JoshuaJSlone said:
Why not? Wii third party software has already outsold GameCube third party software and one of the two is still increasing.
And yet getting anyone to develop a game for it is still like pulling teeth.
If the Wii is actually selling hardware and software well
right now, in the
present, and people are unwilling to develop for it, why would launching a new system (i.e. a new reset of the board that could potentially fail to carry over the Wii's success) suddenly change their minds?
freddy said:
So can the resurgence of the PSP be put down solely to the popularity Monster Hunter?
"Solely" is a pretty strong word here, so I want to break down my response a little.
Is MH "solely" responsible as in the resurgence wouldn't have happened without it? I think this would be accurate, yes: without this game to break open the teenage boy market and make clear the value of local multi on PSP, the system would not have had a second wind no matter what other games were released for it.
Is MH the only game that helped to increase hardware sales for the PSP and sustain its bump during the period it was selling well? No, I don't think so. A variety of other 3rd party titles have succeeded on the system since, with a number of them outperforming (pre-MH3) all console third-party titles. I think SE and Sega, especially, identified the new market that had opened up here and strengthened it with new titles that directly appealed to that market.
Chris1964 said:
The only release that matters for PSP is Monster Hunter, as hardware sales prove.
I'm not sure I buy that as a flat conclusion. JJS' charts show several higher (much higher, in the case of P*P) charting PSP games from the equivalent period last year. I don't think it's indefensible to read that as a more desirable overall lineup for that period.