Capcom Spotlight starts in exactly one hour bois! Demo likely after
Also, if any of you preorderd the Collectors Edition in-store from Gamestop, you might want to check on that. Gamestop is cancelling a lot of those. If you pre-ordered online, you're good.
It's possible to look more fit than 14 year old Baron Trump in a t-shirt. Especially when wearing a compression t-shirt like Secret Agent Leon.That is actually not far from how you look in clothes when you are really fit you know.

I'm definitely not untrained. I work out a ton, work people out for a living, and I've got a doctorates in PT so it's not like I don't have a grasp of proper anatomy (not to mention a decade of fitness enforced by the military). Fitness and bodybuilding are HUGE parts of my life. I just feel like there should be a happy medium between the normal fit guy Leon looks like now and the legit action movie star he looked like in OG RE4 (this is THE action horror game after all; this isn't The Last of Us trying to translate everyday people). At least somewhat of a taper to his torso to accentuate his shoulders/chest (and some width to his arms in the frontal plane of course; EDIT: and a bit more thickness to that neck). That's the part that made him look so muscular in OG RE4, and that can definitely be translated in a manner more appropriate to the "real world" feel these remakes have. Right now, the only thing really notable about his physique are his arms from the side. He just looks skinny/fit ripped.I'll chalk it up to an untrained eye. Leon is pretty muscular in the remake and Krauser is huge. You're confusing an unrealistic bone structure, which he had in the original, with muscle mass. His shoulders are now realistically proportioned.(Leon) Krauser is a tank, he just isn't shirtless now.

Krauser at least has big delts/traps, thick neck, and tanky structure (idk if you've played it, but he wore the same outfit in the original and still looked huge), so the only thing I'd really change about him is bigger tris/bis and maybe forearms. He's not as big of a deal, but I'd still prefer the imposing roided Kratos level Krauser we had in OG.
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