Funky Papa
Ok, you guessed it. It's Straya. But don't worry, it doesn't kill humans. Yet.

The dolomedes briangreenei is endemic to fresh water streams around Brisbane and uses vibrations or waves on the surface of the water to hunt its prey.
"These spiders sit there on the water and then all of a sudden an insect will hit the water and the spider races out to get it, grabs it, dives under the water and then swims back to the shore and starts eating it," Robert Raven, Principal Scientist of Arachnology at the Queensland Museum, told Mashable Australia.
The spider can sit under water for up to an hour and can kill and eat insects, fish and even cane toads at least three times its size. But apparently (and thankfully) theyre not dangerous to humans. "I've been bitten by this spider and its not particularly dangerous," Raven said, "It just stung for a little while."