Carpe Carnim
Despite the last thread about this turning into a discussion of ethnic identity, I wanted to highlight the latest news on harassment and incitement in a small town in Montana.
Richard Spencer, editor of the "self-described Alt-Right" (read: Neo-Nazi) website Dailystormer and supporter of Trump and his administration has planned an armed protest against Jewish people and their allies, who he blames for boycotting his mother's business in Whitefish, Montana.
So to the usual suspects who will wave this off as trolls setting the narrative, and who think we should be focused on something else instead of pointing out eliminationist elements of the modern Right organizing an armed mob against minorities, what's your excuse now?
[boycott me if old]
Richard Spencer, editor of the "self-described Alt-Right" (read: Neo-Nazi) website Dailystormer and supporter of Trump and his administration has planned an armed protest against Jewish people and their allies, who he blames for boycotting his mother's business in Whitefish, Montana.
The publisher of the Daily Stormer writes:
"We are planning an armed protest in Whitefish.
Montana has extremely liberal open carry laws, so my lawyer is telling me we can easily march through the center of the town carrying high-powered rifles.
I myself am planning on being there to lead the protest, which has been dubbed March on Whitefish.
Currently, my guys say we are going to be able to put together about 200 people to participate in the march, which will be against Jews, Jewish businesses and everyone who supports either.
So to the usual suspects who will wave this off as trolls setting the narrative, and who think we should be focused on something else instead of pointing out eliminationist elements of the modern Right organizing an armed mob against minorities, what's your excuse now?

[boycott me if old]