Thick Thighs Save Lives
NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire

This was mentioned in a interview with Famitsu, parts of which have been translated and posted on Twitter by Genki:
"- Not as Atlus, but for yourself, are you thinking about what to make next after Metaphor?
Hashino: Oh, I have already started.
- You are preparing the next one?
Hashino: I don't really think about what to do as an individual. I look at Atlas as a whole and think about what is best for our team to create right now. Firstly I want the users to be happy, and as a result I hope the company will be happy as well. That is how I always work."
"We (Studio Zero) are not going to disband after the release, so no matter what kind of work we create, I hope we can take on new challenges as a team." - Katsura Hashino

『メタファー』橋野桂×『野狗子』外山圭一郎対談。なかったことになる恐怖とファンタジーへの憧れが生み出す新しい“何か” | ゲーム・エンタメ最新情報のファミ通.com
『メタファー:リファンタジオ』と『野狗子: Slitterhead』をそれぞれ手掛ける橋野桂氏と外山圭一郎氏は旧知の仲。お互いの新作を軸に、ゲーム開発へのこだわりを対談形式で紐解く。