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Princess Peach: Showtime! – The Final Preview - IGN
Based on what I’ve played, Princess Peach: Showtime is wholly its own thing, decoupled from the traditional Mario game entirely, and throughout my time with it I found myself really impressed with how different and special each stage looked and felt. More importantly, I didn’t find myself asking...

Princess Peach: Showtime is a simple, yet undeniably captivating variety show | VGC
The Super Mario heroine stars in her own charismatic…

Princess Peach: Showtime! – The Final Preview - IGN
Based on what I’ve played, Princess Peach: Showtime is wholly its own thing, decoupled from the traditional Mario game entirely, and throughout my time with it I found myself really impressed with how different and special each stage looked and felt. More importantly, I didn’t find myself asking...

Princess Peach: Showtime Preview - The Show Must Go On
Princess Peach: Showtime! highlights Nintendo's signature creativity in an otherwise simplistic action-adventure game.

Princess Peach: Showtime! unlocks its heroine's true potential | Digital Trends
We've played an hour of Princess Peach: Showtime! and have a much better sense of how the leading lady's unique solo adventure works.

Princess Peach: Showtime Preview - Simple, But Sweet
Princess Peach: Showtime might be on the simpler side of things, but its charm and variety have me interested in the final performance.
