Hunky Nostradamus
Top Ten
Stranger Things
Game of Thrones
Better Call Saul
The Americans
The People vs OJ Simpson: American Crime Story
Person of Interest
BoJack Horseman
Black Mirror
Mr. Robot
Black Sails
Silicon Valley
Luke Cage
The Expanse
OJ: Made in America
Halt and Catch Fire

Stranger Things
spekkeh said:probably the only series in recent memory where I never looked away from the screen even a second. Completely engrossing from the first shot to the end credits. Also that theme music hngg.
Stumpokapow said:I could tell from the first episode that this was going to take off like a rocket. Netflix launched it with limited promotion, relying on word of mouth, and I think by all accounts it might have ended up being the most popular and culturally resonant show they've made. As many people have described it to their friends, the show is like Goonies mixed with Spielberg's ET or Close Encounters, with just a little bit of horror. As opposed to The Goldbergs or Fresh off the Boat which constantly use wink-wink references to their time periods, I felt like Stranger Things inhabited the 80s in a relaxed and comfortable way. Everyone is so easy to like and enjoyable on screen that you forgive how stupid the overall plot is, but the real strength is Winona Ryder's totally unhinged mother. Whenever she was on screen, I felt like screaming "oh my god you crazy person", which ordinarily I might chaulk up to poor acting or characterization, but here felt very earned.
DarthOrange said:It is like an amalgamation of Twin Peaks, Silent Hill, and the Goonies. A show in which pretty much every scene is drawing inspiration from something else but it is all executed so perfectly that I can't complain. Whether you understand the references or not is irrelevant to the actual enjoyment of the story which unfolds at a nice pace with its tight 8 episodes. A great professor of mine once said "if you were really smart you would figure out how to say what you want to with smaller words that anyone can understand." This show feels like the embodiment of that. It is an appropriate for all ages horror mystery thriller that doesn't feel dumbed down for kids or like it is filled with dialogue and themes that are only there to be understood by adults.

Game of Thrones
Ragnarsson said:Amazing season. The final two episodes, Battle of the Bastards and The Winds of Winter, both directed by Miguel Sapochnik, are especially worthy of a mention - the first portrayed the best and most ambitious war sequence I've seen on television; the second featured the incredible resolution of many arcs and it set up the ending of the show with a bang. This show isn't flawless, but this season was damn near.
RustyNails said:In my opinion, this is the best Game of Thrones season. The story picks up an incredible pace. The characters evolve and of course, the turns do come at breakneck speeds. The North storyline is finally the most interesting (at least for me!). The production set pieces are better than some of the best Hollywood films. This show is still the Undefeated Reigning King of TV.
AngmarsKing701 said:the pace took off a bit as they shed the slowness of the books and favored a direction toward wrapping things up. In some sense it became a bit much, especially as we see characters practically teleport half across the world from one scene to the next, but there's no doubting HBO is building toward an epic climax for this epic story.

hydruxo said:Sci-fi and westerns are my two favorites genres, so this was the perfect storm. Great cast, soundtrack, cinematography, intricate plot, etc. I really enjoyed the whole season and it had very few weak points for me.
LiquidSolid said:I binged through Westworld over Christmas, having thankfully avoided all the spoilers and speculation while it was on TV, and thought it was incredible. Evan Rachel Wood, Thandie Newton and Anthony Hopkins are amazing. But my favourite part of the show is it's a real mystery, with clues that lead to a natural conclusion, not a fake mystery with a hundred red herrings and a solution that comes out nowhere. That may make it less of a surprise overall but what it does make for is a far, FAR better story.
Spikematic said:HBO scores big with yet another outstanding show. Everything about it worked - stellar performances by a top tier cast, amazingly done special effects, gorgeous cinematography, chill inducing score and of course, an amazing plot

Better Call Saul
Niraj said:I was impressed with the first season, but this season blew my expectations away. Who knew that Bob Odenkirk could do serious so well? Very impressive acting overall, particularly Odenkirk, Rhea Seehorn, Jonathan Banks, and of course Michael McKean. It is a show that is so deft at weaving between intense and hilarious, and one that I can't get enough of. A somewhat unnecessary spinoff conceptually, but it's already rivaling some of the seasons from the main series, to the benefit of all of us. Great stuff.
Azzanadra said:Almost forgot about it because of how it came out at the beginning if the year, but the writing is just as good as Breaking bad ever was, somehow elevating simple meandering life activity into high tragedy.

The Americans
KingSnake said:I think this is the TV show with the best cinematography in my opinion. And the actors and the writing complements perfectly that. It transmits emotions, tension, it can shock you without giving the feeling that it tries too much.
TheOddOne said:I'm hard pressed to remember any show that has been so constantly good as The Americans. But the best praise I can give this show is that it refuses to go for cheap thrills—aka raising the stakes— logic that plagues a lot of these types of shows. It's a slow burn and that is a really good thing.

ezekial45 said:This is one of the rare shows that makes me feel like it totally captured how my life is going. Though it's been talked about to death about it being a black show, it's ultimately a black millennial show. Seeing these characters go through a world that's a struggle to live in, and hustle at every turn to find success, is something that our generation knows all too well. And the style, humor, and heart in this show is so magnetic. I had high hopes for this show since I came in being a big fan of Donald Glover, and this show totally knocked it out of the park.
LotusHD said:This show was the surprise hit for me and many others. I'm just floored at how incredibly hilarious it was, while also managing to be poignant concerning issues that undeniably speak to me as a black man at the same time. And on a more incredible note, this show just says fuck the rules that most TV shows follow, and instead embraces the surreal. To have a show where its universe can show you whatever the hell it wants, where I had no idea what to expect each week, in its first season no less, is an incredible feat. I thought this would be a simple show about two cousins trying to make something of themselves, but it's far, far, more than that. I don't know if the show counts as slice-of-life or whatever; all I know is that I need the second season to hurry the hell up. Additionally, Episode 7 in particular is easily the funniest TV episode I've watched in years. If you haven't already, please watch it! You're doing yourself a disservice by missing out on this show. Donald Glover deserves all the awards in the world for creating this beautiful world.

The People vs OJ Simpson: American Crime Story
Grizzlyjin said:I won't even lie. I clowned this show hard when the trailer came out. Boy, was I wrong. Sterling K Brown, Courtney B Vance, and Sarah Paulson put on an acting clinic. And even though it was cheesy and heavy handed in spots, the material usually met the quality of their performances.
-griffy- said:This was a bad idea on every front that didn't deserve to be as good or affecting as it ended up being, but it was. Supremely well-timed commentary, even more so with what's come after it aired.

Person of Interest
KonradLaw said:The best show on TV came to an end. And what an ending it was. It always has been the most consistent thing on the air and season 5 didn't disappoint. So immensely satysfing and tense. Managed to also wrap up most of the loose plot threads (the only thing missing was the british mercenary villain. Shame he never returned). It offered beautiful plotting, but also amazing character's endings. Characters always were the primary strength of the show and each one got what they deserved, making me cry couple times.
What a ride Person of Interest was. Wish CBS would allow Jonathan Nolan to take it for 7 seasons, like it was originally planned, but I'm still grateful they at last let it have a final season to wrap up the story. This is a show that I see myself returning regularly to for the next ten years. Hats off.
Sober said:There's something to be said about a show that finds itself on its last legs earlier than expected, but comes away at the end being much stronger for it. There isn't much left in the repertoire of Person of Interest that really needs to be expanded upon after you watch the finale. The final season brings the entire series full circle in nearly every single aspect in what is probably an extremely action-packed, yet also reflective and introspective episode. It almost feels like it would be something planned much further ahead, but ended up coming together almost at a moment's notice. I wrote extensively about the final season of the show so there isn't much left for me to say than to celebrate it one more time.

dead souls said:Not merely the best show this year, one of the best of all time.
Sadsic said:A richly positive end to a prestige drama about some of the most realistically traumatic fiction i've ever seen
berzeli said:Another one of the truly great shows left us this year. I'll miss Rectify for its contemplative look at contemporary America, I'll miss its characters, I'll miss the writing, I'll miss the directing, I'll miss just about everything about it.

BoJack Horseman
Adam Scott Aukerman said:A better drama than most dramas, and a better comedy than most comedies.
Schlep said:To call Bojack Horseman an animated comedy would be doing it a huge disservice. The animal jokes and Todd's dumb ideas were ratcheted up this season, but so was the somber-depressing nature of the show. Oddly enough, it reminds me of Breaking Bad in that I don't know if I want to see Bojack succeed or fail. Either way, it's one of the best shows on Netflix.

Black Mirror
Wollan said:I was stunned at four of the six total episodes. Incredibly dark, wicked & (in one case) strangely uplifting. Lots of fun.
backflip10019 said:I've been looking forward to the third season of Black Mirror for YEARS. The season blew me away, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
Androidsleeps said:Sure, not all the episodes were A+ and it's only 6 episodes, but I'm so happy it's back and I LOVED most the episodes.

Gila said:I thoroughly enjoyed the second season more than the first (I'm one of the few that hated Kingpin's performance) so to see the performance from the Punisher was redemptional. Whoever does the fight choreography should be knighted. It is also great to see the things outside of Hell's Kitchen and the role they play in the grander scheme.
Violence Jack said:The reason this placed so high was the spot-on portrayal of my favorite Marvel character, The Punisher. I didn't think anyone could be more perfect for the role outside of Thomas Jane, but he brings an edge to this show that was sorely needed. The only reason it's not higher is that it takes a pretty big dip in quality as the show goes on, and especially after Elektra is brought in.

Mr. Robot
gforguava said:For some reason people kind of hated this. And I have no idea why as I found this a vastly superior season to the first, to me this felt like the true expression of what the show was trying to get out last time but was hindered by all kinds of fits and starts to the storytelling. The filmmaking craft alone was enough to put this on the list.
Messofaneglo said:This show just decides to go surreal, subversive, and plain bonkers for the second season. Yes, the show is about hacking and fighting against corruption but also shows the cracks in the fighters. This season is all about the lack of control, and shows the vulnerabilities in each of the characters, especially the previously cold-blooded Joanna. Out of the new characters, Dominique "Dom" DiPierro (Grace Gummer) is easily the standout and the most fun to follow as the most "normal" character, being empathic FBI agent who's sorting through all this mess. Of course the aesthetics are still on point from the negative space loving cinematography to the eclectic music. There is a scene at the end of this season that is to do with a traffic light and biker that is one of the most memorable scenes I've seen in a TV show in years thanks to excellent filmmaking. There are also the twists and turns this show goes through, as we're in the unstable and unreliable head of Elliot. Angela ends up in a place that is positively surreal (a young girl and a retro phone is all I'll say). The 90s sitcom episode is just one of quite a few twists. There's one major reveal about just the location of Elliot that changes everything about the season to just brilliantly throw you off the loop. This show can go absolutely anywhere.

Black Sails
tearsintherain said:I fucking love pirates and this delivers pirates in droves. Great acting, setting, visuals, action, everything. Every season has built upon the previous, final season starts in a few weeks.
Jigorath said:It has pirates, tons of scheming and backstabbing, and some of the best directed action scenes I've ever seen on a TV show. Why do the Pirates of the Caribbean movies make like a billion dollars but nobody watches this?
TDLink said:The best genre TV show on the air right now. Game of Thrones gets all the buzz but with a much more condensed cast and focused plot, plus unparalleled set and special effects work, it's hard to beat this swashbuckling Pirate drama. I mean they built real ships and simulate real storms, that's crazy! Season 3 was the best yet and it's a shame the soon to air Season 4 will be its last.

Silicon Valley
DorkLord54 said:Another third season show, Silicon Valley is still probably the funniest comedy on television. Continuing its lampooning of the Bay Area and its tech culture, the season wrestles with the changes going on at Pied Piper following Richard's ousting as CEO. He is replaced by cutthroat mercenary CEO Jack Barker, played excellently by Stephen Tobolowsky. From the excellent bulldog scene to the seeming conclusion of the Hooli arc, Silicon Valley continued to deliver in its third season, and hopefully gives us another start-up of laughter in its fourth.
Voras said:Silicon Valley is hilarious, it has been its entire run. Even more so because it is so spot on with all of the shots that it takes at the entire tech industry. Every season of this show has been a pleasure to watch and I can't wait to see what they tackle next year. My only complaint is that none of these dudes even consider just hiring a UX Designer to fix their clear issue with the usability of their app.

Luke Cage
Stalactite said:Almost perfect casting, fantastic opening theme (and music in general), even though it wears out its' run with a few too many episodes. Mike Colter has room to grow as the main character, and Alfre Woodard, Mahershala Ali, and Theo Rossi give great performances as the villans.
Rhaknar said:Very different vibe from the rest of the Marvel stuff but I was into it. People shit on Mike's acting but I think he's gine, I dunno. Again, as usual with Marvel shows, its too long and falters a bit nearbthe end but I still enjoyed it. Im just glad these things exist man, my inner child needs it ;_;

TripOpt55 said:This is just so my kind of show. The out-there premise that finds a zombie medical examiner helping to solve crimes by eating the victims' brains? Incredible. The way it so deftly blends procedural elements with the on-going mythology? Perfect. The chemistry of the cast? Delightful. That one-of-a-kind dialogue and banter that you only get in a Rob Thomas show? So full of snark and wit, it makes my heart sing. I love it all. Only the back half of Season 2 aired in 2016, but it was so, so good. There were more interesting personalities for Liv from the humorous (stripper brain) to more sobering (drug addict brain). There were some wonderful guest turns from Rob Thomas' old show Veronica Mars (including Kristen Bell in voice form and Enrico Colantoni) and a delightfully meta cameo from Rob Thomas himself... but the other one, of Matchbox 20 fame. They even went the route of more traditional zombie fiction in the finale to spectacular results. This show never lets me down and was my easy choice for favorite TV show of 2016.
Zero315 said:I feel like a lot of shows that have solid first seasons end up blowing the second. This wasn't the case with iZombie, in fact I'd say the show got even better and feels like it's found its groove.

The Expanse
Cornballer said:SyFy's recent foray into adapting popular source material has paid good dividends with The Expanse (and The Magicians.) While it takes a few episodes to get going, the amusing characters and large scale action turned this into one of last year's biggest suprises for me. It'll scratch your space opera itch.
Htown said:Basically it's the space show I've been waiting for all my life.
Ducarmel said:I cant believe SyFy did not mess this one up. I admit it probably isnt the best show of 2015/2016 but dammit its the best thing to a hard sci-fi tv show. While not all the way hard sci-fi I do appreciate the details and consequences of long space flight and weaker then earth gravity has on our society. The premise is nothing new to sci-fi secrete conspiracy, colonist wanting to secede, two powers skating around war, old school politics clutching to the power it has, blah blah blah, but the plot and characters I actually found engaging between the hard sci-fi moments the show dishes out. Season 2 has already been announced and I cant wait.

OJ: Made in America
Fancy Clown said:Everything you could hope for in a comprehensive, engaging, and structurally satisfying documentation of all the craziness in O.J.'s life and how it reflected America at the time. Amazing television.
Solo said:the best documentary I watched this year by a long shot, and absolutely addictive and harrowing account of the rise and fall of one of the most infamous celebrities of the past 25 years.

Halt and Catch Fire
ezekial45 said:Been a huge admirer of this show since it started, and seeing it grow from a fledgling show about tech to one of the most engaging and heartfelt shows on TV was such a joy. This season was the strongest it has ever been.
PoeticProse22 said:Having been somewhat disappointed by the squandered potential of the first season, I hadn't expected the series to become nearly as well-written and compelling as it has, improved even further by this latest season. The character work has been consistently impressive throughout the previous two seasons.