
I bought this ages ago, and finally got to play it when I got the DLC in the black friday DLC sale on xbox.
And oh boy, does it deliver. Beat em up, rail shooting, QTEs, the game mixes it all together and it (mostly) works really well. The brawling is simplistic, and a little bit janky in terms of dodging and crowd control and balance. But it works, and at most I had to replay a couple of the bosses a few times to get it right. Not too tough, on Normal. You can change the difficulty on the fly, and the game is split up into episodes with credit rolls and intros and all, which works nicely for playing in shorter sessions.
Ive completed the main game (3 Parts with 18 episodes in total) and am about to jump into the fourth DLC part. I understand there was a lot of pushback for Capcom in terms of gating the true ending behind a DLC that you had to pay for. But it can be bought for peanuts now, especially on sale which it seems to be a lot. Definately worth it, if you want something new and crazy and a new experience. I havent played anything quite like it, unless I forget something. And I wish there were more games like this in the market. A remake would be dope, if only to tighten up the combat.
The world needs more games like this.