It's all fun and games until nature gives us BeeSpiders.
well if it counts..

tarantula hawk.. aka wasp tarantula:X

pure breed wasp spider :X
It's all fun and games until nature gives us BeeSpiders.
I like it.I hate the name coywolf.
WolfyoteCoywolf? Just awful. I refuse to call such a beautiful animal by such a crappy name.
Coywolf? Just awful. I refuse to call such a beautiful animal by such a crappy name.
Most things, people included, would eat a person if hungry enough. Go ahead and hug it.
They are cute. Will they want to eat me?
Because that's a stupid nameWhy not Coyowolf?
New? Coywolfs have been documented for a long time now. There's a good PBS documentary about them on Netflix, Nature: Meet the Coywolf
How is Coywolf pronounced?
Coy as in the word, coy? Or is it the same as the way most people say coyote i.e. Kai-yo-tee?
Coywolf sounds dumb. Kaiwolf sounds badass.
better start sending your housecats to special breeding camps with bobcats, wildcats, midget tigers... the dogs are building a new army of supersoldiers.
I second watching Meet the Coywolf on Netflix. It shows this awesome animal at home in cities, suburbs, and rural environments. Just seeing this thread makes me want to watch it again.New? Coywolfs have been documented for a long time now. There's a good PBS documentary about them on Netflix, Nature: Meet the Coywolf
Suddenly Coywolf is sounding pretty good, eh?
There's actually a big problem with the fact that unlike wolves, coywolves have no problem going into urban/suburban areas. We had one that ate a neighbor's poodle.
Coywolf is too bashful to hunt.
No, but I'm a cat person.Are you a cat by any chance?
This is why most American cats are indoor cats.
Edit: Beaten with pic.
Here's another