Last thread was from 2022, so let’s make a new one.
What an incredibly stupid, boring, bloated movie.
Characters exist only to speak stupid lines some degenerate writer put out on an LSD trip. The moment I saw Poe saying: “What you heard is true, Palpatine has returned” and Pippin (sorry bro, nobody cares about your name) looks all dark and brooding and goes : “Must be cloning” I was like:
That is not the only time, the movie is full of these situations where the characters spew pompous shit.
Kylo Ren aka angsty teen having a crisis continues to absolutely suck donkey balls as a villain.
Nostalgia pondering with Luke/Leia/CG Han/CG Luke/CG Leia is pitiful and depressing.
The whole “this is not fleet, these are people” - perfectly reasonable, after all random blokes in random spacecraft will definitely stand a chance against an army of Star Destroyers. Every single time this happens in a movie (Independence Day, I’m pretty sure Pearl Harbor has stupid stuff like that, etc.). Nobody vets this stuff before spending millions shooting it?
The same boring camera shots - you know which one I’m talking about: you freeze the objective, you blur the background so the ship in the middle is being the focal point, yet you are still aware of the dynamism of the scene.
The festival scene while they are searching for the ship:
So Palpatine has returned, dark times are coming to the galaxy, the Final Order (who makes these names?) is on the move and you know what that means:
Worst part: I stopped drinking so I couldn’t even drown myself in a bottle of wine.
What an incredibly stupid, boring, bloated movie.
Characters exist only to speak stupid lines some degenerate writer put out on an LSD trip. The moment I saw Poe saying: “What you heard is true, Palpatine has returned” and Pippin (sorry bro, nobody cares about your name) looks all dark and brooding and goes : “Must be cloning” I was like:

That is not the only time, the movie is full of these situations where the characters spew pompous shit.
Kylo Ren aka angsty teen having a crisis continues to absolutely suck donkey balls as a villain.
Nostalgia pondering with Luke/Leia/CG Han/CG Luke/CG Leia is pitiful and depressing.
The whole “this is not fleet, these are people” - perfectly reasonable, after all random blokes in random spacecraft will definitely stand a chance against an army of Star Destroyers. Every single time this happens in a movie (Independence Day, I’m pretty sure Pearl Harbor has stupid stuff like that, etc.). Nobody vets this stuff before spending millions shooting it?
The same boring camera shots - you know which one I’m talking about: you freeze the objective, you blur the background so the ship in the middle is being the focal point, yet you are still aware of the dynamism of the scene.

The festival scene while they are searching for the ship:

So Palpatine has returned, dark times are coming to the galaxy, the Final Order (who makes these names?) is on the move and you know what that means:

Worst part: I stopped drinking so I couldn’t even drown myself in a bottle of wine.