From Bleeding Cool -
Didn't think this fit into existing threads, so give this a read. In a recent facebook post, "famous" Supergril cosplayer and adult entertainer Alisa Norris replied to someone writing about the rally in Charlottesville-
After claiming she NOT at the march, we find this-
Then people found her partner; he might be a nazi.
After all that heat, Supergirl wanted to set the record straight- (these quotes are from the second link posted)-
A day later, she had more to say and it's a doozy.
She also posted a text convo with a black friend to the interviewer so she can't be racist.
And some more quotes-
Great interview into the mind of an idiot. I had to stop myself from block quoting the entire two articles.
tl:dr Supergirl, a racist, says she is not a racist, contrary to her own words.
Deport this illegal alien if old.
Didn't think this fit into existing threads, so give this a read. In a recent facebook post, "famous" Supergril cosplayer and adult entertainer Alisa Norris replied to someone writing about the rally in Charlottesville-

As it stands, all her current Facebook pictures of her pets, her friends and her partner Jonathon, are getting responses calling her a racist, white supremacist, and Nazi. Something she wanted to counter.

After claiming she NOT at the march, we find this-

Then people found her partner; he might be a nazi.

After all that heat, Supergirl wanted to set the record straight- (these quotes are from the second link posted)-
First off, it was not a march, it was a rally to protest the Monument removal by the racist vice mayor. I meant I was not at the torch march the night before. That video is after the permitted assembly was shut down and we had to walk back to our cars a few miles away.
^ we all see the video though.Im not. I was along for the ride. I didnt know it was anything more than a monument removal protest. I was not chanting, there were many many groups of all kinds.
I pointed out that at the time that video was taken, she was with a man chanting, Jews will not replace us, you will not replace us. I asked what she would you say to people, her friends, fans, and colleagues for whom that explanation of being along for the ride would not enough and would not disassociate her from the marching and the rest of the marchers. She didnt have an answer for me at the time.
I also stated that even before Bleeding Cool ran anything, there was considerable social media coverage of her situation. That as it stands, she had taken down her Facebook, her Instagram is filling up with accusations of being a Nazi, and her adult entertainment site was taken down by the webmaster. I asked her what was going to happen with her and with Jonathon.
I was talking a lot, but Alisa wasnt answering. She told me:
Ill speak in time. I dont have any more to say right now.
A day later, she had more to say and it's a doozy.
They were saying you will not replace us and I was not chanting at all. I was holding hands to not be separated and for safety during a terrifying ordeal. That was not a march in that video and I didnt lie. I said I wasnt at the torch march the night before. I went to the rally Saturday to hear the scheduled speakers. When the rally was shut down and determined to be an unlawful assembly before it was even scheduled to begin because of violence breaking out between the counter protestors we were thrown to, we had to walk back to the parking lot 2 miles away. That video was the walk back and not an official march. We were also chanting silly things like Harry Potter isnt real.'
And now Im receiving death threats thanks to you and others who decided they know all about me and who I am. The thing I hate most of all out of this is how confused and hurt my non white and gay friends who have come to me are and having to explain to them what is going on. I dont care about all the random idiots and strangers hating on me but that has me down. Ill get through this just fine though and I have plenty of love and support from people who truly know me.
I turned out to be wrong to be anywhere near this event, but youre also wrong for this. At the same time though Ive had more outreach and love from all kinds of friends and fans than I have had in a long time. Its been nice to reconnect with so many people. Put this in one of your articles.
She also posted a text convo with a black friend to the interviewer so she can't be racist.
And some more quotes-
I was already there, and 12 hours from home. I have friends of all backgrounds because I dont share the same exact political beliefs of Jonathon. He seems extreme but he has never broken the law or hurt anyone or advocated violence. His beliefs are his own to have.
Alisa was clearly getting more annoyed and certain tropes seemed to start emerging. She told me:
There were a couple of KKK members out of thousands. The lying press is labeling every person there a Nazi.
I stated that the swastika flags didnt help. She told me:
Most flags were American or confederate or white nationalist flags Of course they only show the swastika Nazi Germany is dead and doesnt even have anything to do with what happening today. It was stupid of those protestors to fly swastikas.
I dont stand by anti Semitism.
Blood and soil and you will not replace us are about white countries having their populations replaced with mass immigration. Its wrong what is happening to France, Germany, England, etc. They deserve to exist in their own countries and not be over run and taken over.
I said that I was English and had never seen it that way that I was part of a nation that has always had a history of immigration and invasion. The Romans, the Angles, the Saxons, the Normans, the Vikings, etc. And then I asked, when was the USA ever a white country?
That seemed to be it. I found myself Facebook-blocked in mid question. I still had more to ask. Specifically, if she saw a contradiction between that belief and the characters she cosplays as Supergirl being a classic example of, in essence, an illegal immigrant in America.
Instead, I got Facebook telling me that Alisa wasnt receiving any more messages from me. To be honest, Im not sure she ever was.
Great interview into the mind of an idiot. I had to stop myself from block quoting the entire two articles.
tl:dr Supergirl, a racist, says she is not a racist, contrary to her own words.
Deport this illegal alien if old.