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Remember the CEO who paid all employees $70,000 or more?


Gold Member
Accused of being a sexual abuser and a phony (see bottom of article about ghost writing).

CEO famed for higher pay advocacy exits after sexual assault allegations​

Dan Price was the poster child for resisting corporate greed, making headlines in 2015 for setting a minimum $70,000 salary for all employees at the payments company he led — saying he cut his own salary as CEO by 90% to achieve it.

On Wednesday, amid allegations of misconduct and sexual assault including several criminal charges, he resigned from the company he founded in college.

Price’s exit from Gravity Payments comes with the publication of a bombshell New York Times report that alleged Price used his social media platforms to create a reputation as an advocate for higher pay in an effort to mask “a pattern of abuse in his personal life and hostile behavior at his company.”

A 27-year-old model and artist told the Times she and Price had a three-month romance in early 2021 that ended, she alleged, when Price raped her. Price, 38, has denied the allegations, while police in Palm Springs, Calif., told the Times that they had referred the case to local prosecutors, recommending a charge of rape of a drugged victim.

The Times detailed allegations of physical and sexual abuse spanning a decade from five other women, including four who spoke on the record. In a statement posted to his Twitter account Wednesday, Price said he was leaving Gravity Payments to “focus full-time on fighting false accusations made against me.” Neither Price nor Gravity Payments responded to CNN Business’ requests for comment.

Price also tweeted another statement on Wednesday detailing the benefits and perks he has provided to his employees, like unlimited paid time off and 401(k) match programs.

Previous abuse allegations​

The Times story alleged that Price was actively pursuing women online “who say he hurt them, both physically and emotionally,” while tweeting messages like “A male president was so angry he lost that he incited a mob against the U.S. Capitol. I never want to hear again that women would be ‘too emotional’ to be president.”

It’s not the first time Price has been accused of abuse. Earlier this year he was charged with fourth-degree assault and reckless driving in Seattle after prosecutors said he forcibly kissed a woman after a dinner meeting and then drove her to a parking lot where he attempted dangerous car stunts while she was inside the vehicle. Price has pleaded not guilty to the charges and awaits trial in October, according to The Seattle Times.

In 2015, the same year he rose to prominence, Price’s ex-wife Kristie Colón said in a TEDx Talk recorded at the University of Kentucky that her ex-husband had beaten and waterboarded her, as the New York Times piece notes. Price has also denied those allegations.

In the end, it may not even have been Price who was advocating for his employees and women on Twitter. The New York Times reports he hired a ghostwriter, Mike Rosenberg, a former real estate writer, to write much of his social media content.

Rosenberg himself resigned from The Seattle Times in 2019 after he was accused of sending sexually explicit messages. Rosenberg told a reporter for the news site Crosscut that the messages were not intended for the person who received them, and he did not respond to CNN Business’ requests for comment.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
He resigned immediately so that is suspect.

But odd that such a champion of the workers acted like a creep toward them.
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Seems suspect as shit. But I've learned from too many cases in the past to wait for the evidence to show before passing judgement... and judge we shall!
Normally I agree, but this is pretty damning:
while police in Palm Springs, Calif., told the Times that they had referred the case to local prosecutors, recommending a charge of rape of a drugged victim.


his twitter sucks so hard, it's that insufferable kind with the inauthentic drivel you see from people that are getting high off their own farts.

I read part of the article and it makes sense. The reason the allegations didn't stick before is because of the constant virtue signaling he would do which would drown out everything else. He basically just kept a constant flow of this kind of BS and it was the only thing that would come up when you search for his name.


In 2015, the same year he rose to prominence, Price's ex-wife Kristie Colón said in a TEDx Talk recorded at the University of Kentucky that her ex-husband had beaten and waterboarded her, as the New York Times piece notes. Price has also denied those allegations.
That's pretty fucking evil if true.
But she went to a TEDx to talk about it? That strikes me as a bit odd.


No I don't remember them. But based off the linked article they seems like a bad person. I hope justice is swift.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I do vaguely remember this guy, the whole $70k to every employee thing especially. Not sure what to say about the rest. I suppose I find it weird that terrible people like this are still able to operate so openly. I can't delve more into that thought without getting political though, so I won't.


We all know how damning allegations of this sort can be. I'm not saying he's completely innocent, or that these women are liars, but let's at least wait until we see some evidence from either side before we jump on the bandwagon and ready our pitchforks. We don't want another Depp/Heard case.


That’s a lot of women to all be liars. And the water boarding claim is too bizarre to be made up. I have to review HR claims all the time and the more weirdly specific claims are the more true they usually are.
After their argument, Margis returned to the hotel room and took a cannabis edible. Price purportedly entered the room and attempted to initiate sex, but she rebuffed him.

Margis told police that as she drifted to sleep, she felt Price penetrate her even after she repulsed his advances. She “worried he would kill her if she tried to stop him,” according to the New York Times

“Did you just rape me?” Margis said she asked Price, who denied he had assaulted her.

Margis texted a friend that she was “shaking so bad and could hardly speak.” She added that Price had “looked me dead in the eyes and said what I know happened didn’t happen.”

The New York Times said its report was based on Margis’ account, the police report from the incident and conversations with three individuals whom she had contacted shortly after the alleged rape occurred.
Source: https://nypost.com/2022/08/19/70000-ceo-dan-price-accused-of-raping-model-as-she-tried-to-sleep/

She felt penetration while asleep but didn't wake up (I don't know if cannabis is enough for that) also, worried while asleep that he would kill her if she stopped him? Then she wakes up and (not afraid anymore?) asks him if he just raped her?

I think it's the sort of details that you don't make up, and that was undoubtedly what was going on in her head, but the case seems thin a bit convoluted. I doubt it'll go to trial as scrutiny by good lawyers would be torture for this person.
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I hate these virtue signalling small time biz celeb twats all over LinkedIn and Twitter. The narcissism required to put so much effort into feeding one’s ego just smacks of likely further psychological defects below the surface. And the lemmings lap it up.

Just my take on the guy prior to this allegation.

Definitely want the justice system to do its work to correctly determine guilt or innocence. I still remember the Jian Ghomeshi trial as a high profile case of allegations being proved false and coordinated.


Gold Member
I hate these virtue signalling small time biz celeb twats all over LinkedIn and Twitter. The narcissism required to put so much effort into feeding one’s ego just smacks of likely further psychological defects below the surface. And the lemmings lap it up.

Just my take on the guy prior to this allegation.

Definitely want the justice system to do its work to correctly determine guilt or innocence. I still remember the Jian Ghomeshi trial as a high profile case of allegations being proved false and coordinated.
Linkedin is bad now.

All the self promoting, politics and "look at me me me" posts is nauseating. It wasnt like this way back.

The worst is when you see people you know do a similar post or reply to one as if they are saints. But in reality, you know them well, go out to lunch with them and they are total pigs.


Going to wait for more information before telling my opinion on this...
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