Now, The Office has given us a lot of great gifs, and through them I have built a general understanding of a few of the characters in the series, but now that I've finally got around to watching the thing I have found the treasure trove of charming features that so many of you guys have clearly loved for years now, and I love it too! Buttt I'm also kinda worried that I came to the series a tad late. Wanna know more? Come inside...
First thing's first. Jim and Pam.
Wow, from the first episode I've been sitting slack-jawed grinning at their interactions. I'm like most of the way through the third season now and their 'will they won't they' schtick is getting the slightest bit tiresome, but the ride up until this point has been pretty lovely. The actors have incredible chemistry, the writing is top notch, Dwight is a fantastic foil for the whole thing... Yeah, this relationship makes the show - and I imagine I'm not alone in feeling that way.
It's not all positive though, as I just mentioned I don't think there was any particularly good reason for Jim to not just get all up in Pam the moment he moved back to Scranton, so this half season or so he's been with the cute-but-not-pam not-Pam girl has been annoying filler to me, and Pam getting back together with big warehouse oaf is just pushing those goalposts back again and I'm kinda starting to resent it. Edit: That get-back-together thing only lasted like an episode so I'm happy. I just want them to get together, and have their chemically perfect relationship bubbling along through the rest of the series. I know that won't happen.
I've definitely developed the regard for Steve Carrell's acting chops, and I think he's a pretty good looking dude at that, but yeah the character he's playing is not working for me.
I guess new characters will come in, I guess Michael will keep growing which would be appreciated, I suspect cute-but-not-Pam girl will be out of the show by the end of this season (3), if she's not then I hope something drastic happens to rejig her schtick. I don't want to think about Pam and warehouse guy because it's just starting to get annoying at this point.
Thanks for reading
I'll update my thoughts as I go along.
ps. in other news, I've been watching Gundam, too, but I stopped doing it to build a gunpla and I watched The Office during the gunpla build and I'm going to finish/burn out on The Office before I get back to 0079.
How funny is it that my very first gunpla was selected because I liked the box and it turns out to just be a solid gold gunpla with next to no stickers/decals/detailing

First thing's first. Jim and Pam.

It's not all positive though, as I just mentioned I don't think there was any particularly good reason for Jim to not just get all up in Pam the moment he moved back to Scranton, so this half season or so he's been with the cute-but-not-pam not-Pam girl has been annoying filler to me, and Pam getting back together with big warehouse oaf is just pushing those goalposts back again and I'm kinda starting to resent it. Edit: That get-back-together thing only lasted like an episode so I'm happy. I just want them to get together, and have their chemically perfect relationship bubbling along through the rest of the series. I know that won't happen.
Second thing's second. Michael.
I think I've come to the series a wee bit too late, after a few too many other series, to be totally ready to deal with Michael's proclivity to live with a his foot in his mouth. It's just too much for me to really love it. I find the best moments of Michael are when he's actually displaying that he's learning something - when he say something thoughtful, when he says sorry for being an idiot, times like that. I hope his character keeps growing because if he remains a total basket case to the same extent that he's been to date it's going to get old, like Pam and Jim's relationship is starting to get in late series 3. Despite my complaints he has offered up maybe 60% of the cool moments/grins in the series that Jim and Pam haven't been responsible for.
I've definitely developed the regard for Steve Carrell's acting chops, and I think he's a pretty good looking dude at that, but yeah the character he's playing is not working for me.
Third thing's third. The rest of the office.
I'm grouping in Dwight with the rest of them because, yeah, he seems to funciton best when held up against the backdrop of his peers. Dwight is a hilarious sendup of a common perosnality trope (to be honest, he is like 'what would happen if a particularly self absorbed NeoGaf/forum poster acted like they do on message boards in real life?' to a T, he's like 'hipster dufus' Kramer meets Dungeons and Dragons) and I like his intense little affair with Blondie. I think the writing on this show is fantastic so all the other characters are pretty on point, Creed pisses me off but he occasionally lands a bit that is really funny in a Grandpa Simpson kinda way.
Fourth Thing's Fourth, my thoughts on the show as I continue to watch it
I'll be honest, it's got to the point where I'm fast forwarding through Michael's clearly cringeworthy moments. I didn't see too many of the key plot points of the Merideth's wedding episode, for instance. I have a feeling that I might stop watching this show in the next season or two if Jim and Pam really expect me to wait until season 6 for them to finally get it together. So to speak.I guess new characters will come in, I guess Michael will keep growing which would be appreciated, I suspect cute-but-not-Pam girl will be out of the show by the end of this season (3), if she's not then I hope something drastic happens to rejig her schtick. I don't want to think about Pam and warehouse guy because it's just starting to get annoying at this point.
Thanks for reading
ps. in other news, I've been watching Gundam, too, but I stopped doing it to build a gunpla and I watched The Office during the gunpla build and I'm going to finish/burn out on The Office before I get back to 0079.
How funny is it that my very first gunpla was selected because I liked the box and it turns out to just be a solid gold gunpla with next to no stickers/decals/detailing
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