"xbonegros are so casual they need a help from dragon to beat the game "
"looks like a ps2 game "
"reason it's Xbone only.... It only works 720p. "
"It looks cheap and terrible and something from 15 years ago. "
"So someone gave Dante a hair cut and gave him a pet dragon........ok. "
""Play AS a Twitch Streamer" is this games logo... Soooooo immersion breaking!!!!!!!!!! Stupid headphones! "
"maybe only year exclusive lol " (replying to someone who said its xbox exclusive)
"maybe only year exclusive lol "
"Of course the headphones are coming in a deal that's why they gave them to the character. Microsoft said give us a item to sell "
"FPS be lower than my expectations for upcoming Bethesda titles"
"it looks super laggy, nothing else "
"Meanwhile Nier ran at 60 since the first trailer and actually has good animations and combos. I' m still exited simply because it's Kamiya, but it feels like Microsfot his holding him back and forcing graphics over actual depth and framerate "
"Looks fun, but WOOOOW is the main character's dialogue/attitude cringeworthy. >_<"
"You're welcome to migrate over to PS4 for greatness and RPGs. "
""pre-alpha gameplay" Lmao, nice marketing. "
"is it even 30 fps ?"
"Silky smooth 15 fps and 720p. nice. "
"Great I can be a douche with beat headphones listening to whinny rock music while the better character flies around in the background."
"Meanwhile Nier Automata plays great, with smooth framerate and good graphics, and most of all it plays like a Platinum game. This game doesn't even look like a platinum game, this game is a huge pile of mess.

"that 2 fps tho "
"beautiful 20 frames per second. Amazing unsynchronized audi and movement. 10/10 GOTY "
"What is that? 8fps? "
"my eyes can't handle this fps "
"Of course he's wearing headphones. Jeez. "
"Is it 20 fps? "
"Xbox One does one thing.... it plays television really well... "
"wow this game 10 fps because very slow "
"It looks like it's playing at 15fps. Wtf..."
"I mean, if I had to choose between this or Horizon, I would get horizon ... "
"I don't want the "tude", the headphones and the "cool" music... NOT epic. Doesn't match. "
"Emo dante joins lost planet "
"Looks like a cheesy and overpowered (with pet dragon) version of Final Fantasy 15. "
"them framerate drops "
"The combos look so boring... Take some inspiration from DMC or GOW will you?"
"B. O. R. I. N. G "
"The concept of this game looks like it was written by a 10 year old. "
"what i dont get is if you have no interest in scalebound or xbox..why are you here watching the video and leaving a comment...are people really that insecure "
"i swear this comment section is cancer, are you all seriously arguing about which console has better games? grow up"
"You can tell the actor is a straight up white boy. "
"the main guy. It looks like he was made specifically for white males, age 10, who do nothing but drink Dew & much ritos all day, think staying up to 11pm on school nights is "wicked-sick," and are about to go through a rebelious stage. I hope we don't have to be this prick who litterally jumped right out of 2002. "
"I'm not going to lie this doesn't impress me at all. The Devil May Cry series has better gameplay then this. This looks like a game Nintendo would make. Definitely not worth buying an Xbox one for, they should put this on PC that way they can at least get this game to sell properly."
"This is terrible when compared to Horizon zero dawn.. LO "
"Yeah, should've bought a PS4...."
"The game is so choppy "
"This looks bad. :-( "
""go over there" 5 hours into this game I'll smash my tv I hate repetitive voice commands"
"dear god, that xbone signature 15 fps is giving me headache just from watching this "
"bad grafic style, lookliike action figure"
"looks like the whole game is on some slowmotion mode "
"The best part was when the main character stopped talking. "
"The world doesn't look impressive at all. It's like they put a lot of effort in the combat graphics and forgot about the environment "
"this game looks so... dull? uninspired? boring? "
"So can i have a manly sword instead of that toothpick? "
"cracka anime got it... pretty lame "
"30 fps lock and dropping heavily.. "
"the main character seems so douchey and grating. He's trying to be hip and witty and laid back, but it's just so forced and stale. Ugh, just kill me. "
"22 ~ 18 fps what the hell "
"Framerate bound "
"Here's a dragon to ride! Oh wait, you can only ride him in cut scenes or traveling to next level. LAME AF "
"Looks very slow. What are you doing Platinum..? A game for grandmas? Also, framerate better be 60 constant and not that horrible slideshow. "
"that frame rate "
"Compare this to Horizon Zero Dawn. Shocking. "
"How does platinum games make a game slower than devil may cry 1 "
"Uncharted I chose Youuuu! xD "
"Wow, Pokemon has taken a big step! "
"has a dragon but walks everywhere Genius "
"They should call this game 5fps bound lol! "
"the frame rate is too low "
"Rip Fps ^^ who agree "
"Uncharted 4 and Bloodborne. .. end of story... "
"Looks boring"
"What's with the horrible fps..?

"Glorious cinematic 15 FPS "
"Not for me, I'll pass on this one. "
"A headset while fighting? What is this BS? "
"5 ps per second "
"Horrendous frame rate and slow, simplistic combat aside, (I know it's only pre-alpha so these will naturally change after release) why are we seeing such an increase in generic, edgy, pseudo-hip protagonists these days..? Almost every word that came out of that character's mouth was painful and cringe worthy. And the dubstep battle music didn't help any. I blame Microsoft studios for this one. I can't imagine Platinum Games trying to appeal to such a demographic. I.E., The couple hundred 15 year olds that may arbitrarily decide to pick this game up one day. RIP. "
"Ugh, this turns me off in the worst way. It definitely feels like an XOne exclusive. "
"That "Music" is horrendous. "