What the fuck happened in here?
NOA needs to be destroyed and rebuilt. Being outpaced by Nintendo Australia is inexcusable.
Michael Pachter ‏@michaelpachter 3m3 minutes ago
PS4 HW sales up almost triple in September and more than double my estimate. Fortunately, my report contained over 40 estimates, many closer
So Smash sold better in Japan?
There's really nothing wrong with my NOA comment, North America should have the New 3DS by now or next month, and yet - nothing.
I'm not from the US so NPD has no real bearing on me. But man alive, NPD threads are always the shizzle. Seriously, GAF should charge admission fees for this entertainment.
As for controlling leaks, what about a members only NPD sub-forum? I'll be honest, I understand the reasoning but the quote thing is a bit of a ball ache on iPad.
I got that reference. I'm not sure if I should be ashamed or proud.
As ridiculous as this might appear at first glance, there is a small element of truth and it shouldn't be dismissed because of the rest of the post.
What is really selling the PS4 over the X1? It's certainly not the exclusive software. It can't be games like Destiny, which are also available on the competing platform.
So it stands to reason that people are buying into the idea of the PS4 more than anything else. It's the platform of choice for this generation, everything about the platform has fed into this idea, from the day it was revealed to the day it launched, there's been a strong belief that the PS4 is the only console to get.
it's the true games console, the only one that will provide the best and most engaging gaming experiences. The idea took root and it's one that MS will be fighting (a losing battle) for the entire generation.
People can pretend MS has a chance so future NPD threads will be entertaining as we act shocked at how much the PS4 outsold the X1, but deep down, everyone knows it's already over.
Sony won this generation on May 21 2013 and cemented their victory on November 15 2013. Anyone who pretends otherwise is lying themselves.
As ridiculous as this might appear at first glance, there is a small element of truth and it shouldn't be dismissed because of the rest of the post.
What is really selling the PS4 over the X1? It's certainly not the exclusive software. It can't be games like Destiny, which are also available on the competing platform.
So it stands to reason that people are buying into the idea of the PS4 more than anything else. It's the platform of choice for this generation, everything about the platform has fed into this idea, from the day it was revealed to the day it launched, there's been a strong belief that the PS4 is the only console to get.
it's the true games console, the only one that will provide the best and most engaging gaming experiences. The idea took root and it's one that MS will be fighting (a losing battle) for the entire generation.
People can pretend MS has a chance so future NPD threads will be entertaining as we act shocked at how much the PS4 outsold the X1, but deep down, everyone knows it's already over.
Sony won this generation on May 21 2013 and cemented their victory on November 15 2013. Anyone who pretends otherwise is lying themselves.
You could say Nintendo AU NZ should be revamped and that would actually make sense.
Just catching up and the Microsoft PR is just sad, but I laughed.
"We have great holiday bundles coming."
Well, someone ask EviLore / the admins if we could get a [membersonly] [/membersonly] code that only makes certain dialog show up when a Member (or a permanently Juniored member) sees it.
This is an interim solution.
They did, that's exactly why the New 3DS is coming there. Not a joke, they got a new managing director and everything.
hoo boyThis entire month of sales and this thread have been totally worth it simply for CrazedProfessional's meltdown over the past 12 hours. Bravo good sir, pure gold entertainment!!!
I'm expecting a "trade your 360" type deal to come into play prior to MCC release.
Something like $249-299 for XBO MCC bundle.
Might move a few consoles. Maybe.
Well, someone ask EviLore / the admins if we could get a [membersonly] [/membersonly] code that only makes certain dialog show up when a Member (or a permanently Juniored member) sees it.
This is an interim solution.
You're right. Enoki took over.
Still, my point stands that it's an exception to the rule.
But the worst is that it isn't even about deceiving by marketing IMO. Marketing here is about gaining mindshare. Destiny is a thing because because there is huge ads everywhere, TV spots all the time. It is massive brainwashing and it even put the idea in a lot of heads that it was a PS4 exclusive.
Well, I guess that is how mass marketing works. Sorry for being off topic.
Ok Pach
Why not a regular junior? :[
Originally Posted by hydrophilic attack
This is a sad day for America.
I watched the TGS streams, I know what Playstation is all about. All of you Playstation lovers with your loli obsession and your anime avatars, if you love Japan so much, why don't you just move there? It saddens me that Americans would choose to associate with that rather than the sturdy, rugged, masculine, patriotic The One. Yet, throughout these sad times that we live in, I have still kept alive a lingering flame of hope that the great American values will endure, and Pacthers predictions this week helped kindle that flame. But if these news are true, I may have to finally abandon that hope.
If these news are true, that is. Anyone else think its suspicious how NPD starts hiding console numbers, so that we are left at the mercy of the console manufacturers to provide us with what information they will, and suddenly Playstation starts doing better than Xbox? No one else finds it suspicious how the well-informed and knowledgeable video games analyst Pachter, who usually makes predictions with great accuracy, after consulting his vast retail contact network, predicts that The One will come out ahead, yet when we get official numbers, suddenly PS4 has sold more? Its not like this is the first time that Sony is caught with juking the stats. Esteemed video games sales expert ioi recently revealed how Sony was lying at Gamescom with their 10 million consoles sold number. You may think Sony wouldnt go that far, but they have lied to us before. They lied to us about the Driveclub PS Plus version and they lied to us about the power of their systems. One lie leads to another and once you have gotten into the habit of lying, it is very hard to stop.
But I guess this is to be expected. People who want to harm America always have a propensity to believe in made-up numbers. Look at how North Korean citizens swallow lies from their own leaders. Or closer to home, look at how liberals are gulping down the Obama administrations lies. Look at how they are cooking the books on Obamacare and job reports. 250000 new jobs added in September? Hah, where I live, in real rural America, most people have given up looking. 250000 new jobs, my ass. Plus, under President Romney, we would have had at least 400000 new jobs. Or look at how they lie about inflation as an excuse to print money, debasing the dollar further. President Reagan (may he rest in peace) is turning in his grave. Inflation below target? Tell that to my local grocery store and gas station! These Washington types, always coming at you with their fancy numbers and their facts and their smug grins, thinking they know better than you. (And don't get me started on those IRS bullies. Federal income tax is theft and, even worse, unconstitutional, and I'm not paying to help finance a government I never voted for. So they can take their tax return forms and their court summons and shove them up somewhere. Don't bother coming back here!) And throughout all this, the mainstream media keeps cheering the administration on, helping them pull the wool over Americans eyes. This is very similar to the gaming media, incidentally, with their strong Sony bias. Kotaku is far too close to Sony. Always has been.
Maybe its time we started unskewing the NPD results. Even though they started shilling for Sony only relatively recently, I have always felt that their numbers are suspect. They dont track sales from online stores, where more and more customers are taking their business these days. Also, it is well-known that they dont take digital download sales into account. Who knows how many console sales they miss that way?
Still, I am always the optimist. I have hopes for the future. It looks like people are finally starting to see through the Democrats lies. If polls are to be believed, we will put a patriotic majority back in the Senate in November. If it can happen there, we can get the powers for good back into power in the video game business at the same time, with the arrival of Halo: The Master Chief Collection and, most importantly, the monthly OS updates. Until then, God bless you all, and dont forget to vote in November!
MCC is just going to be another Titanfall at best.
I got that reference. I'm not sure if I should be ashamed or proud.
So sure, are you?Why are we typing in code? This is Neogaf, not the freemasons.
It's all about Holiday I guess... like the 1st 10 months of the year don't matter or something.
I wonder what will the MS PR statement will say if they DON'T win the Holiday months.
How close were Wii U sales to Xbone?
hey now
Yes. There is a massive portion of people who just lurk GAF, look for leaks, and then leave.
They don't contribute to the community, they spread the leaks all around the Internet and raise GAF's notoriety, and they raise the chances of us getting into trouble with NPD.
With the email tag system, leak origins + leak reposts will be obfuscated for that massive portion of people, making it safer to leak stuff.
How close were Wii U sales to Xbone?
There is no "if they don't win". They will not win.
I mean, they have to eventually win a month, just on pure chance. And when that happens, people will post that they saw it coming for ages.
I mean, they have to eventually win a month, just on pure chance. And when that happens, people will post that they saw it coming for ages.
I mean, they have to eventually win a month, just on pure chance. And when that happens, people will post that they saw it coming for ages.
Sony will win then as well. The main reason being install base. Two of my best friends switched from 360 -> PS4, both Halo fans and both will be buying Uncharted 4 day one. There's quite a few people in that list which is growing every month.They did win last December (when it wasn't possible to get a PS4) I'd say November next year is the most likely upcoming month, if that's when Halo 5 releases. Although that's probably when UC4 is releasing so I'd say it would still be close.
To be fair, if they do a MCC bundle and put it at an incredible price point then it will be all but guaranteed to sell a hell of a lot of units. It might even get them one month of console sales greater than the PS4, but personally I feel the best they could hope for would be to break even with PS4 for a month or two. The momentum is just too strong at this point for Sony, and I'm not even sure the Master Chief's catalog of games we have already played can change that.
But the MCC is really the only outlier that we know of for this holiday season. Other than that we can pretty much expect things to keep going as they are, meaning Sony will stay on top for the foreseeable future.
I'm not saying that's a bad thing either, personally with the immense missteps that MS has made with the Xbone I really REALLY want Sony to dominate. They deserve it and MS deserves second place. Hopefully MS learns from this gen and decides to think more of their customers when designing the Xbox 2, or whatever the hell they will call the next one.
Not really. There is a reason why I am sure.
I am pleasantly surprised that Destiny sold more on the XB1. At least the population should be stable for a while.