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Somehow I skipped over Alien Isolation and it's gotta be one of the toughest games I ever played, the constant threat from the Aliens, the working joes, the game is 10 years old and doesn't show it, I wished I played it at launch.
Sevastopol is BIG, it's a space station that revolves around looting, surviving the situation with enemies in the room and you can't move to fast or you'll die. If I have to critique this Sevastopol is it feels like a maze, I think my problem occurred during the second half of the game right before the reactors, I saw corridors that looked the same, some areas of the ship just didn't make any sense. Yes the ship does have maps to help you navigate it, and I give them credit on all the detailed points. Now the ship does have soul to it, particularly the 80's inspired terminals, the hacking mechanisms etc. but I'd have Sevastopol below a level, with USG Ishimura from Dead Space, and the Rapture from Bioshock being levels above.

You have these 80's inspired computers scattered everywhere that reference the Alien movie, provide utilities and audio on the story.
Weapon wheel from Alien Isolation, you have to take time to build things like medkits, and noisemakers.

In terms of expressing yourself through tools, you have a radar that senses the alien. The sensor isn't apart of the flagship weapon wheel and just requires you to press R1 so it's considered an essential tool.
The plot is simple, you're essentially escaping the space station. There's opportunity to save allies, blowing up alien hives by overheating reactors, and there's evidence of a real story here, when you go to terminals you have available briefings about the space station and how it's being decommissioned, or how the specimen got onboard. It seems like a sequel to the movie Alien which is crazy, I think Nostromo (The Ship from Alien) was mentioned many times. You're the daughter of space commander Ripley, you need to get a flight recorder from the Sevastopol space station that is under attack from the Alien, a race that exists to destroy humans. Other than that Alien villain, a guy that stalks you throughout, the other enemies are the space station's employees, just one shot kill them, and there's back stabbing kind of things from your allies.
Save points, another donk, I think you should be able to save from the pause menu like Mass Effect, this puts more tension and fear into every chapter, think about saving with half health and no ammo and trying to advance further without those things. Oh brother.
Alien isolation shows flashes of greatness (Metacritic 79), and resembles an Elon Musk space fantasy, but sometimes the hacking through doors, the time spent finding the right way to the next objective get's in the games own way that said it's a classic first person shooter horror game that I would gladly go back and play and so I would encourage everyone to go buy Alien Isolation.