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Police face racism scandal after black man records abuse (audio inside)

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Listen to their exchange

Scotland Yard is facing a racism scandal after a black man used his mobile phone to record police officers subjecting him to a tirade of abuse in which he was told: "The problem with you is you will always be a nigger". The recording, obtained by the Guardian, was made by the 21-year-old after he was stopped in his car, arrested and placed in a police van the day after last summer's riots. The man, from Beckton, east London, said he was made to feel "like an animal" by police. He has also accused one officer of kneeling on his chest and strangling him.

In the recording, a police officer can be heard admitting he strangled the man because he was "a cunt". Moments later, another officer – identified by investigators as PC Alex MacFarlane – subjects the man to a succession of racist insults and adds: "You'll always have black skin. Don't hide behind your colour." The Independent Police Complaints Commission referred the case to the Crown Prosecution Service on the basis that three officers, including MacFarlane, may have committed criminal offences. The CPS initially decided no charges should be brought against any of the police officers. However on Thursday, the service said it would review the file after lawyers for the man threatened to challenge the decision in a high court judicial review. MacFarlane has been suspended.

The inquiry began after the victim handed his mobile phone to a custody desk in Forest Gate police station and told officers he had been abused. Earlier, he had been driving through Beckton with a friend when he was stopped by a van containing eight police officers from Newham borough. London's streets were flooded with police who had been drafted in to contain the rioting. The officers arrested the man on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs and told him he was being taken to a police station to be searched. After being taken into the van, the man was also arrested for missing a previous magistrates court appearance. No further action is to be taken in relation to the suspected driving offence.

It was once inside the van and handcuffed that the man said he was assaulted by police. He described having his head pushed against the van window and said one officer placed his knees on his chest and began strangling him. "I couldn't breathe and I felt that I was going to die," he said. The man said he decided to turn on the recording facility of his phone after MacFarlane allegedly made sexually explicit references about his mother and telling him he would be "dead in five years".

In the recording, the man sounds agitated; he raises his voice to complain about his treatment and in places insults the arresting officers. The verbal exchange lasts several minutes. When the man tells an officer: "you tried to strangle me", the officer replies: "No, I did strangle you." The officer adds that he strangled him "'cos you're a cunt" and that the man had been "kicking out". In relation to the strangling, the officer says: "Stopped you though, didn't it?" Minutes later MacFarlane, who is white, begins abusing the man. After a period of silence, he can be heard telling him: "The problem with you is you will always be a nigger, yeah? That's your problem, yeah." The man reads out MacFarlane's badge number and complains that he had subjected him to racist comments: "I'll always be a nigger – that's what you said, yeah?"

MacFarlane replies: "You'll always have black skin colour. Don't hide behind your colour, yeah." He adds: "Be proud. Be proud of who you are, yeah. Don't hide behind your black skin." Shortly before the recording ends, the man can be heard saying: "I get this all the time." He then tells the officer: "We'll definitely speak again about this … It's gonna go all the way, it's gonna go all the way – remember." The man's lawyer, Michael Oswald, said: "By his own efforts our client has put before the CPS exceptionally strong evidence and we share his astonishment that the CPS have reached a decision that no police officer should be prosecuted on the basis of that evidence. We do welcome their agreement to review that decision and we now await the outcome of that review."

The CPS initially said charges should not be brought against MacFarlane because the remarks did not cause the man harassment, distress or alarm.

Grace Ononiwu, deputy chief crown prosecutor for CPS London, said: "Lawyers for [the complainant] have written to the CPS and asked us to review our decision. I have considered the matter personally and directed that all the evidence should be reconsidered and a fresh decision taken by a senior lawyer with no previous involvement in this matter." Speaking to the Guardian, the 21-year-old was visibly shaken when recounting the ordeal. "It's hard to explain, but it makes you feel like a piece of shit – it makes you feel not even human," he said. "I was glad that I had it on the recording. I knew that if I had it saved I could show that I had been abused. "It's not right. We've just got different skin colour – underneath it we're all the same."

The Metropolitan police confirmed in a statement that it received a complaint on 11 August about alleged "racial" remarks and oppressive conduct. "These are serious allegations; any use of racist language or excessive use of force is not acceptable." The force said it had referred the case to the IPCC and that one officer had been suspended. MacFarlane's solicitor, Colin Reynolds, said: "The officer has been the subject of an investigation, has co-operated in that and been advised he is not to be the subject of criminal proceedings." Estelle du Boulay, director of the Newham Monitoring Project, said: "Sadly, the shocking treatment of this young man at the hands of police officers – both the physical brutality he describes and the racial abuse he claims he suffered – are by no means unusual; it compares to other reports we have received. What makes this case different is the victim had the foresight and courage to turn on a recording device on his mobile phone."

She compared the incident to the case of Liam Stacey, a student who was jailed for 56 days for posting offensive comments on Twitter after the on-pitch collapse of the Bolton Wanderers footballer Fabrice Muamba. On Friday Swansea crown court rejected an appeal from Stacey, who used racist terms against other Twitter users.

When the student was sentenced in a magistrates court on Tuesday a senior lawyer at the CPS, Jim Brisbane, said: "Racist language is inappropriate in any setting and through any media. We hope this case will serve as a warning to anyone who may think that comments made online are somehow beyond the law."


What annoys me is how he first makes the comment then adds "don't hide behind your skin colour..be proud of who you are". Wtf?


Pretty fucked up. Love how in this instance, the kid actually was correct in saying he's fucked and it will go all the way. Viva la mobile phones.
obviously he was a suspicious character and taping the cops should be illegal. it's almost entrapment what he did by egging them on, knowing full well that he was recording it.


Despite recorded evidence, the police brass STILL protect the pieces of shit who ruin their name. I'd say that protecting scum like this makes them just as vile.
I love when these incidents get caught on tape. The more often these sacks of shit are exposed the more people will demand these racist thugs never get a badge in the first place.
aren't there some libel laws or something he can sue the PD over for defaming his character? i mean, there are black people and then there are ... and associating him with the latter word defames his character. he really should sue with those UK libel laws.


obviously he was a suspicious character and taping the cops should be illegal. it's almost entrapment what he did by egging them on, knowing full well that he was recording it.

It doesn't wash because as a police officer you need to do your job with a certain amount of professionalism.
For those who havent realised, the reason the kid was saying it would go all the way because he knew what a goldmine he had on tape.

That's why he made a point to shout the officers identification number (which is clearly visible on a British police officers uniform) several times for the recording so the was no feasible way the officer could squirm out of it.

and as for being shocked....Take it from experience, what he was going through is minor. London police are mostly the nicest and politest of the bunch.

obviously he was a suspicious character and taping the cops should be illegal. it's almost entrapment what he did by egging them on, knowing full well that he was recording it.

while your comment is moronic, ill still address it. he wasn't egging them on, he was making sure it was clear and on record which officer said what.

Was he wearing a hoodie?

This shit already? seriously? besides the fact that has nothing to do with anything, did you not read the part where it states he was taken out of his car?
obviously he was a suspicious character and taping the cops should be illegal. it's almost entrapment what he did by egging them on, knowing full well that he was recording it.

He probably was wearing a hoodie and had gold teeth.... He is lucky he didn't get more than a verbal dressing down.

Am I doing this right?

Shit like this would never happen in the US

But of course! We are all past this backward racist behavior. We have a back president!


What the flying fuck was that?? I cant believe that some places it is illegal to tape police officers. If anything they should be under 24/7 constant surveillance that is free for the public to review.


What really pisses me off is how the CPS decided not to prosecute and this was seemingly swept under the rug, yet some random idiot from Swansea is sent to fucking prison in no time at all for being a dick on the internet.

He should be sacked no doubt, but I still don't think either this case or that of Liam Stacey's should be criminal matters, although this case is a lot more serious imo since the accused is a civil servant.

More people should make recordings like this when interacting with the police, although if an officer finds the device during a search, they can legally confiscate it.
What the flying fuck was that?? I cant believe that some places it is illegal to tape police officers. If anything they should be under 24/7 constant surveillance that is free for the public to review.

I agree personally i think all officers should have to wear video and sound recording equipment all the time and any arrests made while they arent working should be invalid

Back to the point dusgusting case hope the officer gets fired and locked up
What really pisses me off is how the CPS decided not to prosecute and this was seemingly swept under the rug, yet some random idiot from Swansea is sent to fucking prison in no time at all for being a dick on the internet.

He should be sacked no doubt, but I still don't think either this case or that of Liam Stacey's should be criminal matters, although this case is a lot more serious imo since the accused is a civil servant.

More people should make recordings like this when interacting with the police, although if an officer finds the device during a search, they can legally confiscate it.

Legally confiscate maybe though they cant legally delete any recordings as that would be tampering with evidence and/or atempting to pervert the course of justice


For those who havent realised, the reason the kid was saying it would go all the way because he knew what a goldmine he had on tape.

That's why he made a point to shout the officers identification number (which is clearly visible on a British police officers uniform) several times for the recording so the was no feasible way the officer could squirm out of it.

and as for being shocked....Take it from experience, what he was going through is minor. London police are mostly the nicest and politest of the bunch.

while your comment is moronic, ill still address it. he wasn't egging them on, he was making sure it was clear and on record which officer said what.

This shit already? seriously? besides the fact that has nothing to do with anything, did you not read the part where it states he was taken out of his car?

You're gettin trolled by sarcasm, son.


What really pisses me off is how the CPS decided not to prosecute and this was seemingly swept under the rug, yet some random idiot from Swansea is sent to fucking prison in no time at all for being a dick on the internet.

That is the least surprising thing about this article. Anyone who's seen a story about police abuse of any kind knows that 99 percent of the time, nothing happens to the cops.
I think I read someone on this forum sometime ago who suggested that being a bullshit corrupt 'officer' is going to be a lot more difficult in a world where everyone carries a tape recorder and video camera around with them. I think there's something to that. Cell phones and the internet are the great equalizer, in some ways.


It gets better.

PC caught on tape allegedly assaulting teenager, hours after colleague was recorded making racial slur
PC Joe Harrington has been placed on restricted duties after he was allegedly seen kicking the 15-year-old to the ground and kneeing him, in the custody area of an east London police station. Part of the incident was recorded on CCTV.

Hours earlier, Harrington was present when another officer, PC Alex MacFarlane, was recorded on a mobile phone telling Mauro Demetrio, 21, a black man from Beckton in east London, that "the problem with you is you will always be a nigger". Growing controversy over the two incidents, which occurred shortly after the riots last summer, have triggered urgent reviews by the Crown Prosecution Service into initial legal advice that neither officer should be charged

It was while he in the custody area that Demetrio witnessed Harrington allegedly assault the 15-year-old, who was handcuffed. Demetrio told investigators he saw Harrington kick the young teenager in the back of the leg and, once he was on the floor, knee him in the back.

He said the alleged assault made an "echoing" sound and the teenager cried out: "I am on the floor now – you can't do anything to me. I am handcuffed and I am on the floor."

Demetrio said that medical staff were called to the scene after the teenager, whose identity is not known, began making "strange" breathing noises for several minutes.

After Demetrio reported what he had seen, a separate IPCC investigation was launched into the case of the 15-year-old and CCTV of the incident was obtained – although the quality of the footage has been described as poor.

At an early stage of the investigation, IPCC investigators sought advice from the CPS to establish whether Harrington had committed a criminal offence.

"The CPS advised that on this occasion there was not a realistic prospect of a conviction in relation to the criminal offence of common assault," said IPCC Commissioner Mike Franklin.

The CPS lawyer who gave that advice was the same lawyer whose decision not to bring charges against officers recorded racially abusing Demetrio is now under review.
The full article has a bit more info.

Even betterer!

Daily Mail article but they have a pic of MacFarlane so it's worth it
In a further twist, claims emerged last night that police raided his home 24 hours after he complained in an attempt to intimidate him.

Officers investigating the London riots seized a widescreen TV and accused him of being a looter, but were forced to hand it back after he found the receipt. A family friend said he suspected the raid was an attempt to ‘hush him up’.

Gotta love the Met.

Dead Man

What really pisses me off is how the CPS decided not to prosecute and this was seemingly swept under the rug, yet some random idiot from Swansea is sent to fucking prison in no time at all for being a dick on the internet.

He should be sacked no doubt, but I still don't think either this case or that of Liam Stacey's should be criminal matters, although this case is a lot more serious imo since the accused is a civil servant.

More people should make recordings like this when interacting with the police, although if an officer finds the device during a search, they can legally confiscate it.

Makes me mad, but I am utterly unsurprised.

Edit: ^^^ What the fuck?
Man I love the comments sections in UK papers.... Somehow it always comes down to "How I feel" and not the situation at hand.

Herp, derp, taxpapers, herp derp..


Police should be under constant surveillance when doing their jobs. It would cover cops from false accusations, but also should be used to prosecute cops for illegal actions taken.


I agree personally i think all officers should have to wear video and sound recording equipment all the time and any arrests made while they arent working should be invalid

Police should be under constant surveillance when doing their jobs. It would cover cops from false accusations, but also should be used to prosecute cops for illegal actions taken.

We all know this will never happen.


sealed with a kiss
The CPS initially said charges should not be brought against MacFarlane because the remarks did not cause the man harassment, distress or alarm.

I just don't understand this at all.


I have to admit, when he started responding to the racist officer by his badge number (knowing that he was recording) I burst out laughing.


Reading the badge number and getting the morons to repeat and refine their statements... awesome.

It would be awesome if the police could actually be prosecuted for anything. Nothing will happen to that cop, he'll just get better at harassing black people because he's going to check for recording devices from now on.
It would be awesome if the police could actually be prosecuted for anything. Nothing will happen to that cop, he'll just get better at harassing black people because he's going to check for recording devices from now on.

Sadly this is pretty much spot on.


It sucks. But in reality there's nothing to do if you don't have proof. Any higher up is ALWAYS going to side w/ the cop as opposed to random black dude.
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