
More People Are Playing Left 4 Dead 2 Than Back 4 Blood
Steam numbers show Turtle Rock’s latest project losing out to its 12-year-old predecessor

After playing Vermintide 2 for so long, it was hard to get back into L4D2. But such a great game from many years agoThis makes me so happy.![]()
one of the best of all time. b4b is a pale shadow compared to this game.![]()
More People Are Playing Left 4 Dead 2 Than Back 4 Blood
Steam numbers show Turtle Rock’s latest project losing out to its 12-year-old predecessorkotaku.com
Steam numbers show Turtle Rock’s latest project losing out to its 12-year-old predecessor
Steam Numbers
Gamepass. That’s why lol. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Try harder Kotaku
Who in their right mind paid $60 for B4B rather than paying for a month of Game Pass? Clickbaity as fuck
Do you know this game was literally on sale on GMG for like $50? On preorder and after launch? I think a ton of people were turned off by the beta. steam and l4d is was larger than any game on gamepass in it's height.
60 dollars, 50 dollars, it's still not the 10 dollars that a month of GP PC costs, or hell, 1 dollar trial if that's still a thing.
I'm not saying that one game is better than the other, I'm saying that comparing the two player counts is retarded. The Steam player count for B4B is going to be severely gimped by the game being on GP - which wasn't a thing when L4D2 launched - and comparing it to a game that's been on sale for 11 years for literally two dollars is just dumb.
I'm saying everyone who has been a steam user and owns l4d which is a lot know of Turtle rock and have been asking for another L4D for over 10 years. Then they see this coming from the original people who did l4d, and it's literally being advertised as "From the people who brought you L4D". So no, it has more to do with tons of people having access to the beta, being turned off, and seeing it's price $60 which is not what l4D launched at.
It's more of a ton of people are disappointed at what was suppose to be a l4d successor. Which B4B is clearly not.
So your basically saying people on pc would rather buy a game on steam than play it for next to nothing on gamepass?You know steam is larger than Xbox right? Larger than 20 Million GAMEPASS subs, and that l4d has sold like a fuck tone of copies, and has had a fan base for longer than anything?
The game was played a good amount during the beta on steam, people prefer l4d has little to do with gamepass as gamepass on PC is so insignificant number wise compared to steam.
Sure, but what you and I are saying aren't mutually exclusive. What you wrote is true and yet it's still stupid to look at the Steam numbers when the game's prominently featured as a day-one-on-Game-Pass game. No way in hell I'd pay anywhere near $50 to "own" B4B when I already have access to it, so I don't count as a statistic. My point is we need the total player count to say anything worthwhile, which I'm pretty sure we don't have access to.
So your basically saying people on pc would rather buy a game on steam than play it for next to nothing on gamepass?
No it is you who is not using logical thinking. How many subs are there for gamepass total? We now now its around 20 Million right? How many copies of l4d and l4d2 are there sold? In 2012 it was stated they had over 12 million in sales within the franchise. In 2012?
SO how many do you think there are now, and now that they have combined both games as a package deal on steam? More people because of the price and how heavily discounted it was for almost every steam sale owns this game. Even with back4blood being available on gamepass, the sheer amount of owners of l4d out numbers gamepass subscribers.
Steam owners of l4d outstrip total amount of people who have gamepass Im pretty confident in that.
ANd the fact that this game is free on gamepass should show larger concurrent players. But a game thats almost over 10 years old now has more players? How is that not adding up?
Gamepass isn't on Steam. Concurrent players are only from Steam.ANd the fact that this game is free on gamepass should show larger concurrent players.
Like this article only exists to get the haters to hate share the link for clicks/impressions.
Ok. So the figures don’t reflect people playing the game on pc gamepass?No it is you who is not using logical thinking. How many subs are there for gamepass total? We now now its around 20 Million right? How many copies of l4d and l4d2 are there sold? In 2012 it was stated they had over 12 million in sales within the franchise. In 2012?
SO how many do you think there are now, and now that they have combined both games as a package deal on steam? More people because of the price and how heavily discounted it was for almost every steam sale owns this game. Even with back4blood being available on gamepass, the sheer amount of owners of l4d out numbers gamepass subscribers.
ANd the fact that this game is free on gamepass should show larger concurrent players. But a game thats almost over 10 years old now has more players? How is that not adding up?
Steam owners of l4d outstrip total amount of people who have gamepass Im pretty confident in that.
yES, BUT your not getting it for nothing? You are paying 10-15$ a month. L4D can be had for like less than $5. ANd there are more people who have steam and own left 4 dead than there are PC people who have gamepass and probably console as well.
Who in their right mind paid $60 for B4B rather than paying for a month of Game Pass? Clickbaity as fuck
Ok. So the figures don’t reflect people playing the game on pc gamepass?
Back 4 Blood is okay. I think people just wanted more L4D which it delivers in an off brand, less interesting fashion. The problem is that they had to "modernize" the game play loop with a rogue lite card system and loot. And while that's not bad on its' face, the acts are mostly 9-10 levels long which is just way too much of a time sink. L4D acts were 4 levels long and could be completed in a brief gaming session. I'd like to play more Back 4 Blood but I don't want to invest that much time in a single setting.
p.s. L4D > L4D2
p.p.s. No Mercy > all
Gamepass. That’s why lol. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. Try harder Kotaku
p.s. L4D > L4D2
p.p.s. No Mercy > all
Did they not announce 6 million players?Played through the campaign with some friends, thought it was pretty damn good. Seems like every build is legit.
Shame its flopping, but its not to the level that L4D2 was so i dunno.