Just in time for the holidays, reigstration for PAX Easton 2012 has opened up. Seeing as how both PAX Prime and PAX East are getting bigger each and every year I figured it might be helpful to have a thread for people who are interested but on the fence or just not aware. Each year the badges seem to sell out a bit faster and with the whole fake ticket fiasco at PAX Prime 2011 it's pretty beneficial to register ASAP if you know you want to attend.
What: PAX East 2012 will be the third annual Penny Arcade eXpo convention on the east coast after the massive popularity and success of the original PAX (now known as PAX Prime) out in Washington. It is one of the largest public gaming conventions for console, computer and tabletop gaming. In 2011, PAX East reached a record-breaking 69,500 attendees in only its second year.
Where: Boston, MA at the Boston Convention and Exhibit Center (BCEC)
When: April 6th-8th 2012 An important notice here, PAX East 2010 falls on EASTER WEEKEND this year. Unfortunately due to availability in Boston this was the only available weekend. As either an added bonus or penalty, Anime Boston will be held during the same weekend in a different part of the city and the rumor is there will be shuttles throughout the weekend offering transportation between the two conventions. Get your game on during the day and get your weeaboo on during the evening. Anything is possible.
Site: http://east.paxsite.com/
Badges: 3 day weekend badges are 65 dollars up front and they will mail the badges to you.
Hotels: Currently a lot of hotel rooms are available but they are quickly going out. In fact the connected hotel (The Westin) is already sold out. Secure your room now. Generally hotel rooms are offered at a discounted rate for conventions and from the looks of it are in the 200 dollar per night range.
Last year was the first PAX I attended and had a blast. There will no doubt be huge industry presence there in the form of preview games, demos, betas, speakers, guest stars, musicians, etc. Hopefully there will be a large GAF presence as well.
Who's in for PAX East 2012?
Panel Schedule is now up! Check it out here! Lots of excellent, varied topics with a few GAFers being on quite a few of them.
Less than 1000 Saturday-only PAX East badges available according to the official Twitter. Last chance to be able to attend the convention.
3 day badges are officially sold out! From this point on the only passes they will be selling are single-day ones so if you want to go be sure to pick up the appropriate day badge. They will most likely sell out of these as well so don't delay.