However, there is now fresh concern that the always-online Redfall could become unplayable if and when Microsoft shuts its servers off. In March last year, ahead of Redfall's release, Arkane Austin said it was working on a fix that would reverse Redfall's always-online requirement, an aspect that was met with backlash when first announced.
In an interview with Eurogamer, game director Harvey Smith said: "We listen. And we have already started work to address this in the future. We have to do some things like encrypt your save games and do a bunch of UI work to support it. And so we are looking into — I'm not supposed to promise anything — but we're looking into and working actively toward fixing that in the future."
Click to shrink...
However, the offline mode failed to materialize. IGN understands Redfall's May update would have added the ability to play offline, which in turn would have helped with keeping the game alive in the future. Unfortunately for players, it will never see the light of day.

Arkane Austin Was Working on a Big Redfall Update for May Before Microsoft Ditched the Game and Closed the Studio - IGN
The now abandoned Redfall had a roadmap of support that was being actively worked on before Microsoft scrapped all development and closed its developer, IGN can reveal.
So Arkane Austin was about to release an update that would have given Redfall an offline mode, something that they said a year ago they were working on.
And Microsoft won't even allow them to do that.
What do all the people who were calling Microsoft pro-consumer the last few years, all the people who said they would buy games on xbox because Microsoft "is the safest place to build a digital library because they care so much" think about this?
Get in here and tell us about how they're oh so pro-consumer and how they're the only ones who care about our digital gaming libraries.