EDIT: Removed the "+ MOVIE" from the title, after "Season 7", but leaving the header image as is due to laziness. Movie discussion has been split off into its own thread.
To be clear, there have been four direct to video movies that tie into Friendship is Magic, the Equestria Girls series, which had limited runs in theaters, but this is the first wide release My Little Pony film since the one in the 80s. There's probably no Smooze (though a cameo is possible), but in exchange, we'll have our favorite dwarf horses and the animated return of seaponies!
Unusually, season 7 will not start with a multi-parter, but rather with two stand-alone episodes. We know little about the general direction of the season, but there will likely be something leading into the movie, and the comics imply that big things are coming.
Besides all that, three half-hour Equestria Girls TV specials will release this year, first on Netflix then on Discovery Family. IDW is continuing the main Friendship is Magic comic series with issues that supposedly tie into season 7. They have dropped the Friends Forever series, but are starting Legends of Magic to take its place, which tells stories about Equestria's past, and are releasing a movie prequel miniseries.
There probably isn't too much danger is just starting the series from the newest episode, but if you're uncomfortable with that, then good news, we made an episode guide, now updated for 2017! The image version isn't ready yet, but we've provided a text version for now, with links to completed image sections. If you don't want to watch over 156 episodes, or have fallen behind and want to quickly catch up, watch the episodes we've recommended. Note that in the interest of keeping the number of recommended episodes down, there are several good episodes that have been left off. If you like a character, just look for episodes tagged with that character and watch them regardless of if they're recommended or not. As an update from last year, we also included notes about what you'd like or dislike about every episode.
Season 1
Season 2
What is Equestria Girls?
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Online Shorts
Also of note are the Equestria Girls movies, described in the above guide, and the comics published by IDW. The comics are a mixed bag, but there's a lot to like.

Season 6 recap
Look back: Season 6
After turning the evil Starlight Glimmer to the side of good, Twilight Sparkle took her under her wing as a student, teaching her the magic of friendship, though both learned from the process. During this, Princess Cadance gave birth to Flurry Heart, destroyer of worlds; and Starlight made a new friend. In the Crystal Empire, Spike befriended a changeling named Thorax, who then discovered that by being openly friendly to others, he no longer had to feed on love.
In the season finale, Starlight and Trixie visited the village the former used to rule over, but she was overwhelmed by anxiety when she was asked to help plan an event, and ran back to Ponyville. There, she discovered that all of her friends were replaced by changelings, and she formed a team made up of her, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord to confront Queen Chrysalis in her hive. They managed to overcome the power of her throne, which counters all non-changeling magic (including Discord's) when Thorax released all the love energy he had built up. By willingly giving love, Thorax transformed into a colorful and hole-free changeling king, and the other changelings followed his lead to become their true selves. Queen Chrysalis, however, chose to remain the way she was and fled. In the end, Starlight got over her anxiety over being a leader.
Other things that happened include:
* The sins of season 2's "Dragon Quest" were purged by "Gauntlet of Fire" introducing female dragons, making dragon society more complex, and actually being a good Spike episode. Plus, it had a tsundere dragon princess.
* Rainbow Dash is officially a Wonderbolt! And what a great one she is!
* Rarity opened a new shop in Manehattan, and a new dance craze was started.
* Fluttershy has a sudden brother. In a twist, he's a younger brother yet still an adult. He's something.
* Oh, and it looks like Trixie is finally a regular character now!

Following Starlight's success at leading her group to defeat Chrysalis, Twilight believes that she no longer has to be her student. She turns to Celestia for advice about what to do next. After that... ¯_(ツ
The season premiere isn't even a multi-parter (a first for this series), and thus far, we don't have a clear idea what the season will bring. Comics have been announced that tie into season 7, which point toward the history of Equestria being a major theme, and there will be likely something that sets up the movie, but we know little for certain. We don't even know if Starlight stays in Twilight's castle. And the toy tie-ins are all focused on the movie, so no clues there. It's actually pretty refreshing.
New episodes air at 11:30 AM EDT on Saturdays on Discovery Family, and are usually put up on iTunes the next day. Seasons 1-6 can be found on iTunes and US Netflix. Episode descriptions for new episodes are taken from Zap2It and press releases.
1. Celestial Advice - April 15
Twilight Sparkle agonizes over Starlight Glimmer's future and receives some much-needed advice from her very own mentor – Princess Celestia.
2. All Bottled Up - April 15
While the Mane 6 are on a friendship retreat, Starlight Glimmer loses Twilight Sparkle's friendship map. Afraid her anger might get out of control, Starlight Glimmer casts a calming spell while the ponies search for the lost map.
3. A Flurry of Emotions - April 22
After planning a jam-packed day, Twilight Sparkle also agrees to babysit her niece, Flurry Heart. But with Flurry Heart along for the ride, Twilight Sparkle struggles to maintain her title as 'The Best Aunt Ever' while keeping Flurry Heart out of trouble!
4. Rock Solid Friendship - April 29
When Pinkie Pie learns that Maud might move to Ponyville, she does everything she can to make sure her sister sees that it has more to offer than just rocks.
"Fluttershy Leans In" early discussion
5. Fluttershy Leans In - May 6 (Canada - April 30)
Fluttershy is determined to make her career dreams come true with the help of some very special ponies. But when her true vision is not being executed properly, she must find a way to stand up and fight for her ideas.
"Forever Filly" early discussion
"Parental Glideance" early discussion
"Hard to Say Anything" early discussion
6. Forever Filly - May 13 (Canada - May 6)
When Rarity surprises Sweetie Belle with a special day together filled with all of her favorite activities, she quickly learns that her little sister is no longer the little foal she used to be.
"Honest Apple" early discussion
Equestria Girls special - "Dance Magic" early discussion
7. Parental Glideance - May 20 (Canada - May 7)
When Rainbow Dash's parents discover she's a Wonderbolt, they show up at every event to cheer her on. However, their unabashed enthusiasm proves to be rather embarrassing and pushes Rainbow Dash to the brink.
"A Royal Problem" early discussion
"Not Asking For Trouble" early discussion
Equestria Girls special - "Movie Magic" early discussion
8. Hard to Say Anything - May 27 (Canada - May 13)
When the Cutie Mark Crusaders discover that Big Mac has his first crush, they vow to help him win Sugar Belle's heart before Feather Bangs does it first.
Equestria Girls special - "Mirror Magic" early discussion
9. Honest Apple - June 3 (Canada - May 14)
When Rarity asks Applejack to be a judge in a fashion show, Applejack learns that an opinion, however honest, can still be hurtful.
10. A Royal Problem - June 10 (Canada - May 20)
Starlight Glimmer is sent to solve a friendship problem between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna; when it's clear that the problem is that the royal sisters don't appreciate one another, Starlight impulsively switches their cutie marks!
11. Not Asking for Trouble - June 17 (Canada - May 21)
Pinkie Pie visits Prince Rutherford and the Yaks. While there an avalanche falls on the entire rustic village of Yakyakistan. Pinkie Pie suggests that she go to get the other ponies to help but the proud Prince and Yaks refuse.
"Discordant Harmony" early discussion
"The Perfect Pear" early discussion
Equestria Girls special - Dance Magic - June 24 (Poland - May 14)
When Rarity finds out about a music video competition, she's eager to convince her friends at Canterlot High to enter the contest. The girls soon learn that Crystal Prep Academy are also interested in participating in the contest. The students at CPA have many more resources and are better dancers! Will they be able to pull together and make a winning music video?
Equestria Girls special - Movie Magic - July 1 (Poland - May 21)
The Equestria Girls have been specially invited by A.K. Yearling to go on the set of the upcoming Daring Do movie and they are overjoyed. For super-fan Rainbow Dash, watching behind the scenes as her favorite heroine comes to life is a dream come true. But when a rare and important prop from the set goes missing, putting the movie on hold, Rainbow Dash's dream becomes a nightmare.
Equestria Girls special - Mirror Magic - July 8 (Poland - May 28)
As the pages in her journal run out, there's only one thing for Sunset Shimmer to do: return to Equestria to get a new journal! There, she meets Starlight Glimmer and agrees to bring her back to experience life at Canterlot High. But while Sunset Shimmer was away, a revenge-seeking Juniper Montage finds a beautiful hand mirror enchanted with Equestrian magic. Not only can it provide a window into another land, but if you push the right button, it can also make things disappear into limbo, trapped between the two realms!
12. Discordant Harmony (note: "The Perfect Pear" is discussed earlier than this) - August 5 (Australia - June 20)
When Discord invites Fluttershy to his realm for tea, he worries she won't be comfortable there and begins to change it and himself with disastrous results.
13. The Perfect Pear - August 5 (Australia - June 21)
The Apple Siblings learn about their parent's love story and find out that they're half Pear.
14. Fame and Misfortune - August 12
Twilight Sparkle's publishing of the friendship journal has unintended consequences when ponies start to argue over who wrote the best lessons.
15. Triple Threat - August 19
Spike accidentally invites Ember and Thorax to Ponyville on the same day. He's sure the two new leaders are not going to get along so he does all he can to keep them apart and cover the fact that the other is there.
16. Campfire Tales - August 26
When their sister camping trip is ruined by Fly-ders, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash tell Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo the stories of their favorite legends; inspired by the tales, the girls make the most out of their new situation.
17. To Change a Changeling - September 2
Starlight Glimmer and Trixie try to get Thorax's brother Pharynx to accept the new way by sharing love and transforming so he doesn't undermine Thorax's leadership, and that the hive will ultimately accept him.
"Daring Done" early discussion
18. Daring Done - September 9 (leak - September 3)
When Rainbow Dash's favorite author, A.K. Yearling, announces her retirement, Dash convinces Pinkie Pie to go on a quest to find out if the book on Daring Do really will be closed forever.
19. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - September 16
When Rarity's shampoo is accidentally switched with Zecora's magical remover potion, she does everything she can to fix her devastated mane in time for an upcoming photo shoot.
"A Health of Information" early discussion
20. A Health of Information - September 23 (Russia - September 18)
While helping Fluttershy gather supplies, Zecora comes down with a terrible disease called Swamp Fever; even though a cure has not been discovered, Fluttershy makes it her mission to heal Zecora no matter what it takes.
21. Marks and Recreation - September 30
Wanting to help as many blank flanks as possible, the CMCs start a Cutie Mark Day Camp, but are surprised when one of their campers doesn't want a cutie mark.
MOVIE premiere - October 6
22. Once Upon a Zeppelin - October 7
Twilight is torn when she discovers the cruise she and her family are on is actually a themed vacation experience in which ponies have paid for the privilege of spending time with her. Will she be able to please both her family and the cruise attendees?
Season 7 full leak early discussion
23. Secrets and Pies - October 14
When Pinkie Pie thinks she sees Rainbow Dash throw away one of her pies, she suspects the worst. Pinkie Pie attempts to catch Rainbow Dash in her web of lies... using pies.
24. Uncommon Bond - October 21
When Starlight gets a visit from Sunburst, she discovers that he has tons in common with her friends and starts to wonder if he still has anything in common with her.
25-26. Shadow Play - October 28
When Sunburst discovers the lost journal of Starswirl the Bearded, Twilight becomes obsessed with saving her magical idol from a thousand-year-old prison.
This thread is for the discussion of all official media content, including Equestria Girls and the IDW comics, along with news and speculation. For general fandom discussion, including fan-made episodes, you can go to the Community thread.
* Episode titles and official synopses can be freely discussed, along with things tweeted by show crew and such.
* If an episode or movie information is leaked or made available early (some episodes have been put on iTunes early), discussion of it should be behind spoiler bars until after it normally airs, and you should state that you are discussing that episode early instead of just having a blacked out post.
* Fan works (art, music) are fine to post, but it's preferred if you only post works related to the most recent episodes. General fanworks or works based on earlier episodes should go to the Community thread.
* Something a few posters (including myself) have done is create bingo cards for the season. So the thread doesn't get clogged up by them, only embed the images if you get a bingo. Otherwise, just link them.
Season 1 Thread
Season 2 Thread
Season 3 Thread
Season 4 Thread
Season 5 Thread
Season 6 Thread
Community Thread
Movie Announcement Thread
Movie Trailer Thread
Fan community links
Equestria Daily - The most active fan blog dedicated to MLP:FiM. It can be a bit hasty in posting rumors, but it is the best place to find news and fanworks at the same time. Like any big blog, avoid the comments.
Derpibooru - The biggest collection of MLP:FiM related images online. They block NSFW images, but sometimes things slip through, so it is unlinked. Avoid the comments.
The Round Stable - The best dedicated forum for MLP:FiM discussion, founded by those who left Something Awful when MLP discussion became a bannable offense there. There is a main page, but it's dead now. It also runs Bronibooru, a site similar to Derpibooru, but dedicated to only uploading family-friendly images.
MLP:FiM Wikia - The better source for pure information on the show and its characters.
We have a Discord! Quote to see:
Credit to Fat4all and DrForester for custom images

My Little Pony the Movie is finally here! Well, in six months as of thread creation. This movie is based on the Friendship is Magic TV series, and every character from there will have the same voice actor as in the show. Oh, but there's still plenty to look forward to before that. For one thing, season 7! This thread will mainly focus on that, but it will also include movie discussion once it comes out.Movie OT
Trailer thread
Trailer 1
Teaser trailer
Release date: October 6, 2017
Guest stars:
Emily Blunt - Tempest Shadow
Zoe Saldana - Captain Celaeno
Michael Peña - Grubber
Liev Schreiber - The Storm King
Kristin Chenoweth - Princess Skystar
Uzo Aduba - Queen Novo
Taye Diggs - Capper
Sia - Songbird Serenade
In order to stop a threat to the town of Ponyville, the "Mane Six" – Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity – must leave their home kingdom of Equestria, meeting new friends and overcoming challenges in the process.
To be clear, there have been four direct to video movies that tie into Friendship is Magic, the Equestria Girls series, which had limited runs in theaters, but this is the first wide release My Little Pony film since the one in the 80s. There's probably no Smooze (though a cameo is possible), but in exchange, we'll have our favorite dwarf horses and the animated return of seaponies!
Unusually, season 7 will not start with a multi-parter, but rather with two stand-alone episodes. We know little about the general direction of the season, but there will likely be something leading into the movie, and the comics imply that big things are coming.
Besides all that, three half-hour Equestria Girls TV specials will release this year, first on Netflix then on Discovery Family. IDW is continuing the main Friendship is Magic comic series with issues that supposedly tie into season 7. They have dropped the Friends Forever series, but are starting Legends of Magic to take its place, which tells stories about Equestria's past, and are releasing a movie prequel miniseries.
There probably isn't too much danger is just starting the series from the newest episode, but if you're uncomfortable with that, then good news, we made an episode guide, now updated for 2017! The image version isn't ready yet, but we've provided a text version for now, with links to completed image sections. If you don't want to watch over 156 episodes, or have fallen behind and want to quickly catch up, watch the episodes we've recommended. Note that in the interest of keeping the number of recommended episodes down, there are several good episodes that have been left off. If you like a character, just look for episodes tagged with that character and watch them regardless of if they're recommended or not. As an update from last year, we also included notes about what you'd like or dislike about every episode.
Season 1
Season 2
What is Equestria Girls?
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Online Shorts
Also of note are the Equestria Girls movies, described in the above guide, and the comics published by IDW. The comics are a mixed bag, but there's a lot to like.

Season 6 recap
Look back: Season 6
After turning the evil Starlight Glimmer to the side of good, Twilight Sparkle took her under her wing as a student, teaching her the magic of friendship, though both learned from the process. During this, Princess Cadance gave birth to Flurry Heart, destroyer of worlds; and Starlight made a new friend. In the Crystal Empire, Spike befriended a changeling named Thorax, who then discovered that by being openly friendly to others, he no longer had to feed on love.
In the season finale, Starlight and Trixie visited the village the former used to rule over, but she was overwhelmed by anxiety when she was asked to help plan an event, and ran back to Ponyville. There, she discovered that all of her friends were replaced by changelings, and she formed a team made up of her, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord to confront Queen Chrysalis in her hive. They managed to overcome the power of her throne, which counters all non-changeling magic (including Discord's) when Thorax released all the love energy he had built up. By willingly giving love, Thorax transformed into a colorful and hole-free changeling king, and the other changelings followed his lead to become their true selves. Queen Chrysalis, however, chose to remain the way she was and fled. In the end, Starlight got over her anxiety over being a leader.
Other things that happened include:
* The sins of season 2's "Dragon Quest" were purged by "Gauntlet of Fire" introducing female dragons, making dragon society more complex, and actually being a good Spike episode. Plus, it had a tsundere dragon princess.
* Rainbow Dash is officially a Wonderbolt! And what a great one she is!
* Rarity opened a new shop in Manehattan, and a new dance craze was started.
* Fluttershy has a sudden brother. In a twist, he's a younger brother yet still an adult. He's something.
* Oh, and it looks like Trixie is finally a regular character now!

Following Starlight's success at leading her group to defeat Chrysalis, Twilight believes that she no longer has to be her student. She turns to Celestia for advice about what to do next. After that... ¯_(ツ
The season premiere isn't even a multi-parter (a first for this series), and thus far, we don't have a clear idea what the season will bring. Comics have been announced that tie into season 7, which point toward the history of Equestria being a major theme, and there will be likely something that sets up the movie, but we know little for certain. We don't even know if Starlight stays in Twilight's castle. And the toy tie-ins are all focused on the movie, so no clues there. It's actually pretty refreshing.

New episodes air at 11:30 AM EDT on Saturdays on Discovery Family, and are usually put up on iTunes the next day. Seasons 1-6 can be found on iTunes and US Netflix. Episode descriptions for new episodes are taken from Zap2It and press releases.
1. Celestial Advice - April 15
Twilight Sparkle agonizes over Starlight Glimmer's future and receives some much-needed advice from her very own mentor – Princess Celestia.
2. All Bottled Up - April 15
While the Mane 6 are on a friendship retreat, Starlight Glimmer loses Twilight Sparkle's friendship map. Afraid her anger might get out of control, Starlight Glimmer casts a calming spell while the ponies search for the lost map.
3. A Flurry of Emotions - April 22
After planning a jam-packed day, Twilight Sparkle also agrees to babysit her niece, Flurry Heart. But with Flurry Heart along for the ride, Twilight Sparkle struggles to maintain her title as 'The Best Aunt Ever' while keeping Flurry Heart out of trouble!
4. Rock Solid Friendship - April 29
When Pinkie Pie learns that Maud might move to Ponyville, she does everything she can to make sure her sister sees that it has more to offer than just rocks.
"Fluttershy Leans In" early discussion
5. Fluttershy Leans In - May 6 (Canada - April 30)
Fluttershy is determined to make her career dreams come true with the help of some very special ponies. But when her true vision is not being executed properly, she must find a way to stand up and fight for her ideas.
"Forever Filly" early discussion
"Parental Glideance" early discussion
"Hard to Say Anything" early discussion
6. Forever Filly - May 13 (Canada - May 6)
When Rarity surprises Sweetie Belle with a special day together filled with all of her favorite activities, she quickly learns that her little sister is no longer the little foal she used to be.
"Honest Apple" early discussion
Equestria Girls special - "Dance Magic" early discussion
7. Parental Glideance - May 20 (Canada - May 7)
When Rainbow Dash's parents discover she's a Wonderbolt, they show up at every event to cheer her on. However, their unabashed enthusiasm proves to be rather embarrassing and pushes Rainbow Dash to the brink.
"A Royal Problem" early discussion
"Not Asking For Trouble" early discussion
Equestria Girls special - "Movie Magic" early discussion
8. Hard to Say Anything - May 27 (Canada - May 13)
When the Cutie Mark Crusaders discover that Big Mac has his first crush, they vow to help him win Sugar Belle's heart before Feather Bangs does it first.
Equestria Girls special - "Mirror Magic" early discussion
9. Honest Apple - June 3 (Canada - May 14)
When Rarity asks Applejack to be a judge in a fashion show, Applejack learns that an opinion, however honest, can still be hurtful.
10. A Royal Problem - June 10 (Canada - May 20)
Starlight Glimmer is sent to solve a friendship problem between Princess Celestia and Princess Luna; when it's clear that the problem is that the royal sisters don't appreciate one another, Starlight impulsively switches their cutie marks!
11. Not Asking for Trouble - June 17 (Canada - May 21)
Pinkie Pie visits Prince Rutherford and the Yaks. While there an avalanche falls on the entire rustic village of Yakyakistan. Pinkie Pie suggests that she go to get the other ponies to help but the proud Prince and Yaks refuse.
"Discordant Harmony" early discussion
"The Perfect Pear" early discussion
Equestria Girls special - Dance Magic - June 24 (Poland - May 14)
When Rarity finds out about a music video competition, she's eager to convince her friends at Canterlot High to enter the contest. The girls soon learn that Crystal Prep Academy are also interested in participating in the contest. The students at CPA have many more resources and are better dancers! Will they be able to pull together and make a winning music video?
Equestria Girls special - Movie Magic - July 1 (Poland - May 21)
The Equestria Girls have been specially invited by A.K. Yearling to go on the set of the upcoming Daring Do movie and they are overjoyed. For super-fan Rainbow Dash, watching behind the scenes as her favorite heroine comes to life is a dream come true. But when a rare and important prop from the set goes missing, putting the movie on hold, Rainbow Dash's dream becomes a nightmare.
Equestria Girls special - Mirror Magic - July 8 (Poland - May 28)
As the pages in her journal run out, there's only one thing for Sunset Shimmer to do: return to Equestria to get a new journal! There, she meets Starlight Glimmer and agrees to bring her back to experience life at Canterlot High. But while Sunset Shimmer was away, a revenge-seeking Juniper Montage finds a beautiful hand mirror enchanted with Equestrian magic. Not only can it provide a window into another land, but if you push the right button, it can also make things disappear into limbo, trapped between the two realms!
12. Discordant Harmony (note: "The Perfect Pear" is discussed earlier than this) - August 5 (Australia - June 20)
When Discord invites Fluttershy to his realm for tea, he worries she won't be comfortable there and begins to change it and himself with disastrous results.
13. The Perfect Pear - August 5 (Australia - June 21)
The Apple Siblings learn about their parent's love story and find out that they're half Pear.
14. Fame and Misfortune - August 12
Twilight Sparkle's publishing of the friendship journal has unintended consequences when ponies start to argue over who wrote the best lessons.
15. Triple Threat - August 19
Spike accidentally invites Ember and Thorax to Ponyville on the same day. He's sure the two new leaders are not going to get along so he does all he can to keep them apart and cover the fact that the other is there.
16. Campfire Tales - August 26
When their sister camping trip is ruined by Fly-ders, Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash tell Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo the stories of their favorite legends; inspired by the tales, the girls make the most out of their new situation.
17. To Change a Changeling - September 2
Starlight Glimmer and Trixie try to get Thorax's brother Pharynx to accept the new way by sharing love and transforming so he doesn't undermine Thorax's leadership, and that the hive will ultimately accept him.
"Daring Done" early discussion
18. Daring Done - September 9 (leak - September 3)
When Rainbow Dash's favorite author, A.K. Yearling, announces her retirement, Dash convinces Pinkie Pie to go on a quest to find out if the book on Daring Do really will be closed forever.
19. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You - September 16
When Rarity's shampoo is accidentally switched with Zecora's magical remover potion, she does everything she can to fix her devastated mane in time for an upcoming photo shoot.
"A Health of Information" early discussion
20. A Health of Information - September 23 (Russia - September 18)
While helping Fluttershy gather supplies, Zecora comes down with a terrible disease called Swamp Fever; even though a cure has not been discovered, Fluttershy makes it her mission to heal Zecora no matter what it takes.
21. Marks and Recreation - September 30
Wanting to help as many blank flanks as possible, the CMCs start a Cutie Mark Day Camp, but are surprised when one of their campers doesn't want a cutie mark.
MOVIE premiere - October 6
22. Once Upon a Zeppelin - October 7
Twilight is torn when she discovers the cruise she and her family are on is actually a themed vacation experience in which ponies have paid for the privilege of spending time with her. Will she be able to please both her family and the cruise attendees?
Season 7 full leak early discussion
23. Secrets and Pies - October 14
When Pinkie Pie thinks she sees Rainbow Dash throw away one of her pies, she suspects the worst. Pinkie Pie attempts to catch Rainbow Dash in her web of lies... using pies.
24. Uncommon Bond - October 21
When Starlight gets a visit from Sunburst, she discovers that he has tons in common with her friends and starts to wonder if he still has anything in common with her.
25-26. Shadow Play - October 28
When Sunburst discovers the lost journal of Starswirl the Bearded, Twilight becomes obsessed with saving her magical idol from a thousand-year-old prison.

This thread is for the discussion of all official media content, including Equestria Girls and the IDW comics, along with news and speculation. For general fandom discussion, including fan-made episodes, you can go to the Community thread.
* Episode titles and official synopses can be freely discussed, along with things tweeted by show crew and such.
* If an episode or movie information is leaked or made available early (some episodes have been put on iTunes early), discussion of it should be behind spoiler bars until after it normally airs, and you should state that you are discussing that episode early instead of just having a blacked out post.
* Fan works (art, music) are fine to post, but it's preferred if you only post works related to the most recent episodes. General fanworks or works based on earlier episodes should go to the Community thread.
* Something a few posters (including myself) have done is create bingo cards for the season. So the thread doesn't get clogged up by them, only embed the images if you get a bingo. Otherwise, just link them.

Season 1 Thread
Season 2 Thread
Season 3 Thread
Season 4 Thread
Season 5 Thread
Season 6 Thread
Community Thread
Movie Announcement Thread
Movie Trailer Thread
Fan community links
Equestria Daily - The most active fan blog dedicated to MLP:FiM. It can be a bit hasty in posting rumors, but it is the best place to find news and fanworks at the same time. Like any big blog, avoid the comments.
Derpibooru - The biggest collection of MLP:FiM related images online. They block NSFW images, but sometimes things slip through, so it is unlinked. Avoid the comments.
The Round Stable - The best dedicated forum for MLP:FiM discussion, founded by those who left Something Awful when MLP discussion became a bannable offense there. There is a main page, but it's dead now. It also runs Bronibooru, a site similar to Derpibooru, but dedicated to only uploading family-friendly images.
MLP:FiM Wikia - The better source for pure information on the show and its characters.
We have a Discord! Quote to see:
Credit to Fat4all and DrForester for custom images