I like it. New bosses, new areas, et cetera were already confirmed for Ys 8 PS4, but I like seeing it. The Ys 8 PS4 PSN demo being such a smooth 60fps makes sense 'cause the game doesn't look too much different to the Vita version, but still happy that it is.
The song in the beginning is a new song called "Riddles of the Labyrinth" - I looked, that song isn't on the OST. Sounds like it's from Sonoda.
The boss theme is "All Out Attack," a new track arranged by Singa that sounds a lot better than typical Singa stuff.
Thus, I believe there's also going to be a sizeable amount of new music, similar to how Tokyo Xanadu ex+ had an entire CD's worth of new content in the PS4 version (ex+).
Thought it was pretty funny how he ran past all the enemies to get to the boss.
I like it. New bosses, new areas, et cetera were already confirmed for Ys 8 PS4, but I like seeing it. The Ys 8 PS4 PSN demo being such a smooth 60fps makes sense 'cause the game doesn't look too much different to the Vita version, but still happy that it is.
The song in the beginning is a new song called "Riddles of the Labyrinth" - I looked, that song isn't on the OST. Sounds like it's from Sonoda.
The boss theme is "All Out Attack," a new track arranged by Singa that sounds a lot better than typical Singa stuff.
Thus, I believe there's also going to be a sizeable amount of new music, similar to how Tokyo Xanadu ex+ had an entire CD's worth of new content in the PS4 version (ex+).
Thought it was pretty funny how he ran past all the enemies to get to the boss.
Falcom Magazine issue 74 revealed some more info.
They are actually adding new characters as well to go along with the new content for Dana.
ダーナの前に姿を現す、薄桃色の髪をした無邪気な少女。清楚な見た目をしているが図々しく偉そうな口調で話す こともあり、ダーナを巻き込んでトラブルを起こしてしまうことも。王都エタニアの地下聖堂に興味を示すダーナ に対し、一緒に内部を調査しようと提案するが 。
実直で勤勉な王都エタニアの若き衛士。幼い頃から父である衛士長ドランに憧れ、いつか立派な衛士になろうと父 の傍で衛士としての訓練に励んでいた。成長後は新人衛士として王都部隊に入隊。ダーナの護衛として働くことを 夢見て王都での任務に励むようになるが、ある出来事をきっかけにラステルの運命は思わぬ方向へと動いていく。