Hot town, summer in the city
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
Been down, isn't it a pity
Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city
All around, people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head
But at night it's a different world
Go out and find a girl
Come-on come-on and dance all night
Despite the heat it'll be alright
And babe, don't you know it's a pity
That the days can't be like the nights
In the summer, in the city
In the summer, in the city
Cool town, evening in the city
Dressing so fine and looking so pretty
Cool cat, looking for a kitty
Gonna look in every corner of the city
Till I'm wheezing like a bus stop
Running up the stairs, gonna meet you on the rooftop
But at night it's a different world
Go out and find a girl
Come-on come-on and dance all night
Despite the heat it'll be alright
And babe, don't you know it's a pity
That the days can't be like the nights
In the summer, in the city
In the summer, in the city
------ instrumental break ------
Hot town, summer in the city
Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty
Been down, isn't it a pity
Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city
All around, people looking half dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a match head
But at night it's a different world
Go out and find a girl
Come-on come-on and dance all night
Despite the heat it'll be alright
And babe, don't you know it's a pity
That the days can't be like the nights
In the summer, in the city
In the summer, in the city
Welcome folks to another edition of the meet up from the hottest city in the US on the coolest coast and the frostiest cats all around back by popular demand after a hiatus. Did I mention that the weather's been an inferno lately? Feel free to post your favorite summer tunes to kick off discussion.
I hope you all have been having a wonderful summer in the city, getting tans, showing off your bodies that you've been working so hard on during the winter, going to beaches, and what not. This is the perfect season for us to be out in the heat so that's why I'm proposing multiple meet ups including a big one some time next month. Mully's birthday is next month so a happy numero 22 to him in advance.
I'll need help in planning stuff because admittedly, I don't have much of a plan yet other than the Sunday meet up at Bryant Park. And of course as always it's open to everyone.
The Days (tentative):
Note: I'm looking to test the waters right now. Thinking about 2-3 more additional scattered across the end of this month (places TBD) and into next month as well assuming everything goes well and what people decide. We'll see.
Sunday, July 21st at 12PM at Bryant Park. The plan is to rendezvous there and shoot the breeze for a bit while we wait for a party to gather. People are welcome to split up into smaller groups and go do their own things. There's no real solid plan for a place to go to afterwards. People can come and go as they like. I don't see it going past 11PM like on the usual meet up days. I recommend bringing sunglasses and putting on sunblock before heading out since we'll be soaking up the sun like sunflowers.UPDATE: Meet up has successfully happened.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What's the point of these meet ups duder?
It's to have fun, meet GAF members (there are tons GAF members that post here that are from our fine city), and talk about GAF, life, and other stuff with drinks (optional). Sometimes that means that you unfortunately do have to be 21 to partake in our activities. If you're not 21 yet then that's why a Sunday meet up exists. Bringing a decent amount of money is a must for these things. It's open to Junior members as well as regular GAF members; we don't discriminate since we were all junior members at some point.
How long have these things been around?
It has been around for ages; the first meet up I went to was in 2008 when I was a Junior Member. There have been gaming related meet ups such as for the Metal Gear Solid 4 Launch at the now defunct Virgin Mega Store in Times Square which are typically posted on the gaming side. That said, games are still very much discussed at these things as well as hot threads on GAF and what not. Nowadays our meet ups are typically composed of bar hopping but occasionally we go to restaurants, play pool, and other stuff.
I can't come out to this Sunday meet up but would like to go the next one. You mentioned something about having multiple meet ups. When will they be?
I'm definitely planning a few more to come. Definitely one or two in August but right now, I'm using this Sunday meet up as a litmus test for feedback. I might hold another meet up on a Sunday if it works out pretty well but I'm also considering having one on a week day.
How often do NYC GAF meet ups happen?
It depends on the demand, weather, and several other factors (i.e. people are fatigued by it). Lately we've been following London GAF's model of having a meet up once every 1-2 months which we implemented several months ago. It's worked out pretty well. I'm typically the host/thread maker of the meet ups but there are other people that make the thread once in a while to shake things up a bit. The thread maker of the next meet up typically gets chosen at the end of the meet up. There's definitely going to be a meet up in October for the New York Comic Con and another one in December since SethC's gonna give away a $500 tip to a lucky waiter/waitress right before our eyes.
For reference, this year, there has been a meet up in January, February, and May so far to prevent meet up fatigue. Obviously, GAF members have been hanging out with other as well outside of these gatherings but that's thanks to the magic of social networking/cell phones and it's great. I've known GAF member PXG since 2008 for reference.
Will EviLore ever come back to town?
Maybe but even then he'll be sure to let us know when he's back in town because it's guaranteed that there will be a meet up in a heart beat. And you'll have to be 21 for sure to come out to it.
How many people typically come out?
Lately it's any where from 10-20 people. It consists of regulars and new comers (always a plus). There's also been occasions where we've had GAF members visiting the city from abroad come out and join us as well.
How diverse is the group?
This is NYC buddy. The groups are as diverse as the city and GAF itself is. Asians, Hispanics, White/European descent, and of course Black,South East Asian. Diversity is the name of the game here. If you have any stereotypes of ethnic groups, then prepare to get your mind blown.
Do I have to drink to be cool with you all?
Absolutely not. If you don't drink, that's completely respectable/understandable. Nobody will pressure you to drink; you drink at your own risk and by your own free will. But if you do drink, make sure you keep an eye on how much you consume because we preferably want you to get home in one piece. A couple of GAF members have been unfortunate victims of muggings after we parted ways which sucks, but they're still here thankfully.
I'll be LTTP. How you long do you guys stay out for?
Fridays and Saturday nights? Until sunrise the next day.
Should I rely on the thread to get a sense on where the party is currently at?
I highly recommend that you shoot me a PM and I'll give you my number for the best, most sure fire way to be up to date or PM another GAF member who will be going to be safe; 3G/4G consumes a ton of battery life. Don't count on reading the thread to know where we're currently at for up to the minute updates. Someone will no doubt update the thread; I'll update the thread before I leave and once I've gone mobile. Subscribe to the thread if you want to keep up with it and plan on joining us later. I promise not to ever contact people if it's not related to a meet up unless we become established friends.
Do you guys call yourselves by your GAF names or do you use real names as well?
Both names get used interchangeably but the GAF name takes more priority since that's how we recognize who's who for the most part. Whether or not people choose to disclose their real names is ultimately up to the individual. It simply adds another level of making acquaintances.
I want so and so member to come out. Can you make it happen?
Simply send them a cordial message with the link to this thread and done. I'm really not going to do that since it's a lot of work but I will notify GAF members that have expressed interest in coming out in the past.
Lastly, will you guys ever go back to the Earth Cam? I want to see you guys and immortalize you lot in GIFs. Maybe even become a GIF (hard G) god like SunhiLegend.
That comes down to each person's privacy. Some people are not comfortable with the idea of being watched by hundreds of people including hundreds of lurkers so they might not want to partake in it which is completely respectable; others will be more than willing to do it. Definitely not gonna go back for a long while so keep dreaming.