This is a discussion and news thread for all things Oculus Connect 4.
Oculus Connect 4 is basically the e3/gamecom for Oculus. With a keynote from Oculus to kickstart the event, expect tons of new announcements (games and even hardware) that will come out over the next 12 months. Following the keynote, the 2 day event is packed with talks from engineers, devs and creatives from the VR industry.
Why should I pay attention?
Multiplatform VR games are also announced in this event too so it may be of interest to psvr owners too. However, if you own PC vr headset that isn't oculus, all the games announced for Oculus will be playable on headsets like Vive (just like how oculus rift owners can play steam vr games).

Like previous years the keynote should be livestreamed to Oculus twitch and facebook. Individual talks from devs may be livestreamed by the devs themselves so its worth keeping an eye on their twitter (if oculus don't livestream it for them).
- https://go.twitch.tv/oculus
- https://www.facebook.com/oculusvr
- Watch from the front row seats in VR (Rift and other pc headsets)
- VR stream - Gear VR version
- John Carmack Talk
- DEV TALK: Shooters and Strategy Lessons Learned from Skyworld and Arizona Sunshine
I'll add more links in as others post them in this thread

The official site has more info on each event scheduled above: https://www.oculusconnect.com/schedule
For those in uk, keynote should be 6pm-8pm on 11th.

What was announced at last years Oculus Connect:
- Oculus Touch Controllers unveiled
- Standalone wireless headset announced in development with inside-out tracking (not to replace or compete with oculus rift, aimed at mobile market like Gear VR)
- New minimum PC specs thanks to the use of Asynchronous Spacewarp
- Oculus Social Spaces and Rooms
- Robo Recall (epic games)announced for 2017 and as a free game for anyone who buys Oculus Touch controllers
- Lone Echo (Ready at Dawn) announced for 2017 alongside multiplayer standalone Echo Arena.
- Arktika.1 (4A Games) announced for 2017 - it actually released this week too
- Unspoken (Insomniac Games) announced
- Dead and Burried announced (another game available for free for oculus touch owners)
- Rock Band VR (Harmonix) announced
- Wilson's Heart (Twisted Pixel) announced
- Medium announced(Scultping app)
- Quill announced (VR painting app)
- Kingspray announced (graffiti simulator)
- +tons of existing vr games announced to have touch support (such as job simulator, I expect you to die, space pirate trainer, Arizona Sunshine)
- Face your fears (Turtle Rock Studios) announced as a collection of experiences for gear vr and pc vr.
- React VR - Web browser VR tech
- "NextGen", helping educational institutions to create their own VR creation programs

*Will try to keep this post updated with all the announcements from this event*
Oculus Hardware announcements:
- Oculus GO announced - Standalone Headset for $199 (shipping early 2018).
- Oculus GO uses Next Gen VR optics (New lenses WQHD 2560x1440)
- Oculus GO binary compatible with gear vr (apps and motion inputs)
- Oculus Go uses LCD (full RGB) with screen switching/shutter being faster than what LCD's has traditionally had.
- super quick boot, always in the environment (still Android at the base)
- built-in sound, even less hassle than Rifts built-in solution
- full software-stack control (no more updates every time you turn it on)
- Wi-Fi only
- Aimed at being the new tablet in your bag, instead of replacing phone
- Santa Cruz project (another standalone headset below rift in product range)dev kits going out to devs in 2018 with 6DoF (ie. positionally tracked) controllers that don't require sensors or base stations of any sort.
- Oculus for Business program announced. Offers and licenses for vr use for businesses.
- New price $399 for Oculus Rift and touch controller bundle
- "Gear VR < Oculus Go < Project Santa Cruz < Oculus Rift" product range from weakest to strongest

(image from reddit)
Oculus software announcements:
- Oculus Dash announced as the new "home", as part of the new system update for rift (titled Rift Core 2.0)
- Oculus Dash is designed with touch in mind. Acts as a 3D overlay over whatever you're doing in rift.
- Oculus Dash supports desktop access and apps
- Oculus home rebuilt - Customisable with interactions and exploration. Can launch apps inside it and visit friends spaces too
- Rift Core 2.0 beta available in December free for all rift users
- Dev Tools: "Lost frame capture" being released this week (shows where fps drops occur)
- Dev Tools: multiview is now available for mobie for devs to use. Tech that boosts framerates, reducing draw calls by up to 40% and freeing developers to create more complex scenes with less overhead.
- New Oculus avatars announced (offers more diversity in options). Supports custom clothing accessories. launching in 2018.
- Oculus avatars are cross platform so are usable on steam and daydream too
- Platform level saftey tools announced for 2018 (blocking, report and friending). These are system wide.
- "Explore" store feature coming to rift in 2018, explore tailors suggestions to your interests. Basically an interest feed. Already on gear vr.
- Live streaming features coming to rift in 2018
- Facebook Spaces coming to other platforms soon
- New social games coming to Facebook spaces.
- live 360 video features coming soon
- Quill art now supported by facebook spaces
- Facebook 3D Posts: VR created objects can now be shared to facebook with a native 3D viewer.
Game Announcments:
- Onward coming to rift store next month
- Stranger things experience coming to Face your fears
- Echo Combat coming in 2018 - new entry to the lone echo series, online multiplayer Zero-G FPS.
- Lone Echo story will continue, announcement coming soon. not sure if dlc or sequel.
- COCO vr (Disney) announced for 2018
- Unspoken :Acolytes (insomniac games)singleplayer campaign for Unspoken - winter 2017
- Marvel power united VR - Thor revealled and gladiator hulk
- Respawn Entertainment partnering with oculus for a 2019 release game (war based)
- Windlands 2 announced
- Republique VR announced for gear VR, winter 2017
- ]Red matter (Vertical Robot, Oculus) announced for Rift
Experience Announcements:
- Dispatch announced for gear vr and rift.
- Melita announced for October 17 on Gear VR and Rift:
- Space Explorers (Felix and Paul Studios) announced for 2018 on gear vr and rift.
- Bladerunner 2049 Memory lab coming to rift and gear vr on October 26.