Cindi Mayweather
Note: I refuse to use the word transgender in this thread. I refuse to acknowledge their ideology. Also, I could have never written this thread at some other site without being banned for "transphobia".
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I am a transsexual woman. I was born male and transitioned to female in my late 20's.
Being trans is a medical disorder and arguably a mental illness. De-medicalizing it presents many problems for trans people and potentially makes situation dangerous for those of us who are trans that depend on medical treatment.
Here are facts of the situation:
1. Transition is seen as medically necessary for trans people. Research shows that transition tremendously helps the mental well being of transsexual men and women. Hormones are considered by many to be life saving medicine. Things like FFS (facial feminization surgery), and SRS (sexual reassignment surgery aka THE surgery) are also seen as things that lend to better mental well being.
2. Therefore, these changes are not cosmetic. They are purely medical and psychological in nature.
3. De-medicalizing trans people makes it seem that we are normal. If we do not suffer from a medical disorder we do not need medical treatment.
4. Insurance companies could render use of hormones (which are life saving medicine) and surgeries to be purely cosmetic.
5. These things are not cosmetic and save lives.
6. Insurance companies already - even before this change by WHO - denied care to transsex people because our life saving surgeries (especially FFS) were seen as cosmetic when, if someone notices that flaw on your face, they might clock you as trans and beat the shit out of you or discriminate against you in some other manner.
7. Therefore, de-medicalizing trans people potentially puts trans people at risk. An insurnace company has no reason at all to provide care if all the psychological orgs in the world conclude that you are not suffering from a medical condition.
The only people fighting for this are people who are offended at the idea that being trans is considered a medical condition (despite the fact that we go to the pharmacy to pick up medicine to treat it). They have essentially put the entire community in danger because they didn't like being offended. Many of these people take on the moniker of "queer". But whereas they embrace the word that is defined to be,"strange, odd, out of the ordinary, abnormal" they posit that being trans isn't a medical condition but something normal and common.
They endanger us all just to make themselves feel better. Thankfully there are many with me who are fully aware of the ramifications.
Hopefully Trans Goddess Ann Coulter is one of them.
Additional source:
I am a transsexual woman. I was born male and transitioned to female in my late 20's.
Being trans is a medical disorder and arguably a mental illness. De-medicalizing it presents many problems for trans people and potentially makes situation dangerous for those of us who are trans that depend on medical treatment.
Here are facts of the situation:
1. Transition is seen as medically necessary for trans people. Research shows that transition tremendously helps the mental well being of transsexual men and women. Hormones are considered by many to be life saving medicine. Things like FFS (facial feminization surgery), and SRS (sexual reassignment surgery aka THE surgery) are also seen as things that lend to better mental well being.
2. Therefore, these changes are not cosmetic. They are purely medical and psychological in nature.
3. De-medicalizing trans people makes it seem that we are normal. If we do not suffer from a medical disorder we do not need medical treatment.
4. Insurance companies could render use of hormones (which are life saving medicine) and surgeries to be purely cosmetic.
5. These things are not cosmetic and save lives.
6. Insurance companies already - even before this change by WHO - denied care to transsex people because our life saving surgeries (especially FFS) were seen as cosmetic when, if someone notices that flaw on your face, they might clock you as trans and beat the shit out of you or discriminate against you in some other manner.
7. Therefore, de-medicalizing trans people potentially puts trans people at risk. An insurnace company has no reason at all to provide care if all the psychological orgs in the world conclude that you are not suffering from a medical condition.
The only people fighting for this are people who are offended at the idea that being trans is considered a medical condition (despite the fact that we go to the pharmacy to pick up medicine to treat it). They have essentially put the entire community in danger because they didn't like being offended. Many of these people take on the moniker of "queer". But whereas they embrace the word that is defined to be,"strange, odd, out of the ordinary, abnormal" they posit that being trans isn't a medical condition but something normal and common.
They endanger us all just to make themselves feel better. Thankfully there are many with me who are fully aware of the ramifications.
Hopefully Trans Goddess Ann Coulter is one of them.

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