- Poor momonuske, lost 20 years of his life and will be the worse swordsman in his age group as he lost 20 years of practice. Then again he's a badass dragon now.
- YAMATO! New Strawhat! She'll definitely join. I thought the crew was complete with jinbei (or jimbei?) making it 10 but wow what a cool and powerful edition. I'm guessing billion-plus berry bounty.
- Zoro, descendant of Wano and Ryuma? He might get another swords out of this but I'm guessing his next one will have to be one of the 12 excellent swords. I don't think he'll replace Enma, too powerful, or the one he kept from his dead childhood friend.
- What's with Sanji and his suit? Maybe something with the translation, something about feeling weird, but he's fighting against Queen - wear the suit dammit! After this arc I think franky will upgrade it and remove germa logo.
- Luffy with another upgrade, conqueror's haki as armor (and maybe attacking/ryu haki). Given that this needs practice, and kaidou knocked him out again, I think this fight will see him go to gear 5 or awakening. Or maybe G5 IS the awakening. We haven't seen him practice or think about G5 so most likely awakening. Can't wait to see it!
- Kaid said luffy can't be joyboy after he thought he killed him, so that means joyboy will be reincarnated in some way. I think joyboy/luffy are the sun god and momonosuke the moon/night god. Oda is obsessed with sun/moon duality. See this
crazy one piece theory, I haven't read the older One Piece threads here but I'm sure you all have already seen that.
- There is no way luffy takes out big mom too. Kaido is more than enough. Maybe we need to give some credit to kid and law, individually they're nowhere near a yonko but together they might do it. I think what will happen though is she escapes because her ship is still out there and I don't see anybody fighting them - we're at the end now, luffy getting serious with kaido and zoro/sanji fighting kaido's toughest pirates. I think they'll rescue big mom and we'll see her again at the next arc...
- which is... Elbaf? It has to be. It's been mentioned too many times for them to pass it before laugh tale. They'll take it big mom there, meet shanks, and head to the final island. I think lodestar island and god valley will be mini-arcs tied with the last one. So three big arcs to go? Elbaf, final island, the final war/revolution/one piece. That sounds good to me but pretty long to be over soon, I hope Oda keeps up the quality and doesn't end up cutting too much. He said OP is nearing the end, I hope that doesn't mean he'll rush things. On the other hand it might pressure him to be really efficient with his plot and we get dense stories with good pacing (in the manga at least
