ChatGPT 0.001

I grew up on GameCube, ssx tricky, different sport games, and initially missed the boat on the god of war games. Now in 2013, PS3 was a legend at that point, it was close to ending so back than Santa Monica was probably involved in Norse God of War Kratos, and yet they knew Greek Kratos needed one last hurrah. From the outside looking in on Ascension, it’s just a prequel essentially. The narrative is provided by Linda Hunt, the cutscenes are so important to the games story, you’re getting an artists view of events.

Kratos here is just a crazy mother fucker, he’s striking deals with gods, cracking puzzles and just amazing graphics.

The music is what keeps things in order, when you’re playing as Kratos the music allows you to unleash savage attacks
Kratos’ rage here is kinda scary, the enemy here are the furries, there’s something about these furries that I love beating the crap out of them with a multitude of combos thanks to Hades, Zeus, Ares and Poseidon’s signature boosts to the blades of chaos.

To me Ascension keeps the essence of classic god of war alive, playing it through ps plus’ ps cloud streaming service I needed to know and understand what the service was all about, and after this opportunity playing a combat heavy game the conditions were good, I’m pretty sure I didn’t lag once. This has to be a service Sony keeps around.

An 80 score no question AAA and suggests game of the year material consideration.
Overall I think God of War Ascension should be considered a complete game in the mainline series, the commitment to Greek lore and foundation led by Kratos, the commitment to combat, yes there was a multiplayer component that was met with some success
Ascension deserves a play, you can beat the game in under 10 hours (rare for todays games) and what does GAF think of this somewhat hidden game?