Mr. PlayStation
Back in end of 2020 I ended up experiencing Demon's Souls Remake and from there on I ended up playing and completing the Dark Souls trilogy. I'd previously bought Bloodborne during it's launch period in 2015 and I'd barely played it. Why didn't I bother playing it back then? Well for starters I never understood the game, it's mechanics or it's story and found the game too dark, scary and intimidating. I lacked the maturity to appreciate and find From Software games immersive and engaging. With the PS5 generation, my eyes were opened to the greatness that's From Software games and my deeper appreciation for souls games had me jump into Bloodborne from scratch.
The level design in Bloodborne gave me the identical omg type moment when I managed to progress through Central Yharnam and find myself all the way back to where I started to unlock this crazy short cut. It reminded me so much of Dark Souls 1 in regards to one cohesive massively connected world. As I played Bloodborne, I ended up reading up items description and started to better understand the story and the ending left me with glossy eyes. The Old Hunters DLC was equally great and shared more light into the backstory of what led to the turn of events in Yharnam. The more action paced combat (no more roll/shield) with pistol parrying/visceral attack turned out to be sublime experience.
In many ways Bloodborne isn't just a souls game, it came across as a pure survival horror RPG game and that's probably why I now find it so memorable. There are so many frightening areas and encounters in the game with jump scary moments. The music in Bloodborne is one of the most impactful I've heard in games in recent memory. Right from the main menu themes all the way to the final boss fight which to me is the best final Boss OST ever in a video game. Gosh I can't stop thinking about Bloodborne. I even ended up platinuming the game. If the game gets a 60fps patch or heck even a remaster, I'd gladly re-buy it on PS5. Thank you
for the suggestion which finally led me to "join the hunt".
The level design in Bloodborne gave me the identical omg type moment when I managed to progress through Central Yharnam and find myself all the way back to where I started to unlock this crazy short cut. It reminded me so much of Dark Souls 1 in regards to one cohesive massively connected world. As I played Bloodborne, I ended up reading up items description and started to better understand the story and the ending left me with glossy eyes. The Old Hunters DLC was equally great and shared more light into the backstory of what led to the turn of events in Yharnam. The more action paced combat (no more roll/shield) with pistol parrying/visceral attack turned out to be sublime experience.
In many ways Bloodborne isn't just a souls game, it came across as a pure survival horror RPG game and that's probably why I now find it so memorable. There are so many frightening areas and encounters in the game with jump scary moments. The music in Bloodborne is one of the most impactful I've heard in games in recent memory. Right from the main menu themes all the way to the final boss fight which to me is the best final Boss OST ever in a video game. Gosh I can't stop thinking about Bloodborne. I even ended up platinuming the game. If the game gets a 60fps patch or heck even a remaster, I'd gladly re-buy it on PS5. Thank you