Following radio silence for the past two months after the last hot patches fixing the most broken components of the second DLC pack, Gearbox is back with an update fixing more of the (current) worst parts of the game and a roadmap of things to come.
Full 1.3.5 patch notes here, but the cliff notes are a) Elite spawn rate fix; b) Multiplayer lobby join failure fix (notification now provided if there's an issue); c) General bug fixes. I haven't tested 'b' yet, but this was a big problem for my friends and I just trying to play the game together, as was 'a'.
Gearbox seems to have gotten the message as to what people like and don't like about Seekers of the Storm. Phase 1 looks like the biggest overhaul. A lot of item tweaks and reworks.

Anyone who's played the DLC for... any amount of time knows that the items in the bottom half of that chart are hot garbage that don't synergize with other items at best, are actively detrimental at worst, and either way dilute the item pool (in particular whites). Gearbox is addressing all of that, to an extent that will be seen. The major rework example discussed in the video is to the antlers (which was a big w/e item)

A lower ratio of movement items was a big problem in Seekers, and I don't really know what this description means or for how long, but it's interesting, at least. Other stuff might just get tweaks. Sonorous Whispers was OP in the 1.0 release and cutting down the drop rates was really all it needed from being an SSS busted tier item to just a solid A red.
Enemy tweaks are also planned. The Twisted Elites, so reviled an enemy that modders straight up removed them from the game, won't auto-reflect damage back at you for hitting other enemies (which would sometimes just kill players who literally couldn't avoid attacking other enemies). Now they'll fire a dodgeable projectile back. Gilded Elites... just had their HP slashed, which was really all we asked for.
Phase 2 and 3 are for the new final boss and new survivors respectively. Maybe False Son just won't be such an asshole. My friends and I didn't really play enough to get a feel for him; our issue was getting to the arena without movement speed due to the unending barrage of meteors which the devs thought were a good idea for some reason and the aforementioned dilution of the white item pool.

Survivor changes will vary. Seeker will be getting some minor tweaks because Gearbox believes she's in a largely good spot, and I agree - she's already good, esp. in multiplayer. Rez in Risk of Rain is a fantastic ability. I'm hoping what tweaks they make will be to scaling her DPS because that was her biggest obstacle imo. Chef will see major changes to his primary and secondary so that he can throw my cleavers (better scaling with Syringes) and bbq people quickly. False Son I don't know much about but the devs touched on big changes to his kit. The community seemed to think he was just unfinished (and that Chef just sucked).
Being, presumably, the biggest Risk of Rain-head on GAF, I am excited for these updates.