So over the past 6-7 months me and a couple of friends have been playing through Monster Hunter World. But we are about to be done with the Ice Borne content (and are honestly ready to move on after a few hundred hours on this) and I'm looking for some suggestions of what to play next.
The thing is, we are a bit mismatched in terms of hardware. I have a Ps5 but my only PC right now is an old laptop with a 1050ti, one of the guys has a good PC (rtx4080) and a Ps4 and the other one hasn't really updated much in recent years so he has a Ps4 and a PC with a GTX1080.
So it would have to be something that at least runs on a Ps4 and/or a 1050ti.
In terms of the actual games we are ideally looking for something:
- Lets you jump into Co-Op right away (or after a short tutorial) and not hours into the game
-That works well with 3 players and doesn't requiere a bigger party to access all the cool content (like Destiny)
-Has some sort of progression or end goal instead of being one of these games where you just play for a high score or play through the same content a 1000 times and just keep increasing the difficulty.
Any suggestions?
The thing is, we are a bit mismatched in terms of hardware. I have a Ps5 but my only PC right now is an old laptop with a 1050ti, one of the guys has a good PC (rtx4080) and a Ps4 and the other one hasn't really updated much in recent years so he has a Ps4 and a PC with a GTX1080.
So it would have to be something that at least runs on a Ps4 and/or a 1050ti.
In terms of the actual games we are ideally looking for something:
- Lets you jump into Co-Op right away (or after a short tutorial) and not hours into the game
-That works well with 3 players and doesn't requiere a bigger party to access all the cool content (like Destiny)
-Has some sort of progression or end goal instead of being one of these games where you just play for a high score or play through the same content a 1000 times and just keep increasing the difficulty.
Any suggestions?