While gamers might go wild for the tech the fov-eye tracking is going to a privacy issue for a lot of people. Our data is already sucked from us and shared god knows how many times with organisations due to shady information governance and terms of service, how many people are going to be happy with every eye movement, pupil dilation, every piece of data of you're individual iris and eye makeup packaged up into lots and lots of data and siphoned off for future exploitation. Proper eye tracking is my no-go barrier, pass me the tin foil hat, but there is enough indoctrination and brainwashing via tv and movies, I don't want any organization having that level access to my personal data. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, what happens when that gets captured, anyway Meta can talk about a decade long project, we all know their deadline is 2030 (that's why the United Nations called it agenda 2030) as once Ai takes jobs on a significant scale the governments are going to have an issue once they manage to create the new "useless class" or "useless part of society", the "useless eaters" who need to be on strong meds from pharma while plugged into the meta verse while we live in our pods, own nothing and "supposedly" are happy and civil unrest is quashed.
Not a conspiracy theory, a conspiracy fact, go look at the WEF presentations for years now detailing the plans our governments and leaders have for us once AI starts taking peoples jobs.
I've got a full Vive setup from initial launch, I bought a PSVR along the way for some of the exclusives and also play my mates Quest 2.
Vr has a lot of potential, but once Facebook/meta and other corporates and big tech stepped in it comes with a sinister undertone, a big scandal was Facebook and Cambridge analytica, right now the fallout from the Twitter files continues, where it's clear that these platforms have been weaponised against civilians
I think once Facebook put on that extra $100 that killed the growth flat, they had the chance to continue to steamroller those subsidised quest headsets out to the masses, but the Facebook brand went toxic and meta isn't doing massively better from what we saw the past year or so, it's a tough subject these days, we all knew palmer lucky selling out oculus would be bad long term, I think we are fast approaching that

I tried to keep the topics neutral and keep the political sides out of what I wrote because 95% of western governments all parties are on board with these plans, doesn't matter left or right, red or blue etc as both sides have committed to the UN goals and vr is a part of that it turns out