Why does he wear the mask!?

Release date: 12th September (US), 14th September (WW)
Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Steam
Demo available on xbox live, PSN and Steam
Gameplay Enhancements:
• Gameplay Masterclass – Strategic Dribbling, Real Touch+ and new set pieces take the unrivalled gameplay to the next level
• Presentation Overhaul – New menus and real player images
• PES League Integration – Compete with PES League in new modes including myClub
• Online Co-op -A mode dedicated to co-op play is newly added
• Random Selection Match – Fan favourite returns with new presentation and features
• Master League Upgrade – New pre-season tournaments, improved transfer system, presentations and functionality
• Enhanced Visual Reality – New lighting, reworked player models and animations covering everything from facial expressions to body movement to bring the game to life


*Sorry if the OT is terrible, we couldn't afford the proper OT licenses this year. Please download an option file (Not you xbox one users, sorry...)
Will do a proper PS4 OF tutorial when I'm home tonight but off the top of my head here are the basics (could change):
What you need
A USB stick with at least 2GB space
An option file (e.g. PESUniverse, PESWorld, WEHK)
The day one Live Update
1. Download your option file of choice and unzip it.
2. On your USB stick create a folder called WEPES. Inside that folder copy all folders unzipped from the option file
4. Plug the USB into your PS4 and start PES
5. From the main menu go to Extras > Live Data Update and install the day one update (this is important, otherwise transfers won't be current).
5. Go to Edit mode > Data Management > Import teams
6. Select all teams that appear, leave all options as default and press Import. Go and make a cuppa and wait for about 10 minutes until the automatic import is done.
7. Now choose Data Management > Import Competitions. As with teams, select all competitions and Import.
Once those have imported, that should be it. Save your edit data and play a match to check everything looks right.
You have two options, a PS4 option file, or (when they're out) a PC patch.
Using an OF
1. Follow the steps above but instead of copying your WEPES folder (with the OF files inside) to a USB stick, put the folder in your Documents > Konami > Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 folder
2. Once this is done start PES and follow the instructions above from step 5 onwards
Using a patch
1. Download and unzip your patch of choice, it will be an .exe file
2. Run the .exe, point it at your PES install location (probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pro Evolution Soccer 2018)
3. Let it install, start the game and that's it.
Xbox One
Unfortunately there are no complete option files for Xbox One, nor will there be. Blame Microsoft. Their policies disallow the import of data which the game requires to be able to load user-created option files.