UK perspective here, so my experience may not line up with many Americans, but thinking back 20 years ago we had one of, if not the greatest years in videogames.
Here’s why… (vaguely in chronological order)
Metal Gear Solid 3
The peak of Kojima’s series undesputedly! Absolutely loved this, yes it’s somewhat linear today, but the jungle environment was incredible back then.
Resident Evil 4
I think don’t regard it as a proper Resi game, but as a stand alone game it was incredible, completely revolutionised third person action games and the influence remains heavy today.
Doom 3 (Xbox)
Impossible port #1, when I bought an Xbox to play Halo I couldn’t have imagined it pulling off graphics like this, but there it was, in my living room, incredible!
E3 2005
The big 3 really put on a show this year. Microsoft was at its peak cool showing off the Xbox 360 with the blades interface and incredible looking HD games. Sony turned up the hype by unveiling the PS3 and showing off game that we (and the console itself) could only dream of. But most people were asking, just what is Revolution?
Wow, just wow. Sexy, sleek, ergonomic and powerful. That’s how I’d describe clapping eyes on the device when I collected my day 1 pre-order. Loading up WipEout Pure on that LCD widescreen for the first time took my, and several work colleague’s, breath away. Walkman of the 21st century? It sure was to me!
Half-Life (Xbox)
Impossible port #2, to this day it remains the greatest FPS of all time, and I played it first on Xbox.
Xbox 360 launch
While I enjoyed the original Xbox more, playing Project Gotham Racing 3 on a demo station in GameStation (remember GameStation UK GAF?) was pretty mind blowing.
Other highlights for me:
Nintendo DS (UK launch)
Shadow of the Collossus
God of War
World of Warcraft
Devil May Cry 3
Civilisation V
Ninja Gaiden Black
Gran Turismo 4
Tekken 5
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
Jade Empire
Wipeout Pure
Ridge Racers
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath
How nostalgic are you feeling now, GAF?
Here’s why… (vaguely in chronological order)
Metal Gear Solid 3
The peak of Kojima’s series undesputedly! Absolutely loved this, yes it’s somewhat linear today, but the jungle environment was incredible back then.
Resident Evil 4
I think don’t regard it as a proper Resi game, but as a stand alone game it was incredible, completely revolutionised third person action games and the influence remains heavy today.
Doom 3 (Xbox)
Impossible port #1, when I bought an Xbox to play Halo I couldn’t have imagined it pulling off graphics like this, but there it was, in my living room, incredible!
E3 2005
The big 3 really put on a show this year. Microsoft was at its peak cool showing off the Xbox 360 with the blades interface and incredible looking HD games. Sony turned up the hype by unveiling the PS3 and showing off game that we (and the console itself) could only dream of. But most people were asking, just what is Revolution?

Wow, just wow. Sexy, sleek, ergonomic and powerful. That’s how I’d describe clapping eyes on the device when I collected my day 1 pre-order. Loading up WipEout Pure on that LCD widescreen for the first time took my, and several work colleague’s, breath away. Walkman of the 21st century? It sure was to me!

Half-Life (Xbox)
Impossible port #2, to this day it remains the greatest FPS of all time, and I played it first on Xbox.
Xbox 360 launch
While I enjoyed the original Xbox more, playing Project Gotham Racing 3 on a demo station in GameStation (remember GameStation UK GAF?) was pretty mind blowing.
Other highlights for me:
Nintendo DS (UK launch)
Shadow of the Collossus
God of War
World of Warcraft
Devil May Cry 3
Civilisation V
Ninja Gaiden Black
Gran Turismo 4
Tekken 5
Pro Evolution Soccer 5
Jade Empire
Wipeout Pure
Ridge Racers
Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath
How nostalgic are you feeling now, GAF?
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