Captain Hero
The Spoiler Soldier
Welcome to my Alpha Review to Ghost of Tsushima ( the T is silent in Tsushima )

before I start I want to point something to you GAF that this is not the final review of the game ( its Alpha Goddamit ) and I'v seen it ( the gameplay footage ) many times
and thought that I should just share my thoughts of the game so far
- Exploring Tsushima -
No doubt we have seen a beautiful world with its direction of art coming alive , yet not every beautiful world has a great exploring .
But with GOT I'm positive exploring it would be interesting and full of strange and known things depends on what is the world offering to the player and i will tell you why I'm positive .
No curiosity no exploring for me .. 100% right but in GOT , building a creative way to guide you through this world via wind to navigate things you can't see or just using it for showing off with your photo mode ! no ? ok
world of Tsushima has been giving me vibs of HZD , AC and Sekiro .

- Collections -
Seeing that map makes me more excited and I'm a big fan of collecting things through out the world which means exploring the world
and finding a lot about it understanding the history of to be more engaging to the story side ( thats what I think )
- Techniques -
This is too one of the things I love in games just give me a bad normal samurai and I will earn the moves by my self and i wish its a lot
giving a big tree of techniques would be great and by looking at leveling your character they will deliver
you cannot be a samurai or a ghost just like that ! right ?
- Gears -
wonderful collections they showed .. what makes me excited more is knowing that I have more freedom to customized my character
for my taste of play and the way I treat the world ( honor, asshole or both ) the colors the variety of armors is just exciting
and wish there is more to it when the game out
- Options -
the creativity of Options ( nah I'm just kidding nothing to see here .. xD )
- Exploring -
If you don't know me then I will tell you how horses in games is annoying me with that realistic boring movement just in one condition
that would be when calling for it . calling for a horse in games mean that I need you now ! I'm in danger just appear next to me or come fast , with that gameplay of GOT I was relieved when i saw the horse coming fast to where I want him to be . Another point which i like is playing in a world with a background soundtrack .. this is AC for me when play in Rome and climbing that ruins with that epic soundtrack kicking in the background ! god my soul is flying in Rome at that time ( imagination )
I believe exploring in Tsushima would be more immersive than HZD and much to interact with either with human or animals
and seeing that bear kicking the shit out of that dude ! that was amazing ( I'm not going to visit that place ever till the end of the story and i'm going Ghost on that bear )
When he opened the map there were a lot of unknown places in one area ( think half of the map or more still unknown to us ) but the variety of points of interest is good like a fire you see or a weird shape tree or a mountain or even a fox playing around you
( what does the fox say ? ) beside points marked in the map you still have to explore the world for more I believe . having a big map is not the basic pillar for a successful game and we have many examples ( No odyssey its not you )
the variety of places been shown to us and the weather and all is just a good sign for diversity in this game

- The Combat -
- Jin The Samurai -
I get the cool of " Stand off " to be honorable but tbh I did not like that much
( maybe I'm using it once , it really depends on what you are )
you know the movies where two stand to fight each others while many assholes just watching ? well I dont want that to be like this all the time . I mean try to imagine you choose to stand off against an enemy and before you start , suddenly they will come to you at once and break that stand off shit NOW that would be awesome .
remember when I said Sekiro ? .. well the combat here is giving me Sekiro vibs BUT I'm not fully satisfied for it , I mean it also goes for AC combat slightly . facing more than one but fight only one at a time ! don't like that I just want them to charge on me , upgrading the techniques for multiple deflecting would be cool if it was there . you could see that the one behind Jin is just waiting for his friend to die then he can fight .
the feels for cutting and slicing their hands is just satisfying also I like the choice of respect and pray for the dead when you kill someone that was cool . another cool thing is when you finish killing its up to you either clean your sword by spreading the blood in the ground or just put it back ( assholes will care less of course .. like me )
- Jin The Ghost -
wait!.. just wait! I disliked that sound when you shoot an arrow on the head .. cool stealth but bad sound man .
Ok , here we see ( me ) the Ghost who is presenting stealth as part of the game styles .. its AC with a close camera
and I liked that .. I'm big fan of stealth gameplay no need to explain more to it .. if you look closely when he was about to assassin from above other choice brought in screen next to " Assassinate " .. it was ( Chain Assassinate ) i hope its a cool way to kill ! i dont know
the reaction of environment around you is gorgeous just like when he through that crackers and the horse stopped eating .. thats nice .
also the fear you put in enemies ! i want to do that its cool if it was depend on your reputation around the world whethir you are a good one who spares the lifes of his enemy or an assholes who kill everyone even foxes ( please dont do that )

- Photo Mode -
absoultley amazing in every game but here .. its way way better with more advanced choices to edit your pic or a video
- you can control the wind direction to add more cinematic view
- you can change the particles to a diffrent type of leafs
- you can select a track music to add it on your creation
I was very excited when he said all of these will be in Photo mode .. just love it
- The ending -
Yes I didn't forget the Japanese voice track .. I'm in baby , and the special effect " Samurai Cinema " I'm not into it really but absolutely others will love it . So , at the end I wanted to share my thoughts on an early looking to the game which is I really liked but the real review for me and for you guys is when the game is out .. its a must to play for me yeah no game is perfect but overall its good
thank you and wish you a lovely day
- The ending -
Yes I didn't forget the Japanese voice track .. I'm in baby , and the special effect " Samurai Cinema " I'm not into it really but absolutely others will love it . So , at the end I wanted to share my thoughts on an early looking to the game which is I really liked but the real review for me and for you guys is when the game is out .. its a must to play for me yeah no game is perfect but overall its good
thank you and wish you a lovely day
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