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man, the man of steel trailers were a thing to be hold weren't they


I'm not a superheroes kind of guy by any means, yet i've still watched these Trailers an unhealthy amount of times:

Top tier stuff.
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I agree, great trailers. Makes me want to watch the movie again. I never thought it was as bad as people said, anyway.


Movie is great. Just rewatched it. I think the main issue with this was it was bogged down by a bunch of bullshit twitter hot-takes about certain decisions in the movie then everyone just went along with those criticisms like a dog-pile.


Trailer #3 is goozebumps indulcing even after having watched it 30 times before

Movie is great. Better than most Marvel movies, imo.

Watchmen's trailer was also dope:

I was like "WTF was that?" lol. Made me go look for the graphic novel and etc.

Now I'm a huge Watchmen fan due to this trailer


Trailer #3 is goozebumps indulcing even after having watched it 30 times before

Movie is great. Better than most Marvel movies, imo.

Watchmen's trailer was also dope:

I was like "WTF was that?" lol. Made me go look for the graphic novel and etc.

Now I'm a huge Watchmen fan due to this trailer

The problem with Watchmen (besides changing the ending) was using Hallelujah in the sex scene.

Seriously, watch this and try to not see Patrick Wilson's ass checks thrusting in your mind:


Movie is great. Just rewatched it. I think the main issue with this was it was bogged down by a bunch of bullshit twitter hot-takes about certain decisions in the movie then everyone just went along with those criticisms like a dog-pile.

People complained about Superman killing Zod, but don't care when he does it in Superman II:


Gold Member
Good movie except the final fight was dumb and went on way too long. It fight should had been maybe 1/3rd the length. It was like a crazy action scene like in Avengers with fists and chaos everywhere.

Superman movies are typically more laid back on the action and more about story and origin.
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The problem with Watchmen (besides changing the ending) was using Hallelujah in the sex scene.

Seriously, watch this and try to not see Patrick Wilson's ass checks thrusting in your mind:

I'm one of those that actualy prefers the movie's ending (let's not derail the thread lol)

But yeah, that Hallelujah sex scene was the lowest point of the movie

Tho Snyder used songs that also appeared in the comics pretty well, like Times Are A-Changing and Unforgettable


Superman is my favorite comic book superhero ever, so after watching those trailers back in the day, you can probably imagine where my hype level was at. It's really such a shame the film didn't match the quality of the trailers though.

Overall I don't think Man of Steel is a great movie. There are definitely things in the film that are great. Brilliant even. But the uneven pacing, overly serious tone, and emotionless characters hurt the overall film. It could've easily had been one of the greatest superhero movies ever, because it had the vision and a great cast. But it needed a better script.


The hype to disappointment ratio of the Man of Steel trailers and the film itself has never been topped for me, not even by the sequel trilogy.

A lot of it is to do with the incredible theme they came up with. I still maintain that all the pieces of a great movie were there, some idiot just jumbled it all up into this terribly edited mess.

Also the various lines from the movie are burned into my brain.




I enjoyed MoS just felt there was wayyy to much happening in the final act superman v Zod then with the world engine going it just felt there was to much destruction, I get it Zack was going for battle of the gods theme with some DBZ thrown in I just felt it was to much.

Supes fighting Zod in an epic battle would have been enough for me but I felt the World engine took it to far and always thought that if a device like that was ever used it would crack the earth in half.

I think DC should have stayed to single movie format until they had built up the universe before leaping into the X-over movie phase.
Perhaps they could have built up Clark’s backstory with his dad over multiple films and given his fathers sacrifice more impact.

I’ve got to give Zack his dues though his vison, visuals and cinematography were pretty good in MoS always felt WB/DC let him down and perhaps asked to much from him trying to catch Marvel’s tail.

Rat Rage

Yes, the second Man of Steel trailer is probably one of the best trailers ever made. I got so hype when I first saw it, but then the movie did not live up to the trailer at all.
I enjoyed MoS just felt there was wayyy to much happening in the final act superman v Zod then with the world engine going it just felt there was to much destruction, I get it Zack was going for battle of the gods theme with some DBZ thrown in I just felt it was to much.

Supes fighting Zod in an epic battle would have been enough for me but I felt the World engine took it to far and always thought that if a device like that was ever used it would crack the earth in half.

I think DC should have stayed to single movie format until they had built up the universe before leaping into the X-over movie phase.
Perhaps they could have built up Clark’s backstory with his dad over multiple films and given his fathers sacrifice more impact.

I’ve got to give Zack his dues though his vison, visuals and cinematography were pretty good in MoS always felt WB/DC let him down and perhaps asked to much from him trying to catch Marvel’s tail.
That’s true. The fight was enough. It didn’t need to be an “end of the world in 5 minutes” thing. It added an extra, unnecessary amount of complexity to something that was pretty straight forward. It’s fairly obvious that if Zod wins the fight, humans are finished anyway.


Resident Cheap Arse
I really like Man of Steel, it's one of my favorite super hero movies of the past two decades.

The casting is really good. Cavil is spot on a Superman while Michael Shanon is great a Zod and really does a great job adding some depth and menace to the character. Also, Antje Traue does a really great job as Faora.

I like the storyline and I think they do a great job building Clark up while he's wandering around looking for answers culminating in him finding the ship and getting the suit. That first scene where he takes off is iconic and one of the best superhero moments on film. I also really like how menacing they make the arrival of the other Kryptonians - they managed to make it unsettling and creepy, playing up the uncertainty and bordering just a little on horror tones with the creepy broadcast.

Costume design was spot on. Zod and his crew look menacing in their full gear while Cavil looks impressive and suitably contrasting in his suit.

Characters are brilliantly done, but there are notable flaws. As I mentioned Zod is really good and they manage to flesh out the character and give it a bit more depth. Faora is a perfect example of how to do a strong female character without pandering - she doesn't play on her gender, she's just a really good soldier and can handle herself really well. Comes across intimidating and the fight between her and Superman is well done with her kicking his arse due to greater skill. Superman is pretty good but I'll agree with the critisism that he's a little bit too dark and should be a bit more hopeful and positive. Martha Kent is great, really like her in this one but Jonathan Kent is not so good and his character is inconsitent and illogical bordering on stupidity (yes, the tornado).

I'll also defend the fights. This movie at least had the balls to show the collaterol damage that would occur if beings like this fought. I remember at the time of the movie people were critisizing the film for how Superman allowed such destruction to occur but it's far more honest than the likes of Avengers. If beings like that fight, shit is going to get destroyed. Superman was just learning his powers and had no formal combat training but was fighting experienced soldiers. This is highlighted in the fight against Faora where she's almost playing with him because of her combat skill and experience and again during the fight with Zod where he demonstrates how much faster he can adapt to his newfound powers. Superman was outmatched and these fights occurred in populated areas - there wasn't an option to move it elsewhere and the resulting damage is what you'd get. I'll never understand how Avengers gets away with claiming such low casualties from it's end fight with an entire army invading.

The score is also great. That scene where the battle with the terraforming machines is coming to a peak, perry is trying to console Jenny as the destruction is abaut to hit them and Superman rises up and makes the push to get up, fly upto and destroy the machine - absolutely brilliant.

Yeah, there are flaws and it has an awful flashback moment but overall I think it's one of the better superhero movies and get's way more shit than it deserves.
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People complained about Superman killing Zod, but don't care when he does it in Superman II:
Something I didn't realize til this year: Snyder's Zod head snap was a direct callback to this.


I would say throwing a guy off screen is the 80s kid friendly equivalent of "he isn't killed, just gone" whereas the Snyder version is more meant to be read as violent (see Superman's immediate reaction).


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Snyder trailers are always amazing. Watch the BvS comic con trailer. Absolutely amazing. He seems to struggle with the full 2 hour runtimes like most music video directors.

Man of Steel's soundtrack is absolutely phenomenal. Some of Hans Zimmer's best work.



Gold Member
Yeah those where amazing.

To be fair I still enjoyed the movie. But went in exoecting a 10/10 superhero movie and it was more like a 6-7.

Once Zod arrives and the whole final battle was nice. Some of the earlier stuff, not so much


Thanks for reminding me how awesome that movie was. Need to watch it again. I’m one of the few who found it to be freaking awesome. The first CBM to have two supers duke it out and FEEL like it. Supes and Zod was epic. I even get the whole tornado scene.

Only thing I still don’t like is the whole “it’s not an S” line. Just dumb.


The leaked Comic Con trailer with the Thin Red Line score was pure hype and still the best trailer.

The movie turned out decent. Its close to being really good, but its just slightly off in many ways that add up and hold it back.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Don't know, I fell asleep the both times I've seen it
Still haven't seen it all the way through yet 😂
Movie just kept on jumping around too much
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