Washington, D.C -- President of videogaming Ozzy P. Anderlots declared today in a press release that the eponymous Duke Nukem franchise is now officially "un-cancelled" in North America and Europe.
Numerous industry leaders were quick to vocalize their adoration for the long-running videogame series.
"Duke has always stood as a symbol for tolerance in the videogame industy," one Bloomberg videogame section writer said, asking to remain anonymous (but Buy His Book). "I am happy to have the same skincolor as a positive white male model when it comes to the topic of police brutality".
In response to the overwhelming support and praise for the videogame icon, King and CEO of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford has announced an upcoming Duke Nukem: Police Brutality DLC pack for Borderlands 3™, adding that "gamers shouldn't be asked to play a looter-shooter without also supporting the political movements they deem important". No price was announced but he did confirm it would not be included in the recently-released Season Pass.
I'm glad we're finally giving that crewcut bastard his due.
"While the Duke Nukem franchise has been ostracized in the past for certain misogynistic jokes, it is time to recognize how it is has always stood in solidarity with those victimized by Police Brutality. To center the game's plot around the invasion of "pig cops" was brave for its time and is an important cultural touchstone for the rest of us to learn from.
We take this moment to recognize Duke Nukem's longsuffering stand against systemic oppression."
Numerous industry leaders were quick to vocalize their adoration for the long-running videogame series.
"Duke has always stood as a symbol for tolerance in the videogame industy," one Bloomberg videogame section writer said, asking to remain anonymous (but Buy His Book). "I am happy to have the same skincolor as a positive white male model when it comes to the topic of police brutality".
In response to the overwhelming support and praise for the videogame icon, King and CEO of Gearbox Software Randy Pitchford has announced an upcoming Duke Nukem: Police Brutality DLC pack for Borderlands 3™, adding that "gamers shouldn't be asked to play a looter-shooter without also supporting the political movements they deem important". No price was announced but he did confirm it would not be included in the recently-released Season Pass.
I'm glad we're finally giving that crewcut bastard his due.