By unique I'm particularly interested in people who regularly game exclusively on an older system and with a capsule collection of games - or preferably just one specific game- as the main bread and butter of their gaming diet. They aren't collectors or "retro gamers", they have just play what they like, over and over again.
Some examples:
The uncle who stubbornly (sensibly) plays only Madden NFL 06 on his PS2. The two other games he owns are Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (unplayed in the past decade) and Urban Chaos (purchased used from GameStop in 2008 and never played... so far).
The otherwise technophile friend whose default game is Cabela's Dangerous Hunts on the OG Xbox, hooked up to their 4K OLED TV.
The Sega loving cousin who had their heart broken by Sega's exit from hardware. They never bought another console after the Dreamcast, which they still use on a daily basis. An offer to "play 2K" against them means getting schooled on NBA 2K1.
The aunt who bought a Wii exclusively for Wii Fit but who now uses it instead to endlessly replay Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
The colleague with a state of the art custom PC, deployed solely to play Rebel Moon Rising. He also owns the strategy guide, from Prima Games books.
Bonus points if their game of choice is obscure and lowly rated by critics. I like when people find something they really like, relentlessly stick to it and are rewarded with constant enjoyment.
Let's hear your stories of joyful gamers, GAF.
Some examples:
The uncle who stubbornly (sensibly) plays only Madden NFL 06 on his PS2. The two other games he owns are Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (unplayed in the past decade) and Urban Chaos (purchased used from GameStop in 2008 and never played... so far).
The otherwise technophile friend whose default game is Cabela's Dangerous Hunts on the OG Xbox, hooked up to their 4K OLED TV.
The Sega loving cousin who had their heart broken by Sega's exit from hardware. They never bought another console after the Dreamcast, which they still use on a daily basis. An offer to "play 2K" against them means getting schooled on NBA 2K1.
The aunt who bought a Wii exclusively for Wii Fit but who now uses it instead to endlessly replay Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
The colleague with a state of the art custom PC, deployed solely to play Rebel Moon Rising. He also owns the strategy guide, from Prima Games books.
Bonus points if their game of choice is obscure and lowly rated by critics. I like when people find something they really like, relentlessly stick to it and are rewarded with constant enjoyment.
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