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PAX West And PAX Australia Combine For A Digital Event
Like may other gaming events, PAX is taking a digital approach this year.

The Penny Arcade Expo is a destination for gamers of all types each year, with its many conventions such as PAX West, PAX East, Aus, South, and Unplugged.
With COVID-19's unflinching presence in 2020, many large conventions and events have been moved to the online stage instead of a physical one. Today, PAX announced that PAX West (previously known as PAX Prime) and PAX Aus would be combining for a 9-day digital event in September.
Mark your calendars for PAX Online, September 12-20! In stark contrast to the standard events, getting badges for this will be cheap and easy - free, in fact! Everyone is welcome.
You can expect to see many of the things you often find at PAX in-person - an all-star selection of indie titles, tournaments, panels, game demos, and game announcements and reveals. Obviously, a lot of the community stuff that makes PAX incredible each year can't be emulated online, but we'll see what happens!
You can find out more about PAX Online at the official site here.