Panic’s little yellow handheld has sold a lot more than anticipated. Today, the company confirmed that the Playdate has sold 53,000 units, more than double the initial production run of 20,000. However, a large number of those customers are still waiting to crank away: Panic says that it has shipped 27,000 of those orders, and “the team is hard at work on getting customers their Playdates, and fully expect to deliver all pre-orders by the end of this year.”By Andrew Webster
In a statement, Playdate’s project lead Greg Maletic said, “When we started, we had no idea how big the audience would be for a weird product like this, but we told the factory: build 20,000. To have now sold more than 53,000 (and counting) is heartening. And this, at a time when parts shortages forced our delivery lead-times out as much as a year. As those lead-times shorten and Playdate delivery becomes more immediate, we’re looking forward to an even better year two.”
The first batch of Playdate units started shipping a year ago. In March, Panic launched a curated games store called Catalog, available both on the device and on the web, and this month, the Playdate saw its price jump by $20 to $199 (the second such price bump). The device also supports sideloaded games purchased from places like, and Panic says that, to date, 39 percent of users have utilized the feature.