behave mysteriously, speak in riddles and only give hints about what the main character needs to do. According to one of the reviewers, he liked this approach, as in the Dark Souls or Elden Ring series.
- The game has a very high level limit.
- The difficulty of Lords of the Fallen is comparable to games from the Dark Souls series, but it all depends on the specific enemy. So, it was not difficult to cope with some bosses, while others "had to sweat".
- The game has ways to facilitate boss battles, for example, by summoning NPC helpers.
- The game has heavy focus on parrying mechanics. If your character is strong enough, you can even parry enemies and bosses bare-handed.
- You can be invaded by other players, if they kill you, a revenge mechanic will play where you can go hunt the player who killed you down.
- The game has a New Game Plus with a changed world.
- All reviewers agreed that in Lords of the Fallen it is very interesting to explore locations, moving between two worlds. Attentive players will be able to find many secrets, which will also help to get special rewards. Observers called the process of location research one of the main advantages of an action RPG.
- Exploring the world of Lords of the Fallen is interesting, among other things, because the game has a lot of different biomes, the enemies in which are radically different.
- There are no serious performance problems in Lords of the Fallen, but small slowdowns at the beginning of the passage can still occur. In addition, the frame rate may decrease after several hours of play, which indicates a possible memory leak. Restarting helps to solve this problem.
- On a PC with a GeForce RTX 3080 Ti graphics card, the game worked with 100-150 fps at a resolution of 1440p and "high" graphics settings. In full-screen mode, the frame rate was higher than in windowless frameless mode.
- The players encountered several minor bugs, but there were few of them and they all minimally affected the passage.
- A Reviewer complained the game crashed twice on his PC
Lords of the Fallen (2023) has a total of 63 Trophies (1 Platinum, 0 Gold, 7 Silver, 55 Bronze). Below you can find the full Lords of the Fallen trophy list.
Lords of the Fallen Trophies
Lords of the Fallen (2023) has a total of 63 Trophies (1 Platinum, 0 Gold, 7 Silver, 55 Bronze). Below you can find the full Lords of the Fallen trophy list.
Lord of The Fallen
Earn all trophies.
A Veil Lifted
Die in Axiom for the first time.
Lost and Found
Retrieve vigor lost upon death.
Weapon Collector
Collect all weapons.
Collect all armor pieces.
What Sights Contained Within
Collect all Umbral Eyes.
Trinket Collector
Collect all rings and pendants.
Ammunition Collector
Collect all ammo types.
Inferno Adept
Collect all Inferno spells.
Radiant Adept
Collect all Radiance spells.
Umbral Adept
Collect all Umbral spells.
Throwable Collector
Collect all throwables.
Gesture Collector
Collect all gestures.
Salvation in Blood
Fully upgrade the Sanguinarix.
Honed in Perfection
Fully upgrade a weapon.
Rune Novice
Place a rune in a socket for the first time.
Rune Master
Fully socket a 3-rune weapon or a shield.
Carving Out Victory
Fully upgrade the Umbral lamp.
Utmost Insight
Fully socket the Umbral lamp with Umbral Eyes.
Beckon a co-op partner.
Shared Triumph
Defeat a boss alongside a co-op partner.
Vengeance for the Fallen
Avenge a fallen lampbearer.
No Mercy
Defeat another player in PVP.
Infernal Offerings
Donate a total of 10 Pilfered Coins.
Umbral Offerings
Donate a total of 10 Plucked Eyeballs.
Shades of Violence
Apply a tinct to a piece of gear.
Rise and Fall
Defeat Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal.
Together in Death
Defeat the Congregator of Flesh.
Burying the Past
Defeat the Hushed Saint.
Defeat the Spurned Progeny.
Unbroken to the End
Defeat the Unbroken Promise.
Wings of Grief
Defeat the Hollow Crow.
Twin Faces of Sin
Defeat Reinhold the Immured.
Defeat Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel.
Hunt’s End
Defeat the Lightreaper.
The King is Dead
Defeat the Sundered Monarch.
A Hunger Sated
Defeat Elianne the Starved.
Defeat Adyr, the Bereft Exile.
None Shall be Spared
Defeat all bosses.
The Price of Knowledge
Exacter Dunmire gains the knowledge he seeks.
Part of the Divine
Damarose the Marked receives her divine reward.
Travels Resumed
Sparky is liberated.
Moving On
Byron finds a new purpose.
Hero Worship
Drustan’s faith in his brother remains steadfast.
Antana’s Legacy
The value of Andreas of Ebb’s friendship is made clear.
Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis is greeted at the Empyrean.
Without Purpose
Thehk-Ihir leaves Mournstead.
A Queen’s Rest
Sophesia bestows a final favor.
The Last Step
The Iron Wayfarer’s journey finally ends.
Vengeful Reflection
An Umbral imprint of Isaac faces the Lightreaper.
Lord of the Risen
Reach the Adyr ending.
In Light we Walk
Reach the Radiant ending.
Back to the Void
Reach the Umbral ending.
A Shadow Dispelled
Defeat the Scarlet Shadow.
Essence of Death
Defeat an enemy with an Umbral finisher.
Thriving in Darkness
Use a Vesting Seed.
Reach Level 100.
Visit all of the areas in the game.
The Past Shapes the Present
Offer Molhu the Bowl of Revelations.
Lingering Moments
View all Umbral stigmas.
A Rest Among the Dead
Reach the Skyrest Bridge interior.
A Trace of Venom
Kukajin concludes her business in Mournstead.

Earn all trophies.
A Veil Lifted

Die in Axiom for the first time.
Lost and Found

Retrieve vigor lost upon death.
Weapon Collector

Collect all weapons.

Collect all armor pieces.
What Sights Contained Within

Collect all Umbral Eyes.
Trinket Collector

Collect all rings and pendants.
Ammunition Collector

Collect all ammo types.
Inferno Adept

Collect all Inferno spells.
Radiant Adept

Collect all Radiance spells.
Umbral Adept

Collect all Umbral spells.
Throwable Collector

Collect all throwables.
Gesture Collector

Collect all gestures.
Salvation in Blood

Fully upgrade the Sanguinarix.
Honed in Perfection

Fully upgrade a weapon.
Rune Novice

Place a rune in a socket for the first time.
Rune Master

Fully socket a 3-rune weapon or a shield.
Carving Out Victory

Fully upgrade the Umbral lamp.
Utmost Insight

Fully socket the Umbral lamp with Umbral Eyes.

Beckon a co-op partner.
Shared Triumph

Defeat a boss alongside a co-op partner.
Vengeance for the Fallen

Avenge a fallen lampbearer.
No Mercy

Defeat another player in PVP.
Infernal Offerings

Donate a total of 10 Pilfered Coins.
Umbral Offerings

Donate a total of 10 Plucked Eyeballs.
Shades of Violence

Apply a tinct to a piece of gear.
Rise and Fall

Defeat Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal.
Together in Death

Defeat the Congregator of Flesh.
Burying the Past

Defeat the Hushed Saint.

Defeat the Spurned Progeny.
Unbroken to the End

Defeat the Unbroken Promise.
Wings of Grief

Defeat the Hollow Crow.
Twin Faces of Sin

Defeat Reinhold the Immured.

Defeat Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel.
Hunt’s End

Defeat the Lightreaper.
The King is Dead

Defeat the Sundered Monarch.
A Hunger Sated

Defeat Elianne the Starved.

Defeat Adyr, the Bereft Exile.
None Shall be Spared

Defeat all bosses.
The Price of Knowledge

Exacter Dunmire gains the knowledge he seeks.
Part of the Divine

Damarose the Marked receives her divine reward.
Travels Resumed

Sparky is liberated.
Moving On

Byron finds a new purpose.
Hero Worship

Drustan’s faith in his brother remains steadfast.
Antana’s Legacy

The value of Andreas of Ebb’s friendship is made clear.

Stomund, Captain of the Fidelis is greeted at the Empyrean.
Without Purpose

Thehk-Ihir leaves Mournstead.
A Queen’s Rest

Sophesia bestows a final favor.
The Last Step

The Iron Wayfarer’s journey finally ends.
Vengeful Reflection

An Umbral imprint of Isaac faces the Lightreaper.
Lord of the Risen

Reach the Adyr ending.
In Light we Walk

Reach the Radiant ending.
Back to the Void

Reach the Umbral ending.
A Shadow Dispelled

Defeat the Scarlet Shadow.
Essence of Death

Defeat an enemy with an Umbral finisher.
Thriving in Darkness

Use a Vesting Seed.

Reach Level 100.

Visit all of the areas in the game.
The Past Shapes the Present

Offer Molhu the Bowl of Revelations.
Lingering Moments

View all Umbral stigmas.
A Rest Among the Dead

Reach the Skyrest Bridge interior.
A Trace of Venom

Kukajin concludes her business in Mournstead.
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