(Click for general game info.)
System requirements:

Latest drivers: (as at 21/12/2017)
Nvidia: 388.71
AMD: 17.12.2
Intel: Depends on your processor; download the driver update utility
GameGPU (Russian; launch build)
PC Games Hardware (German; launch build)
Tips and tricks:
Cap the framerate/potentially improve frametimes: Download RivaTuner Statistics Server, input your desired framerate limit in the "Framerate limit" box, and hit enter (the program comes bundled with MSI Afterburner and earlier versions of EVGA PrecisionX). Alternatively, those with an Nvidia GPU have the option of Nvidia Inspector, which can also be used to impose a framerate cap, either in a similar manner to RTSS or by way of forcing a different vsync interval (click the small tool icon to open the game profile section).
Note: Useful if you your system can't maintain, say, 60fps and you're sensitive to the wild fluctuations, or you're experiencing uneven frametimes. The greater window the engine has to render a given frame, if you're imposing a lower framerate than the game can otherwise provide, may also help in alleviating stuttering related to data streaming.
Stop the game from crashing after 15 minutes on touch-capable systems running Windows 10: Open the task manager, switch to the Services tab and disable TabletInputService.
Run the game in a borderless window: Use the aptly-named Borderless Gaming program. See here for a usage guide.
Note: You can purchase the program on Steam for USD$4 or your regional equivalent if you're feeling charitable.
Run the game in the actual nominated resolution (1): Run the game in a borderless window (see above) rather than fullscreen. (Credit to Grief.exe.)
Run the game in the actual nominated resolution (2), fix cutscene stutter, and a few other things: Use Fix Automata Resolution. (Credit to Kaldaien @ Steam Community via didamangi.) If you'd like to use it in conjunction with ReShade, rename ReShade's dxgi.dll file to ReShade64.dll. (Credit to Robobandit.) Disabling RTSS, if you're using it, is recommended as it may cause issues. (Credit to Kaldaien @ Steam Community via DrDaxxy.)
Note: Using FAR will also allow you to improve GPU performance as well as increase the quality of the bloom light and ambient occlusion. See the relevant sections further down.
Use a less expensive form of anti-aliasing: The ambient occlusion setting also controls some form of post-process anti-aliasing. (Credit to ezodagrom.) Alternatively, if you'd like to set the option to "Off" but still have cheaper anti-aliasing, you can force FXAA/SMAA externally via ReShade or the aptly-named injectSMAA. (Credit to Echoplx.)
Enable SLI support: Using Nvidia Inspector, create a new profile for the game and set "SLI compatibility bits (DX10 + DX11)" to 0x080002F5. (Credit to feel and Kvik.)
Mitigate LOD pop-in (for those playing with both anti-aliasing and ambient occlusion enabled): Disable anti-aliasing (MSAA). Running it and ambient occlusion in tandem results in far more abrupt transitions, and again having ambient occlusion enabled also means some form of post-process anti-aliasing is in effect. (Credit to Durante.)
Use DualShock 4 button prompts: Download this file and follow the instructions. (Credit to Erewego @ PC Gaming Wiki via KainVIIII.)
Significantly improve GPU performance by adjusting global illumination quality: Download/Update Fix Automata Resolution and lower the global illumination quality via the in-game control panel (CTRL-Shift-Backspace). Remember to disable RTSS (if applicable) to ensure best interoperability. (Credit to Kaldaien @ Steam Community via Rayge, Kiru and DrDaxxy.)
Increase bloom lighting resolution: Download/Update Fix Automata Resolution, bring up the in-game control panel (CTRL-Shift-Backspace), and select "Native Bloom res." under "Bloom". Requires a restart of the game to take effect, and remember to disable RTSS (if applicable) to ensure best interoperability. (Credit to Kaladaien @ Steam Community and Durante via la_briola.)
Remove the 60fps cap: Download/Update Fix Automata Resolution, bring up the in-game control panel (CTRL-Shift-Backspace), click "Remove 60fps cap" and input your desired framerate under "Framerate Limiter". Remember to disable RTSS (if applicable) to ensure best interoperability. (Credit to Kaldaien @ Steam Community, Altimor and Francesco149.)
Note: If you're using a 60Hz display, you'll need to override your refresh rate in [install directory]\dxgi.ini.
Increase ambient occlusion quality: Download/Update Fix Automata Resolution, opt into the testing branch after installation by selecting it from the drop-down list and clicking "Migrate", bring up the in-game control panel (CTRL-Shift-Backspace), and select "Native AO res." under "Ambient Occlusion". Remember to disable RTSS (if applicable) to ensure best interoperability. (Credit to Kaldaien @ Steam Community and Durante.)
Note: Be sure to close Cheat Engine once you're done as it may trigger a false-positive in VAC-protected games.

Graphics settings:
Screen brightness: Self-explanatory
Resolution: Self-explanatory (note: this mark's Platinum's first release with proper arbitrary resolution support, however cutscenes currently present black bars outside of 1080p)
Screen mode: Full screen; Window
V-sync: Off/On (double-buffer?)
Graphics presets: Low; Medium; High; Custom
Anti-aliasing (MSAA): Off; 2x; 4x; 8x
Texture filter: Off; 2x; 4x; 8x; 16x
Blur: Off/On
Shadows: Low; Medium; High
Effects: Low/High
Ambient occlusion: Off/On (note: also controls some form of post-process anti-aliasing)