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It’s ridiculous how good the original MW3 is, it’s overall good, and I think people are starting to recognize how good call of duty from that era was and I finally got around to playing MW3’s campaign, one of the negatives is the online is down on PS3 but we’ll get into more of that below.
I discovered “call of duty” on the original Xbox with COD3 and continued playing them, I blame missing out on this MW3 because of Battlefield 3, it seemed like more of an update and playing on a newly built gaming pc I bought off of Craigslist fueled me to move away from COD (weird perspective, being back in 2011 I would have played both).

The campaign here brought me great joy, the normal 6-7 hour campaign you can beat in a weekend, nothing stopping you in your tracks, it immediately reminds me of COD4, and MW2’s campaign.
They show amazing footage from COD4’s campaign and the sniper battle you go through in that game. You probably don’t remember zakhaev, but he was involved in COD4 so it was cool to see him have a moment here.
MW3 if any positive to say about it is it has one of the greatest characters return in Captain Price, it has a way of turning battles into epic set pieces and its length is either mocked or praised.
I was obsessed with multiplayer back than (rainbow six Vegas 2, killzone 2, battlefield 1943, socom, mgo2 etc.) and especially at that time I was trapped in multiplayer lobbies, but somehow missed MW3 2011.
Unfortunately if you have a new account, or still have an old psn but changed your name since 2011 you cannot play online, more here
What did GAF think of MW3 2011? Did you play it at that time? Did it crush your PC? To me it’s flat out COD4 2008 graphics in 2011, how many of you played it?
Scrapped Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 After-Credits Scene Discovered 13 Years Later
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