With all the big gaming expos fading away, this may very well be the last big TGS - as rumours are floating of its merging with another entity, taking on another form entirely. So, this will hopefully be one to remember. Each system has something to prove in one way or the other, and I have no doubt some shocking realizations will dawn upon the gaming community. Should be fun...
Microsoft Pre-TGS Conference
Date: September 20, 2006
Time: 2pm JST, 10pm/12am/1am PST/CST/EST
What: Ya know, the outline of what to expect over the show. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and everything else that follows. Secrets!
Sony TGS Keynote Speech
Date: September 22, 2006
Time: 10:00-11:10am Japan time
What: "Next-Generation Entertainment Created by the PS3" with our loverboy Kutaragi as speaker. Oh, I'm sure there are a few bombs to drop...
Tokyo Game Show
Date: (Business Day) September 22, (Public Days) September 23, 24
Time: 10:00am-5:00pm (Japan time)
What: Play some games, biatches. Check the official website here
I am going to try my best to update this post throughout the event. There may be times that are slower than others - unfortunately, I'm a bit busier than I thought I would be this week. But rest assured, most of the vital information will be updated into this post in due time.
I am going to keep this thread open, because this isn't really the thread for the conferences and whatnot - specific threads will be created for that. So, talk about any general shit about TGS I don't care. But, as always, keep it civil as this is just a summary thread. Most of all I do not want to hear on page 10 "oh great this thread is so big what the hell just happened i'm not gonna search this thread for the news." ALL THE NEWS IS IN THE FIRST POST SO COME BACK HERE. For quick access to this post, click here.
Here is the meat of this post. I will try my best to be on top of things, but I can't promise it'll be as in-depth as my previous summary threads... so maybe another mod will update into this post to help me out along the week, we'll see what happens. Thanks to our many contributers, from IGN to BlimBlim to duckroll to jj9848jj and beyond.
I = Images
M = Movie
A = Article
P = Press Release
W = Official Website
General announcements
● Microsoft is going to bring TGS and X06 to XBL. Expect tons of demos, videos and more during this event. It's an awesome thing indeed, and anyone with a 360 should capitalize. UK 360 owners get this event accompanied by a free trial of XBL Gold. (A)
● SquareEnix announces its line-up for TGS, including videos of FFXIII and playable Chocobo no Mahou Eho for DS. (A)
● Sony announced that there should be approximately 27 playable PS3 games at the show, along with various other PSP/PS2 playables. Check out what has been revealed so far. (A)
● Bioware has formed a "handheld game group" to develop for, well, handheld platforms. There first game is going to be on the Nintendo DS. (P)
● Since this isn't technically game related, I thought I'd put it here. Square Enix has announced FINAL FANTASY VII: ADVENT CHILDREN COMPLETE for the Blu-Ray format. On top of being in a super high resolution, it's also going to be a 'director's cut' of sorts which includes never before scenes and more. (A)
● Sony WorldWide Studios has announced that it has over 100 GAMES in development for PS3. If that's not astonishing, nothing is. Will they all be any good, though, is the question? (A)
● Some... bad news. MTV announced today that they plan to buy HARMONIX, of GUITAR HERO fame. Yes, you read that right. Apparently they still maintain complete creative control, but this does not seem good. (A)
● Capcom announced that they are going to make a 12 episode DEVIL MAY CRY anime. A short preview can be found at the link. (V, W)
Xbox 360
● EA has offically announced its "Tony Hawk Killer", currently titled SKATE. Developed by EA Black Box in Vancouver, Skate will feature professional skateboarders including Danny Way and PJ Ladd. The game takes place in a "fully reactive skateboarding city" and boasts physics-driven animations. For PS3 and 360. (A, P)
● Let the festivities begin then, eh? There's a new video up for LOST PLANET, which everyone should see. Looks brilliant. The game is announced for release December 22nd for 8,379 yen ($71). (M, W, A)
● JAPAN: A new 360 core pack for 29,800 yen is announced - comes with N3 and PGR3. (A)
● JAPAN: A new 360 premium pack coupled with Blue Dragon will be released this December for the same price as above. (A)
● JAPAN: Xbox Live Vision camera release w/ a month of XBL Gold and a free copy of Uno for 4200yen (A)
● WORLD: Wireless headset. November 2, 6,300yen. (A)
● JAPAN: The harddrive and remote will be hitting stores for 9,500 and 3,000yen respectively. (A)
● JAPAN: The elusive HD-DVD add-on is fully revealed. Connects with USB and yup, supports full 1080p. It integrates seamlessly with the XB360 dashboard to boot. It'll retail for a price of 20,790 ($177), including tax. Releases November 22nd... but No word on US pricing and release. (A)
● WORLD: Thanks to the release of the Xbox Live Vision camera -officially-, the games that support it are being updated. Bankshot Billiards 2, Hardwood Hearts, Hardwood Spades, and Hardwood Backgammon will join Uno as XBLA titles that support it. (A)
● WORLD: Don't know if this is new, but some titles confirmed for XBLA are Defender, Fatal Fury Special, Contra and Gyruss.
● WORLD: XBLA is updating with many new titles including Yie Ar Kung Fu, along with Rush'n Attack, Ms. Pac-Man, and New Rally X. However, Yie Ar Kung Fu is exclusive to Japan. (A)
● WORLD: In early 2007, Microsoft will hold a Pac-Man championship in New York for some top prize... presumably 360 related. (A)
● WORLD: Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 is due out November 15th in America, and November 22nd in Japan. In Japan, it's going to retail for the absurd price of 9,240 yen ($79). (A)
● WORLD: Microsoft announced that a fall update for 360 will allow all games and movie output to go to 1080p. This is the "megaton." (P)
● EUROPE: There are going to be two new bundles for this territory, one with Gears of War released on December 1 for 439.99, and one with PES6 on Oct 27 also for 439.99. (I, I)
● LOST ODYSSEY is one of Mistwalker's big premiere titles... the Final Fantasy killer. And damn if it ain't look gorgeous. (I, V)
● BLUE DRAGON, Mistwalker's other charming DQ-esque RPG, looks just ****ing stunning. You need to see this. (V)
● Microsoft announces Platinum Hits for the Xbox360 in North America. Perfect Dark Zero, Kameo, Need for Speed: Most Wanted and Project Gotham 3 will be the first and will retail for $29.99 MSRP. (P)
● TRUSTY BELL: CHOPIN'S DREAM, Tri-Crescendo's opus, is a vibrant cel-shaded RPG with what appears to be a fairly original story to boot. Definitely should be high on any jRPG lovers list. In an addition bit of news, the game will be titled ETERNAL SONATA in western markets and will unfortunately have Chopin's name removed in favour of a ficticious composer. (V, I, P)
● And Microsoft has yet another beautiful jRPG to pimp at TGS, Tri-Ace's INFINITE UNDISCOVERY. Nice clear media to finally drool over. (I, I)
● And what about RARE? The latest for VIVA PINATA looks stunning, as always it's one thing we can expect. (I)
● XBL: Yeah, 'bringing it home' may not have been on time exactly but now that it's got rolling you can download a demo of TENCHU SENRAN. You're a ninja, but now you've got next-gen power! (A, I, I)
● If you've ever played System Shock, then there shouldn't be a damn thing higher on your list than BIOSHOCK. IGN has some of the first video of the game which, frankly, looks... astounding. (V)
● Some news on the ARMORED CORE 4 front: the game will be released in Spring 2007 for the 360 in North America. So, that's at least something for you diehards to look forward to since it's not cancelled on the platform. (P)
● KINGDOM UNDER FIRE: CIRCLE OF DOOM was announced a week or so ago, but now we got real media. Check out the impressive looking footage. (V)
● Looking forward to SONIC THE HEDGEHOG? Well... it's got Sonic alright... check the latest media. (V)
● ASSASSIN'S CREED is one of the most anticipated next-gen projects, and for good reason! Check out why with the latest media. (V)
● Fan of tennis? VIRTUA TENNIS 3, which is natively 1080p and runs smooth as ****, is shaping up very nicely on the platform. The video is from the PS3 version. (V)
PlayStation 2
● KINGDOM HEARTS II may have already released worldwide to spectacularly high sales numbers, but that doesn't mean Square should stop whoring it. Because now they announced KINGDOM HEARTS II: FINAL MIX, which I assume is like one of them international versions of games they release. Only this time, it includes a full 3D remake of KINGDOM HEARTS: CHAIN OF MEMORIES
● SEIKEN DENSETSU 4, aka DAWN OF MANA in the US, is slated to be released in Japan on December 21st. The main composer is going to be Ryuuichi Sakamoto. (A)
● Sure, this is PS3's show but don't forget about this excellent system. A teaser for YAKUZA 2 is released, and it's looking stellar. (V)
● SEAMAN 2, about a caveman virtual pet, is coming to the system with a unique packaged-in controller. Yup, you heard that right. Check out the latest media. (V)
PlayStation 3
● EA has offically announced its "Tony Hawk Killer", currently titled SKATE. Developed by EA Black Box in Vancouver, Skate will feature professional skateboarders including Danny Way and PJ Ladd. The game takes place in a "fully reactive skateboarding city" and boasts physics-driven animations. For PS3 and 360. (A, P)
● Level 5, the brilliant minds behind such titles as Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy, has announced WHITE KNIGHT TALES for PS3. It's an RPG that's aiming to get a Shadow of the Colossus feel with its huge scale. (A, I, I, I, I, W, V)
● The latest Famitsu has revealed Tecmo's NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA for the platform. It's going to be the 'definitive' edition of NGB, and includes Raechel playable and new levels and greatly enhanced graphics. This version of the game will be exclusive to this platform. Check the links. (I, A, A, I, I, I, V)
● Haven't got enough of METAL GEAR SOLID 4? Good, nobody else has either. Start your TGS right by checking the latest stuff at the links. And as a bonus, Metal Gear MK-II is back! (I, A, V, I)
● Is it that time already? Yup...more MOTORSTORM media. And it's looking real nice. The new website has a video up too. (I, W, V)
● If you've ever played System Shock, then there shouldn't be a damn thing higher on your list than BIOSHOCK. IGN has some of the first video of the game which, frankly, looks... astounding. (V)
● Unfortunately, it looks like our worst nightmares have come true - not only is GRAN TURISMO: HD a real game, but it's a real game weighed down by near endless microtransactions. Indeed, to purchase every aspect of the title would cost near $1000. The game is gonna also feature a 'premium' GT, which is a vision at how Gran Turismo 5 will be. Whatever you do, don't support this business model. (A, I, I, I)
● On the lighter side of things, there's some brand new shit to look at for RIDGE RACER 7. (I: 1, 2, 3)
● Some news on the ARMORED CORE 4 front: the game will be released in Spring 2007 for the PS3 in North America. So, not a launch game there but at least something for you diehards to look forward to. (P, V)
● VIRTUA FIGHTER 5 is going to be one of the greatest fighting games ever for sure, so why don't you salivate with me over the latest media on the PS3 arcade-perfect port! (I, V)
● One of the highest profile exclusives on PS3, DEVIL MAY CRY 4, is shaping up quite nicely. Make sure to check out all the latest shit right here. (V, A, W, I)
● Sony has signed MEDIA MOLECULE, aka the Rag Doll Kung Fu Team, to create an exclusive "AAA" PS3 title. The wording says full-priced PS3 title, so I assume that means 60 bucks. (P)
● It's pretty unbelievable to me personally that one of the games that have come the longest way graphically is from Koei Canada, and it's called FATAL INERTIA. I had no hope, but now I'm hoping it's a good stop gap until Wipeout! (I)
● The conference talks about GMS - aka GLOBAL MAPPING SYSTEM - which helps developers gather information from their games without having to make a trip, apparently. Needs lots of participation to "work", says Kutaragi.
● Sony announces that PS3 will host small videos and large videos, some sort of youtube-esque setup for users. Uhm, I guess.
● Sony announces that MEGADRIVE and PC ENGINE games will be available for download on PS3.
● Trailer reel of E3 FFXIII footage, Virtua Fighter 5, Afrika, Gundam and Ridge Racer 7.
● That's... basically it. Dead serious. Check This link for exact details.
● Factor 5's LAIR, of dragons and knights, is revealed for the world looking a tad bit underwhelming. Check out the media and articles. (A, I)
● RESISTANCE: FALL OF MAN is Insomniac's siren call, the game they supposedly always wanted to make, and so you can check out if they did good at the links. (V)
● Looking forward to SONIC THE HEDGEHOG? Well... it's got Sonic alright... check the latest media. (V)
● Are you a fan of FORMULA ONE? Well the 2006 edition on PS3 is shaping up quite nicely, so make sure to grab the latest shit. (V, I)
● Uhm, now we ask why Kutaragi didn't showcase HEAVENLY SWORD at the TGS conference. Because my god, this is one of the most beautiful games of all time. Check the media and be stunned. (I)
● MEGATON: And it's official, in Japan the PS3 20gb core will have HDMI and retail for a full 10,000yen than before... at an acceptable 49,980 range after tax. If that ain't a steal, nothing is. Make it happen in the US, Sony! (P)
● ASSASSIN'S CREED is one of the most anticipated next-gen projects, and for good reason! Check out why with the latest media. (V)
● MONSTER KINGDOM: UNKNOWN REALM is a pretty low key game on the PS3, but nonetheless check it out... I think it looks quite snazzy conceptually. (V)
● SEGA GOLF CLUB looks like an upscaled PS2 game, but what can I say... you may be one of the three people interested. (V)
● Fan of tennis? VIRTUA TENNIS 3, which is natively 1080p and runs smooth as ****, is shaping up very nicely on the platform. The video is from the PS3 version. (V)
● Did someone say AFRIKA? Well you will now, because this beautiful video will make pretty much anyone drool. Seriously some of the best next-gen graphics yet. Too bad it's a non-game. (V, I)
● Don't worry, WARHAWK isn't going to escape the TGS fun. Check out the latest from Incognito's stash. Unfortunately, the game is now delayed until Summer 2007. (I)
● Sony's NBA 2007 is not exactly a title I believe will sell the system, but nonetheless check out the information and media we have on the title to decide for yourself. (A, V)
● GENJI 2 is filled with historically accurate crab battles and real-time weapon switching... I don't think that joke has been abused enough... but there's something else the game is filled with. Good graphics. It has come a long way since E3, and it's no longer a game to make fun of. (V)
PlayStation Portable
● You wouldn't know it, but apparently there was enough success that the METAL GEAR DIGITAL COMIC is getting a sequel. This time, it's based on MGS2: Sons of Liberty. I guess it's nice if you're a hardcore MGS fan. (A)
● JEANNE D'ARC, the portable SRPG from Level 5, is god-damn gorgeous. This is what we need on the platform, Sony! (V)
● Sad that the PSP seems to be getting overlooked this TGS? Don't be... Kojima is here to save us all. Check out the latest trailer for METAL GEAR SOLID: PORTABLE OPS. This is what gaming is all about, baby. (V)
● METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY is getting the 6th game in the series, thankfully. Now it's a real impressive set. (P)
● Sony announced EVERYBODY'S GOLF COURSE, aka HOT SHOTS GOLF COURSE, for the platform. Not much information on the title, but check the latest media. (I, I, I)
● It seems it's always up to Konami to save Sony's ailing portable, and god damn if Konami didn't deliver. SILENT HILL ORIGINS look absolutely unbelievable for a handheld, and damned if it ain't a day one purchase for me. (V)
● Hudson has an exclusive preview of its own game WING ISLAND. In it, you fly an airplane around using the unique controller and take down different missions from taking out fires to finding cows. (A, I: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
● Koei sent over the latest images of SENGOKU MUSOU WAVE... and you may want to avert your eyes. Seriously, don't click the following link. You might not survive. (I, V)
● I'm sure none of you are buying a Wii simply to play this game, but check out the latest stuff on Ubisoft's FAR CRY: VENGEANCE. A nice interview and images. (A, I: 1, 2, 3)
● Love anime? Then BLEACH Wii might be for you. Check out the latest video and touch yourself. (V, V)
● Even though Nintendo isn't at TGS, it's not a total loss. SEGA is showcasing SUPER MONKEY BALL: BANANA BLITZ and it's shaping up nicely if you're a fan of the franchise. Check out the website too, which details the characters and such. (V, W)
● And for some more SEGA love, check out the latest and greatest from SONIC AND THE SECRET RINGS for the innovative console. (V)
● METAL SLUG ANTHOLOGY is getting the 6th game in the series, thankfully. Now it's a real impressive set. (P)
Nintendo DS
● Squeenix announces FRONT MISSION 1st, a quasi-port of the PSOne remake of the orignal FM. It'll add some shit though, so details on exactly what as they come. (I)
● Finished the best FF ever, FFXII? Depressed that you'll probably never see a game as awesome as it again? Well, it doesn't have matsuno but this is surely a start - Squeenix announces FINAL FANTASY XII: REVENANT WINGS for the DS. Sakimoto provides the soundtrack, with Motomu Toriyama (FFXIII) surprisingly directing. About, uhm, being a sky pirate with Penelo and Vaan. (A, W)
● The handheld goty, CASTLEVANIA: PORTRAIT OF RUIN is looking brilliant as always. Check out the latest shit, thanks to jj984jj. (W, A)
● DRAGON QUEST: MONSTERS JOKER is apparently pushing the little DS to stratospheres that only Jesus Christ: development superstar can reach. The commercial is kinda nice too! (V)
● What about Squeenix's other DS game, IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD? Sounds like a lame song, but it looks shit hot. (W)
● It seems like Square Enix is dominating the DS news today, no? Well here's another dose... new media for HEROES OF MANA. (I)
● Konami's LUNAR KNIGHTS, 'spirtual successor' to Botkai is shaping up quite nicely. As everyone knows it works independent of any 'sun sensor' now... but besides that, it seems like a very fun game. (V)
● GYAKUTEN SAIBAN 4 DS seems like a dream come true for lovers of the franchise, and you check out exactly why with the link. (V)
● If you've ever played System Shock, then there shouldn't be a damn thing higher on your list than BIOSHOCK. IGN has some of the first video of the game which, frankly, looks... astounding. (V)
I hope everyone gets a little of what they want out of this show... although I'm sure there will be plenty of bitter, bitter tears to lick up from the fallen.
Enjoy the show, biznatches.