Gold Member

Welcome to the Neogaf OT for the eagerly awaited early access period of Path of Exile 2. There is an absolute ton of information for this game so we'll just cover the basics here and any questions (which I'm sure there will be many) can be answered in the thread.
Please go easy on me, this is only my second OT and I'm drinking Jonny Walker Black, writing this and trying to close out a project before the game launches. Excuse the roughness I will be adding to it and polishing it up a bit over the coming weeks.
Lets get on with it, after all we've only been waiting 5 years.
First up a legendary quote from a legend in the hype thread:
Stfu. This is it boys. THIS is the reason video games were made.
From pong, to this. Gods purpose on Earth for man kind.
The gamers game. Go throw your money at GGG.

- PST: 11am, Friday, December 6, 2024
- EST: 2pm, Friday, December 6, 2024
- GMT: 7pm, Friday, December 6, 2024
How much?
POE 2 will be free to play when it releases 1.0 but for now you need a supporters pack to get in. Not a bad deal because as well as the goodies in which ever pack you choose you also get the same value in coins to spend in the in game shop.

What do I get in these packs I hear you ask?

Note some of the packs contain more than the description in the pictures for full details go here:
3 Acts will be available for the early access period and 6 in total for the full release. For now you'll be required to repeat acts 1-3 on a harder difficulty to ready your character for the end game. Can be played solo, online upto 6 players, and even couch co-op across all formats, yes including PC.

At the start of Early Access in Path of Exile 2 each of the 6 Character Classes will have 2 Ascendancy Classes available. Ascendancy is like a sub class and becomes available through trails starting during act 2 but you'll have to work for them.
6 more Classes will be available at or before launch of 1.0 and there will be a total of 3 ascendancies for each class in the finished game. I don't know about everyone else but I can't decide on which to play, they all look sick AF.

Passive Skill Tree:

Check this out, it may look daunting at first but its not that difficult to figure out once you get your head around it.

Interactive version and source from the above:

Completing the campaign is just the beginning. The endgame in Path of Exile 2 includes countless areas in different biomes, powerful crafting, challenging bosses, unique encounters and much more. Unlock new paths and explore further into the world. There are huge numbers of things to find.
As you progress through the endgame, you will gain access to special passive trees that can boost the rewards of your maps and change the way the various endgame mechanics work. These trees will make your maps more rewarding but also more difficult

I strongly recommend you check out this video by the CEO of GGG giving an overview of the content available during early access and the insane looking end game:
Regarding a NEOGAF guild i think

I think that should do it for now. There's an insane amount of content and systems even in this early access stage and I'm by no means a POE expert so if I've missed anything anyone thinks is essential the give me a nudge and I'll stick it in the OP.
Happy Slaying everyone.
*WARNING* There is a very strong chance it completely shits the bed tonight due to the frankly insane numbers the packs/preorders seem to be doing. So probably best to go do something else tonight if the worst happens rather than giving yourself an aneurysm. There's always Indiana Jones special early access edition to tide you over as an option while things calms down. Check out this message just posted from the CEO, you can almost see the terror in his face. God bless him and all those at GGG. We are with you tonight whatever may happen, don't work too hard, there's always tomorrow.
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