
Boston, March 11-13.
PAX East 2011 is at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, which is conveniently located in the heart of Boston, Massachusetts. The address is:
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
415 Summer Street
Boston, MA 02210
So, who's going!?
Everything been announced:
Keynote Speaker - Jane McGonigal

You may know her work from the I Love Bees ARG that launched with a little game called Halo 2. You may also have seen her TED speech or read her book ("Reality is Broken") where she describes gamers as being uniquely equipped to save the world. She's super smart and has a lot of really interesting things to say about gaming, and we're super excited to have her here. Check it out!
Other notable panels (of my choosing, please suggest ones you think are good):
Penny Arcade Q&A #1
Main Theatre
Friday, 11:30am - 12:45pm
Two mics on stage, two mics in the crowd. Line up for your questions and Gabe and Tycho will do their best to accommodate! And God, please no who would win in a fight questions. If you can't make this particular Q&A, be sure to catch the second Penny Arcade Panel Sunday at 2:00pm. Note that the theatre will not be cleared before this session as it runs immediately after the keynote address.
World Exclusive Demo of "Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning"
Wyvern Theatre
Friday, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Throw out the first pitch of PAX East with Curt Schilling and his team from 38 Studios. Take a closer look at Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning, an all new game that offers a fresh take on open world RPGs. Conceived by SPAWN creator Todd McFarlane, New York Times best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, and Ken Rolston, lead designer of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, the game is an epic action fantasy RPG that is sure to capture the imagination of fans worldwide. Bostons legendary Curt Schilling will join the games Executive Producer and Creative Director for a first-ever public demo of the game. Be among the first in the world to check out the innovative combat and deep RPG systems in this master-crafted fantasy epic.
Mega64: Panel 2 the Grave
Manticore Theatre
Friday, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
The cast and crew of are back again to debut a ton of new videos and stuff. It's not as good as the Omegathon, though, so I wouldn't bother coming to this at all.
A Live Demonstration of RAGE
Wyvern Theatre
Friday, 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Join Design Director Matt Hooper and Senior Producer Jason Kim for a live demonstration of RAGE, the groundbreaking new first-person shooter from id. Set in the not-too-distant future after an asteroid impacts Earth, you emerge into a vast and ravaged wasteland to discover humanity struggling to survive the deadly threat of bandit gangs, mutants, and the Authority an oppressive government regime that has a special interest in you in particular. Featuring intense first-person shooter action, breakneck vehicle combat, an expansive world to explore and jaw-dropping graphics powered by ids revolutionary id Tech 5 technology, RAGE promises an experience like no other. Q&A session to follow the demonstration.
Everything I Know About Social Games I Learned From Call of Duty
IGDA Dev Center
Friday, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
The games industry is evolving. Social Games, once a fringe games industry enclave, discussed under hushed tones in shadowy corners of interactive entertainment gatherings, has taken its place as an established game development discipline with nuances, best practices, and pillars all its own. That said, are "Triple-A" console games like Call of Duty so different from smash hit Social Games like FrontierVille and Mafia Wars? Is it possible that Call of Duty conned us into believing it was just another shooter, when it was actually a groundbreaking foray into the burgeoning Social Games space? This session examines the core compulsion loops, long-term feedback mechanics, and economy/itemization strategies of games like Call of Duty, and explores the parallels between the console shooter markets biggest blockbuster and the industrys newest untamed frontier.
Panelists include: Coray Seifert [IGDA Board Member, Senior Designer, Arkadium]
What the Heck is a Community Manager?
Manticore Theatre
Friday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
What the heck is a community manager? What does he or she do? Why are there a growing number of community management positions at publishers and development studios? Well talk to the industrys leading group of community managers about their jobs, how they got where they are, how they actually manage the community, and how they influence the games their studios make and the people who play them.
Panelists include: Tracey John [Games Writer, News Corp.], Arne Meyer [Community Manager, Naughty Dog], James Stevenson [Senior Community Manage, Insomniac Games], Meghan Jenks [Senior Community Manager, Turbine], Seth Killian [Strategic Director, online & community, Capcom]
The Making of an Announcement Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception
Wyvern Theatre
Friday, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Description: You may have watched the Uncharted 3 The Reveal pieces on YouTube or the PSN Store recently and if you havent, for shame and go watch them now! The two-part video series barely scratches the surface on the immense effort and hectic pace of activities at a video game developer once an announcement date is set and the studio pulls together to put together a polished set of assets. Join Naughty Dog (developers of the UNCHARTED games) and 2 Player Productions (you may know them from PATV Season 1 and the Infamous and Uncharted web docs) as we delve deeper into the events leading up to the announcement of UNCHARTED 3: Drakes Deception. The Dogs will talk about the specific challenges in producing a highly polished gameplay demo, a completed trailer, along with screenshots and other announcement assets, within a short timeframe. During that time, 2 Player Productions were the first outsiders weve ever invited to document this process firsthand and they will join the Dogs to let you know what it was like to witness the chaos and excitement for themselves and weve made them promise to bring some never-before-seen footage from the cutting room floor. Well be sure to leave some time to answer questions at the end.
Panelists include: Arne Meyer [Community Strategist, Naughty Dog], Taylor Kurosaki [Cinematic Production Lead, Naughty Dog], Paul Levering [2 Player Productions], Paul Owens [2 Player Productions], Asif Siddiky [2 Player Productions]
Xbox LIVE Enforcement: Tales from the Din Part 3: The Conclusioning
Manticore Theatre
Friday, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Enforcement on the Xbox LIVE service isn't just about whacking the bad guys. Join Stephen "Stepto" Toulouse, head of Xbox LIVE Policy and Enforcement, and his team as they walk you through the ins and outs of policing the service (along with some fun stories), working with game developers to keep ahead of the miscreants when designing their titles, and working with the gaming community as a whole to understand how gamers want to be safe online. Stepto and his team will also take your questions about banning, cheating, or anything else you'd like to know about protecting the service.
Panelists include: Stephen "Stepto" Toulouse Boris Erickson Andreas Holbrook Jason Coon
How Your Favorite Game Companies Use Facebook
Manticore Theatre
Friday, 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Like this. Like that. Facebook has taken the world by storm and has become a crucial platform for community managers and companies to help keep in touch with and grow their online communities. With the constant evolution of social media and Facebook in particular, you may not know some of the cool things happening on your favorite game studio's Facebook page. Join Collin Moore (Community Management Vet) as he moderates a discussion with community managers from across the game industry (Insomniac Games, Playfish/EA, Harmonix, and Robot Entertainment), about the importance of Facebook to game companies, and how pressing the "LIKE" button is just the beginning.
Panelists include: Collin Moore [Game Industry Vet], Sam Houston [Online Content Manager, Playfish - EA], John Drake [Manager of Communications and Special Projects, Harmonix], James Stevenson [Senior Community Manager, Insomniac Games], Justin Korthof [Community Manager, Robot Entertainment]
Giant Bombcast, Live! Feat. Da East Coast Family
Manticore Theatre
Friday, 9:30pm - 10:30pm
Yes, those lovable Vitamin-D deficient rascals from the Giant Bombcast are leaving the basement, crossing the country, avoiding specific law enforcement agencies, and making their unified East Coast debut at PAX East 2011! Each and every one of you is invited to touch the magic, feel the passion, explore the mystery, and taste the rainbow as fan favorites Vinny Caravella, Ryan Davis, Jeff Gerstmann, and Brad Shoemaker--plus some very special guests whose identities shall be revealed as soon as we figure out who they'll be, maybe--delight you with a magical evening that promises to be virtually defined by an overall lack of direction. Because that is how we like it. So don't screw this one up, for once! Come see the Giant Bombcast, Live at PAX East 2011! The Eastern Seaboard will never be the same!
State of the Industry: What Are Your Career Options?
IGDA Dev Center
Saturday, 10:00am - 10:50am
This panel will focus on the current state of the game industry and the many career paths available to those interested in breaking in. Topics include the growth and development of the industry; new roles, platforms, and genres; the distinction between developers and publishers; and how companies, teams, and projects are structured.
Panelists include: John Comes [Creative Director, Uber Entertainment], Jim Rivers [Hiring Manager, Obsidian Entertainment], Limor Schafman [President, KeystoneTech], Mary-Margaret Walker [CEO & Founder, Mary-Margaret Network]
Radio Free Nintendo: A Live Nintendo Podcast for Grown-Ups... 2!
Cat Theatre
Saturday, 10:30am - 11:30am
We love Nintendo games just as much as we love to criticize the company itself. From Mario, Metroid, and Zelda to Wii and 3DS, we'll cover classic games and upcoming releases, plus whatever you want to hear about with lots of audience interaction. Come see the PAX East return of the best Nintendo-centric podcast crew, with over 200 weekly episodes since 2006. Radio Free Nintendo is a show (and panel) about Nintendo and gaming in general, made by and for gamers who have long out-grown system warz and blind devotion.
Panelists include: Jonathan Metts [Contributing Editor, Nintendo World Report], Mike Sklens [Staff Writer, Nintendo World Report], James Jones [Features Editor, Nintendo World Report], Jon Lindemann [Director, Nintendo World Report], Karl Castaneda [Staff Columnist, Nintendo World Report]
Penny Arcade Make-a-Strip Panel
Main Theatre
Saturday, 10:30am - 11:30am
Ever wonder what goes into making a Penny Arcade comic? Join Gabe and Tycho in the Main Theatre and take part in creating Monday's HILARIOUS comic.
A Reverse Q&A with the Harmonix Community Team
Manticore Theatre
Saturday, 11:00am - 12:00pm
The Harmonix Community Team spends a good part of their day answering questions about Rock Band and Dance Central on forums, in emails and on camera... but what happens when the tables are turned and they're given free reign to question a captive audience in a PAX panel? Part focus group and part interrogation, this panel turns the traditional notion of a Q&A on its head, giving community members the opportunity to answer questions submitted by developers. You may be wonder: "What kind of questions will be asked?" and "Do attendees answer individually or as a collective?" and "Will this be a disaster?" Continue to wonder, because the Harmonix folks aren't dishing out any answers, only questions.
Panelists include: Aaron Trites [Community Manager Manager, Harmonix Music], Allison Thresher [Community Manager, Harmonix Music], Eric Pope [Community Manager, Harmonix Music], John Veneron [Associate Producer, Harmonix Music], Jason Brau [Community Moderator, Harmonix Community Member]
Owned but Independent: Running a Studio at Activision
Naga Theatre
Saturday, 11:00am - 12:00pm
How do you make gamers happy, make your development team happy, AND make your corporate parent company happy all at the same time? Somehow, the people on this panel have found a way. Join our panelists as they explain what life is really like working with the worlds biggest gaming software publisher. Dan One of Swords Amrich moderates.
Panelists include: Brian Raffel [Studio Head, Raven Software], Peter Della Penna [Studio Head, High Moon Studios], Eric Biessman [Senior Project Lead, Raven Software], Jennifer O'Neal [Executive Producer, Vicarious Visions], Dan Amrich [Social Media Manager, Activision]
Guild Wars 2 - Fantasy MMO Redefined
Cat Theatre
Saturday, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Are you tired of grind, repetitive combat and MMORPGs that have no RPG? Key creators of ArenaNets upcoming Guild Wars 2 MMORPG will discuss the games creation from an art and design perspective. Accompanied by stunning GW2 concept art, Lead Content Designer Colin Johanson, Game Designer Jon Peters, Community Manager Regina Buenaobra, Global Brand Manager Brian Porter, and SVP, Global Business Randy Price will examine how the lore, design, and gameplay of Guild Wars 2 has evolved from the original game. The panel will field questions about the highly anticipated Guild Wars 2.
To Hell and Back Again: How the Game Industry Has Changed Since Diablo
Naga Theatre
Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm
President of Gazillion Entertainment and former President of Blizzard North, David Brevik, has seen the gaming industry change immensely since he created the Diablo franchise. With the growth of social games, free-to-play business models, the digital distribution of titles, and the industry itself being thrust into the spotlight of mainstream media; David will be discussing what he has seen as the most pivotal shifts in gaming over the past decade and where the industry may be heading.
Panelists include: David Brevik [President, Gazillion Entertainment]
Weekend Confirmed
Wyvern Theatre
Saturday, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Details TBA
The Twisted Pixel Variety Hour
Manticore Theatre
Saturday, 8:00pm - 9:00pm
Come join the crew from Twisted Pixel in a jam packed hour of entertainment. See exclusive never-before-seen presentations of both new Twisted Pixel games in development! Hear the awesome stories behind your favorite characters! Help us create and design parts of our new games over the course of the hour! Mere exclamation points don't convey the amount of awesomeness crammed into this panel! You should probably start lining up now.
Panelists include: Mike Wilford [CEO, Twisted Pixel Games], Dan Teasdale [Lead Designer, Twisted Pixel Games], Matt 'Chainsaw' Chaney [Supreme High Commander of Audiological Endeavors, Twisted Pixel Games],
After Hours with Kris and Scott (Scott and Kris)
Manticore Theatre
Saturday, 9:30pm - 10:30pm
PAX again heralds the coming of its official late-night talk show with hosts Scott Kurtz and Kris Straub, the talent behind PATV's Blamimation series. After Hours with Kris and Scott promises an hour of laughs, celebrity interviews and probably even a musical guest -- it's a show so spontaneous, we won't know what's planned until the show's over!
Panelists include: Scott Kurtz [Cartoonist], Kristofer Straub [Cartoonist]
Do Brands Really Matter in Gaming
Cat Theatre
Sunday, 10:30am - 11:30am
We've all grown up with brands as an integral part of our lives and purchase behavior. It can be the sneakers we buy, food we eat, paint we use, books we read, movies or TV we watch, and of course the games we play. Does building a game based upon a branded IP ensure success? What are the opportunities and challenges of branding a game? Come listen to leaders within the industry from both camps who have launched branded games and from others who have launched without a brand.
Panelists include: Robert Ferrari [vice president of publishing and business development, Sanrio Digital], John Nam [chief operating officer, Neowiz Games America, Inc], Calvin Yang [vice president of marketing,], Ben Colayco [CEO, Kill3r ***** Interactive], Jason Wonacott [CEO, Wonacott Communications]
Further Greetings from a Dead-Tree Dinosaur Cartoonist
Manticore Theatre
Sunday, 11:00am - 12:00pm
FoxTrot cartoonist Bill Amend returns to PAX East with an all-new slide show!
X Play Panel (G4)
Main Theatre
Sunday, 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Details TBA
Making the "Citizen Kane" of Poker Games: Poker Night at the Inventory
Wyvern Theatre
Sunday, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Wondering how Tycho, Strong Bad, Max and The Heavy ended up in a cross-over poker video game? Come hear about the making of what independent reviewer/Telltale marketing guru Earnest Oinktoast called "The greatest achievement in first person card games since solitaire." Enjoy a dev talk of Telltale's "Poker Night at The Inventory" and then ask Sean Vanaman (designer/writer) how cold it was in the shadow of Jerry Holkins when writing dialog for Tycho; or ask Jake Rodkin (designer) about building The Inventory. Nick Herman (cinematic director) will be available to field questions about the tear-jerking cinematography, or, if you want to give someone what for about having a pocket pair busted by a rivered straight draw, Tulley Rafferty (programmer) will be on hand.
Panelists include: Sean Vanaman [Designer, Telltale Games], Jake Rodkin [Designer, Telltale Games], Nick Herman [Cinematic Director, Telltale Games], Tulley Rafferty [Programmer, Telltale Games]
It's not the Length, it's the Mirth: Game Length Versus Value
Wyvern Theatre
Sunday, 4:30pm - 5:30pm
With new forms of distribution for video games come new pricing models. Outlets like Apple's iOS App Store and digital distribution storefronts like Xbox Live Arcade and PSN are challenging the convention of $60 AAA retail titles, and complicating the already peculiar brand of calculus that gamers use when determining "value". Why is $1 okay on iPhone but $6 is too expensive? Why is one ten-hour retail game criticized for being "too short" while others aren't? Why are we so hung up on game length? Join Christopher Grant (editor-in-chief, and panelists as they wrestle with this age-old quandary.
Panelists include: Christopher Grant [Editor-In-Chief, Joystiq]
So, Music, you like music?
Friday Schedule: Frontalot, Protomen, Metroid Metal

SaturdaySchedule: VGO, Paul and Storm, JoCo.

The concerts are always super awesome, so you should always check this out. Protip: Don't do what people last year, and bail out after VGO (Thing overheard on crowd leaving after VGO, "well, I saw the good part of the concerts")
Got an iOS device or an Android device? Download this!
Made by fellow gaffer Alcander, this app was a lifesaver last year (without the need of carrying that pesky foldout guide during the con, which is always a plus).
So, will you be there?