RedLetterMedia |OT| Is This OT Replacing the Other OT?

I <3 RLM btw. Anyone up for making a quick and dirty fresh official thread for Off-Topic primary? Discussion is better off moving over there for the time being.

Just wouldn't be right to let someone else make an official thread! (And yes, the topic title is an RLM in joke. Wouldn't be a proper RLM title without it.)

RedLetterMedia, LLC is an American film and video production company operated by independent filmmakers Mike Stoklasa (formerly of GMP Pictures) and Jay Bauman (formerly of Blanc Screen Cinema). The company was formed by Stoklasa in 2004 while living in Scottsdale, Arizona, but is now based in Milwaukee County, Wisconsin. Stoklasa himself attracted significant attention in 2009, through a 70-minute video review of the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace. The review was posted in seven parts on YouTube, and presented by his character "Harry S. Plinkett". While Stoklasa had published other video reviews of several Star Trek films prior to this, The Phantom Menace and subsequent Star Wars prequel reviews were praised for both content and presentation.

Stoklasa has produced other works under the RedLetterMedia banner, including short comedies and web series (The Grabowskis); several review-based web series (including Half in the Bag, Best of the Worst and re:View); and concert, wedding, and corporate videos. His low-budget features have been largely horror and comedy, and have included Feeding Frenzy, The Recovered, Oranges: Revenge of the Eggplant and Space Cop. Bauman, who had directed Stoklasa in several low-budget features under the Blanc Screen Cinema banner, has been a director and producer working with him on most of his projects. In addition, Stoklasa has employed colleague Rich Evans to be a full-time actor and stagehand for their projects.



Suffers with mild autism
Plinkett's long-form reviews are such a joy; we need another one. I sometimes also enjoy Half in the Bag, but lately... Nerd Crew is better. Probably because I find the absolute state of comic-book hero / sci-fi / fantasy films today to be nothing but a giant corporate mess with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and an ongoing drag on our intelligence to have this juvenile material become mainstream for adults to obsess over without a bit of well-placed shame... so their biting parody is timely and invaluable.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Plinkett's long-form reviews are such a joy; we need another one. I sometimes also enjoy Half in the Bag, but lately... Nerd Crew is better. Probably because I find the absolute state of comic-book hero / sci-fi / fantasy films today to be nothing but a giant corporate mess with no redeeming qualities whatsoever, and an ongoing drag on our intelligence to have this juvenile material become mainstream for adults to obsess over without a bit of well-placed shame... so their biting parody is timely and invaluable.

What no one talks about is Best of the Worst, though, which is consistently good watching.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I should try that again. But - true story - my wife can't stand Rich's piercing laugh, and it was a major feature in the one BotW I watched, so I never chose another.

Haha, just Clockwork Orange her until she loves the piercing laugh; that's how we all start out, right?
Love Red Letter Media, I started with them for Half in The Bag but then I stumbled upon Best of The Worst and it is absolutely amazing. The guys have great chemistry and they make use of good editing and meta humour very well.

Then Nerd Crew was added and it was amazing, every time they do a new one it's always a treat. Re:View is also great for a serious retrospective on older films/classics/cult films which has been improving with each new episode as they find their groove.

Even Pre-Rec has grown on me despite Rich and Jack's terrible gaming opinions 90% of the time. Their streams with Jay are always the best ones, especially Friday the 13th, if you haven't seen it already give it a watch.

Looking forward to new episodes of all of their shows.


Their nerd crew videos are hillarious and kinda depressing.

I also like the bits with the scientist guy. Not sure if it has a name.
I like that RLM has all the reviewer "niches" covered, without letting them overlap and blur into a big garbled mess.

The Plinkett reviews give you the angry reviewer character, HitB gives you the sketch comedy (with the short bookending plot skits preventing the whole thing from being taken over by the skits, something a certain review website never figured out was a bad thing), BotW gives you the camaraderie dynamic of, ah, an intimate group of friends getting together to laugh at/suffer through crappy movies combined with a variety show, and re:View gives you the more serious analysis.

Then the smaller stuff like The Nerd Crew and Scientist Man help back up the main shows. Pre-Rec is pretty fun too, but it's not as interesting as the movie shows (except maybe the Phoenix Wright one where Rich did the George Lucas voice for Red White, although that ended badly as they hated the AA1-2 ending).
Pre-Rec made me unlike Rich.

I think the problem is that Rich needs people to bounce off of, and Jack is like the black hole of comedy in RLM.

I did like their Phoenix Wright review, although Jack was pretty terrible there as well. I thought it was odd that both of them somehow thought that Phoenix was a hotshot and hyper-confidant (going by Jack's "voice acting").


Unconfirmed Member
There was this one time Jay was there for no fucking reason off camera and it made me like Jay alot more. I think it was the XCOM 2 one.


RedLetterMedia is one of the most funniest youtube channel for movie buffs. I only knew about them after Mister Metokur mentioned about RLM being one of his favorite youtube channel.

So I went to watch a few of their videos, The Plinkett reviews made me a fan of the channel. Love the Scientist Man and The Nerd Crew.
I love Best of the worst. I was bummed in the evil robot episode Class of 1999 2: The Substitute broke before they could watch it. It is my favorite bad movie.


New RLM thread? Nice. Their content has been so good recently though their half in the bag frequency seems to have fallen a bit?


For the most part, I like them, though Jay has a bit of a tendency to get fixated on certain things. He turned a re:view of Blade Runner in a clusterfuck of disinformation when he went down the road of proclaiming that the unicorn footage in the Directors/Final cut was an insert from Legend, even though it was actually shot but removed by the studio who had taken Scott off the project when it went over budget, simply because it didn't fit with his 'Ridley Scott is a meddling old man' narrative that he was pushing in an attempt to liken him to George Lucas. The hilarious bit was that his supposed 'expert' friend who started by saying how fundamental 'Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner' Book was, only to then agree with Jay, even though the book says the Unicorn footage was in the original cut and many members of the production team remember it from the initial screenings......


Suffers with mild autism
I wish Mike shared Jay's obsession with Twin Peaks, because I'd love to hear them discuss the new series. I know that Jay watched it and loved it, but it doesn't seem we'll get any content from them on the topic.


I just find the ultimate irony in them always ragging on the nose pickers pop corn munchers, when their only qualifications are that they made some ultra nerdy nitpicky videos about star trek and star wars.


Love these guys, but every time Mike doesn’t participate eg. Best of the worst, the quality, or entertainment value, of the product takes a dip. Jack seems like a nice guy, but he still doesn’t seem to mesh with the rest of the gang. He’s at his best in the video game segments, but if you took him out of the other shows, I don’t think anything would be lost.
Jurassic World review went up about an hour ago and then they got hit with this lol



Edit: apparently it was another joke review and some people took umbrage with it
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Jurassic World review went up about an hour ago and then they got hit with this lol



Edit: apparently it was another joke review and some people took umbrage with it
Good. They made their direct to vhs horror botw private after this. Probably didn't want it getting reported too. It was the one where they talked about Ice Cream Man for like 2 mins and the rest was a black screen. Seems like a few others either got taken down or private as well

Mr. Plinkett reviews Transfivers: Rise of the Silver Surfer

ReView: Transmorphers: The First Paladin
I've seen some people talk about the RLM crew not liking their fans (in part because they are repetitive as hell when it comes to comments/memes/requests and also because they harassed Jessi way back when).

Is this true to an extent? Usually channels that have a distaste for their fans go on the decline, but they seem really robust aside from these joke reviews.
I said this in the last thread and I'll say it again, as far as I'm concerned RLM is the best thing the 2010s has going for it, I literally don't know how I could have survived the 2010s without the hours of entertainment they've provided me.

My only problem is there's a lot less of it, a new RLM video is a relatively infrequent thing now compared to 2011-2014 when they were putting out new videos pretty regularly.

But that's ok, if they feel like they had to slow down to prevent burn out that's fine, I'm just glad the quality has remained consistent.

Pre-Rec made me unlike Rich.

Yeah, I like Rich save for his gaming opinions, which are the typical "everything modern sucks" attitude so many gamers have that I hate, I'll still watch a Pre-Rec video occasionally but that killed my interest in following that consistently.
I used to watch RLM regularly, right up until the the Episode VII HTTB. I understand that lots of people enjoyed that film, but I fail to see how it's any better than the prequels.
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I used to watch RLM regularly, right up until the the Episode VII HTTB. I understand that lots of people enjoyed that film, but I fail to see how it's any better than the prequels.

Episode 7 is a better executed movie.The prequels are cluncky as far as plot and special effects go. Episode 7 is generic,safe,the typical procedural blockbuster movie that panders to nostalgia but it is well made and visually appealing.

I would say that Episode 8 is closer to the prequels when it comes to how messy it is.


It sounds even dumber than I had imagined. I really disliked the first one, so I wasn't about to go out of my way to see this one. It sounds like the second half might be bad enough to make me want to watch it, though.


They mentioned The Thing in some other HITB or something a while back. Maybe it was even just mentioned in a commentary track or something, but wherever it was, it made me watch it. Cool movie.


I really wish they did Wheel of the Worst a little different and watched more movies at a time.

Because those picks were fairly lame, a whole hour long episode for that? The real gems that they discover like Surviving Edged weapons are few and far between.
Yeah, sometimes they go on too much. I think I heard the word 'crone' like 80 times lmao. I feel like some of them are just so mind numbingly boring they should just skip it and put something else in. Really hope they watch that fighting video sometime soon though. Looked like women fighting in some dudes house lol.

Fox Mulder

wheel of the worst has always been about straight garbage and random shit. Sometimes it presents comedy better than other times, like surviving edged weapons.

The Thing fucking rules, it's always baffling how this was panned at release.

I think the reason critics didn't like it is simply: it was too ahead of its time and too extreme.

It probably scared the living shit out of these critics, but in a way that made them dislike the movie, it was just too intense for them.
The Thing was one of the few movies to give me an absolute scare. Acting felt so natural so it heightened the scare dramatically. You dont actively root for every one of them to die horribly like in modern horror movies or modern comedy movies or modern movies in general. It also helps that it was set on a frozen wasteland. Simultenously the coziest and the scariest places on Earth.
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Does anyone remember that 2002 The Thing video game?

Unfortunately I've never been able to finish it the two times I played it in 2002 and more recently in 2014 I think.

It's just not very good, but it had potential, a modern The Thing game in the vein of Alien Isolation would be fucking AMAZING.


Yeah, sometimes they go on too much. I think I heard the word 'crone' like 80 times lmao. I feel like some of them are just so mind numbingly boring they should just skip it and put something else in. Really hope they watch that fighting video sometime soon though. Looked like women fighting in some dudes house lol.

According to Jay on some old PreRec streams, there are quite a few failed attempts at making a wheel of the worst episode. Sometimes they spend all day watching bad videos and attempt to film discussions only to be left with nothing to discuss or an episode that isn't worth editing/uploading. I think whenever it seems like they're trying to hard it's because they are desperate to make something out of a full day's worth of watching garbage.
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