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Rogue One - The best Star Wars story in the Disney era

I was lucky enough to get my hands on this and it finally arrived

(this is an image from google)

Does anyone else feel this movie doesn't get enough appreciation? It was stuck in development hell for a while and people didn't really have the highest of expectations when it released. In my opinion, it's the best Star Wars movie to come out of the Disney era (it might actually be my favorite in the franchise). The tone, settings, characters were exactly what I wanted to see in Star Wars - it actually added to the universe unlike the new trilogy where they are basically on a ship and the most basic of looking planets the entire time. This movie could have even been better had Disney not interfered with the director's plans and toned down some of the violence for the family friendliness. I would like to see more Star Wars like this in the future but I doubt it since Disney seems to be moving in a completely different direction.

Also a huge fan of Star Wars Fallen Order which has a similar feel to Rogue One imo, don't spoil since I'm still playing through. To a lesser extent, I also think Solo deserves a shout out as I thought it was very well done. Solo was stuck in development hell for a while too but it all came together in the end - the movie actually had multiple planets, space, etc. and interesting characters like Qi'ra. People criticized the lead in Solo but I thought he did a good job.

Rogue One, Fallen Order, and Solo are the best to come out of the Disney era with Rogue One ranking among the top in the franchise in general. What do you guys think?
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The Shift

Yes, it's the best Disney Star Wars. Some of the casting is a bit off and the 2(3?) scenes where Jyn gives a rousing speech are peak cringe but it was the only film in the new era that I didn't fall asleep to in the cinema.

Oh yeah - the Force monk stuff was additionally cringe, add -1 to score.
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It wasn't too bad but a little bit forgettable.

TBH it kind of reminds me of a better ST. Feels like Return of Skywalker was ripping it off.

Its better than all the sequels for sure and I actually didn't mind CGI Cushing, thought it was really cool. And it has Vader!

Overall not bad and one of the better Star Wars. OT then RO.


Yep, agreed. I wasn't expecting much when I watched it but thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought I was in the minority.

Also agree that Fallen Order was really good, both as a game and as a Star Wars tale. Haven't seen Solo, but the Mandalorian is the other very excellent thing out there keeping my faith in the Star Wars brand.


Great movie and hats off for them making a prologue to the original Star Wars. It's a shame that these side movies were tanked by the very poor Solo.


Actually my least favorite star wars movie. Not a single memorable character and none of the star wars charm.

I wish i loved it, maybe I should watch again.


Went to a matinee for this, only a few people there.

As others have said I had low hopes but I absolutely loved it. Thought it was brilliant. Actually felt like the heroes earned their place.

The Vader, Leia scenes shocked me. I still don't know why people hated them. (Those who do)

Solo, didn't see in the cinema but at home. Just thought it was OK and unneeded but was fun, also the way he got his name was pretty stupid.
Jup. Best Star Wars movie in general for me. The few Vader apearances in this movie sent chills down my spine. Legendary.

I personally think that this movie would be regarded much better if it wouldn't be... well... 2020. Today everything's just the hot talk for a bit before people move on, no matter would good it is.


It has a lot of annoying mistakes and still makes the Imperials look completely incompetent but otherwise it is very good.
It was ok, as others have said Solo was actually better. Having said that, as a huge star wars fan i havent been impressed with anything disney has shit out, including Mando. Mando is the best content so far

AS a huge fan, i own the originals and prequels

Rogue One - watched once didnt buy it
Solo - watched twice and bought it
The last Jedi- watched once and didnt buy it

and just now, no bull shit i had to google for these movies as i couldnt remember the titles...

The force awakens - watched twice and didnt buy it
The last skywalker - didnt watch it, downloaded and made it to the hurt worm thing and turned it off

It takes special talent to fuck up a money maker like star wars


I've seen more Rogue One praise recently and as someone that enjoyed the film a lot when it first came out, I agree entirely.

Everyone knows that the action is top tier Star Wars but I see a lot of people criticising the characters which I don't agree on at all. Firstly they are all going to die anyway, it's a war film, so you should be comparing them to characters that you'd see in a war film like Saving Private Ryan - obviously they aren't going to have the complexity and depth of characters that have had a trilogy of films to develop.

Even with that being said the characters in Rogue One still shit on every single character that appeared in the ST.

Jyn has more depth than Rey
Cassian is more interesting than Poe
Bodhi is better than Finn
K-2SO is arguably the best droid in the entire franchise (I think he'll develop many more fans once the Cassian Andor show comes out as well)
Krennic is a better villain than whoever was supposed to be the villain in the ST (Smoke, Renn?)

I could maybe see the argument that Solo had a better plot due to some of the twists and turns but Solo had a few too many let downs for me - like how Han and Chewie met or how he came up with the Solo name.

Outside of Mando, Rogue One is the best Star Wars we've had from Disney by miles. I think more and more people will appreciate the film as time goes on.


The first half was kind of wonderful. It took it’s time, worked up cool characters and experiences, and just truly felt like being immersed in Star Wars, from a different angle.

The second half felt like someone coming on set, tapping their watch, and everything rushing to conclude and provide an into to New Hope in the most rushed way, including Jyn turning into a different person in two seconds, and an ending that I felt was just cliche, predictable, and wholly unexciting.

It’s the kind of thing where I wonder if it being a Disney+ miniseries, or two movies (big ask, I know), would have been better. Things needed more time to be spaced out, or to breathe. Maybe if the talent behind the movie did a better job, it could have been accomplished in one.


imagine a space battle with tactics and direction. and not just the cluster fuck of rise of skywalker and the DERP hundreds of star destroyers then having Palpatine single handedly arc lightning the entire rebel fleet, and the retarded ass space horses. it's all so fucking stupid you'd think it was conceptualized by a child. Rogue One was such a good film and it's retcon even makes the original better because it makes the Death Star's flaw less absurd. The characters are supposed to be nobodies it's akin to all the people who make sacrifices or perish in real world battles while the ones that live get the glory.



Sorry OP but this is probably the worst new Star wars movie down there with episode 9. And at least episode 9 had fun characters, RO is all boredom and fan service of lowest degree.

Oh look - an x-wing, an at-st, Darth Vader, Tarkin, fucking C3PO and those aliens that obi-wan maims on tatooine in only a few days (what a coincidence?). I get that some homage in a prequel is warranted but it's sloppy and the worst part is that without it - this movie has the worst protagonist, supporting characters and villain of them all!

They are making tv series about Cassian? The guy who has a personality of a brick and a story arc of learning to disobey orders? Thank God Jyn actress is too expensive - I can't wait to see her criminal past with Saw I'm-done-fighting Guerrera. I'm sure she can do a lot with that one facial expression of hers. Kremnic is a joke of a character, only menacing in first 5 minutes only to be bodied by Tarkin and then again by Vader.

But that scene!! Yes, 2 hours of movie that has barbones plot, unmemorable characters, stupid heist plan, is saved by above average CGI battle and last -second reshoot Vader addition. Was the scene cool? Sure. But if that's what you want from Star Wars - a fundamentally character driven sci fi soap opera, then surface-level entertainment is mostly Marvel's kitchen. In fact if the movie doesn't hold up when you remove that extra 30 second scene after the plot is resolved, it says everything you need to know about actual writing of this unnecessary prequel.

Instead people should've watched Solo - a fun little side adventure where characters who die in first 30 minutes somehow manage to eek out more charisma than any lead in this mess.

8 >>> 7 > Solo >>9>=RO

PS. This movie need better lead characters with actual arcs and some personality. You can fix a lot of flaws that I described if we could actually be engaged with the story of Jyn and Cassian emotionally. Instead they were both stoic and emotionless and angry all the damn time so their romantic death on the beach was gratuitous and unearned.
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Yep it’s the best Disney Star Wars film by far, I’d even go as far as it being the best Star Wars flick after the OT.

I find it weird that some people don’t like it; it’s got an actually compelling story, it gives weight and context to the start of A New Hope. It describes the moral ambiguity of the good guys for the first time; this one isn’t a space fantasy like the episodes, this one is a war film front and centre.

The Anthology films were a perfect place to try something new without affecting the main line stories but Disney put the brakes on it before it could really become a thing. The sequel trilogy drove the franchise into the ground but Rogue One and The Mandalorian made it somewhat easier to bear.


It’s the kind of thing where I wonder if it being a Disney+ miniseries, or two movies (big ask, I know), would have been better. Things needed more time to be spaced out, or to breathe. Maybe if the talent behind the movie did a better job, it could have been accomplished in one.

I'd actually love a Band of Brothers style mini series from the perspective of the every day solders/grunts involved in these wars.

There was a Battlefront tie in novel that was actually somewhat decent that told the story of a squad of soldiers and I remember thinking it'd be awesome to have a series with that premise.

I'm also desperate to see a Rogue Squadron style series or movie that followed the pilots.
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I was lucky enough to get my hands on this and it finally arrived

(this is an image from google)

Does anyone else feel this movie doesn't get enough appreciation? It was stuck in development hell for a while and people didn't really have the highest of expectations when it released. In my opinion, it's the best Star Wars movie to come out of the Disney era (it might actually be my favorite in the franchise). The tone, settings, characters were exactly what I wanted to see in Star Wars - it actually added to the universe unlike the new trilogy where they are basically on a ship and the most basic of looking planets the entire time. This movie could have even been better had Disney not interfered with the director's plans and toned down some of the violence for the family friendliness. I would like to see more Star Wars like this in the future but I doubt it since Disney seems to be moving in a completely different direction.

Also a huge fan of Star Wars Fallen Order which has a similar feel to Rogue One imo, don't spoil since I'm still playing through. To a lesser extent, I also think Solo deserves a shout out as I thought it was very well done. Solo was stuck in development hell for a while too but it all came together in the end - the movie actually had multiple planets, space, etc. and interesting characters like Qi'ra. People criticized the lead in Solo but I thought he did a good job.

Rogue One, Fallen Order, and Solo are the best to come out of the Disney era with Rogue One ranking among the top in the franchise in general. What do you guys think?

Say that again....

Mandalorian feels more like Star Wars than all the new movies that came out under Disney.

- The Characters
- The Monsters
- X-Wings / Tie Fighter
- Rebels
- Jokes about Stormtroopers that never hit anything
- Aliens...

For me Mandalorian saved the Star Wars franchise for now. Hope the director of Mandalorian is allowed to make the next Star Wars movie
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Deleted member 1159

Unconfirmed Member
Vader going HAM is gonna make anything better than the ST
I had to laugh, Gareth Edwards made it clear from the start, it was going to be a WAR movie in Star Wars.

When they got WAR they got cold feet.

Edwards knows how to put together some pretty visuals.

Maybe one day we'll get the JJ Cut of Rise of Skywalker (I know polishing turds...) and Edwards Rogue One
I agree. Rogue One is by far the best Star Wars movie Disney has made. I've seen it twice while I haven't rewatched any of the other ones.
Nahh, it's completely unnecessary with weak story and characters. It's just as bad as the other films but with even less reason to exist.

It's Jeff

Easily. It starts slowly, but the moment that Krennic looks up and sees the Death Star is fantastic. That's more than I felt during any point of the sequel trilogy.

Felicity Jones is awful, though. And wheezy Forest Whitaker couldn't get blown up soon enough.


It's not very good, but still are any of the Disney movies? It's a really messy film, one if those get this thing, to do that thing to get that thing. The end battle is crap, all over the place. You can really see how it's been cobbled together.

It's just a shame rubbish as anything else we've seen from Star Wars since 1983. Bad fan fiction.
Rogue One is a great Star Wars movie.. The last act with Scariff is pure awesome and really brings its A game. The space battle is way better than any in the ST and the action on the surface is great too. Capped off with an awesome fanservice Vader scene that still gives me a stiffy and you have a very solid Star Wars addition.

ESB>ROTJ>ANH>ROTS>RO>TFA>SOLO>ROS>PM>TLJ>AOTC. Mandalorian is good too but its a show so that makes it harder to rank.


yeah it was the best of the post-sale movies. that said, the story is terrible, once you actually think through it. at least it has one though, which is more than i can say for the ST.

Saw Gerrera just giving up and dying out of nowhere made no sense. the guy trying to assassinate Jyn's dad, then deciding not to, then a bunch of X-wings coming in and killing the guy anyways, made no sense. what was the plan? heck why would the guy even continue working on it after they killed his wife and daughter in the first place? like most of post-sale SW, it only makes sense if you don't think about it too deeply.

Vader at the end was nice but honestly they should have included him in more of the movie. the only other scene was actually kind of lame, "choke on your aspirations", yech. without the one scene at the end, the movie would be far less fondly remembered. Vader apeshit might be awesome, but definitely a case of some tacked on shit. plus it doesn't really fit with any onscreen depiction of Vader, especially ANH.

CGI was meh and they over-used it. Tarkin should have been only seen from behind or the side (or gazing in a window). Leia in close-up was kind of weird because special effects aren't really meant to be front and center in the frame. this is stuff that old-school effects guys and directors would figure out, and plot out through storyboards. the new people just don't have that level of craft.

main character was dull. Cassian was fucking terrible and in general i think the portrayal of the rebels by all the post-sale people has been lousy. they want to make Cassian be a sketchy guy who kills someone in his first scene, then he refuses to assassinate a guy he was sent to? why? doesn't make him seem like a badass, just a poorly written moron. will definitely skip his D+ show.

i did enjoy the new characters, the non-Jedi force wielder was the best new idea SW has had in a long time. sad that he doesn't do anything outside of a scene or two.

it's kind of sad that after remaking A New Hope with Force Awakens, the best thing they could come up with was another ANH prequel. this movie re-creates entire sequences from ANH. it even features footage from that movie!

but you look at Mando and think, maybe all people really want is just A New Hope over and over again?
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I've seen more Rogue One praise recently and as someone that enjoyed the film a lot when it first came out, I agree entirely.

Everyone knows that the action is top tier Star Wars but I see a lot of people criticising the characters which I don't agree on at all. Firstly they are all going to die anyway, it's a war film, so you should be comparing them to characters that you'd see in a war film like Saving Private Ryan - obviously they aren't going to have the complexity and depth of characters that have had a trilogy of films to develop.

Even with that being said the characters in Rogue One still shit on every single character that appeared in the ST.

Jyn has more depth than Rey
Cassian is more interesting than Poe
Bodhi is better than Finn
K-2SO is arguably the best droid in the entire franchise (I think he'll develop many more fans once the Cassian Andor show comes out as well)
Krennic is a better villain than whoever was supposed to be the villain in the ST (Smoke, Renn?)

I could maybe see the argument that Solo had a better plot due to some of the twists and turns but Solo had a few too many let downs for me - like how Han and Chewie met or how he came up with the Solo name.

Outside of Mando, Rogue One is the best Star Wars we've had from Disney by miles. I think more and more people will appreciate the film as time goes on.

K-2SO is the greatest thing in that movie. I think the only extra content he gets is in the VR missions for Star Wars Battlefront. So check that out if you have PSVR.

Super Mario

I liked Rogue One. It was a solid movie. The spinoffs are very welcome. In the end though, this isn't a classic I will watch again and again

I'll stand by that TFA is the best Disney Star Wars. The hype was massive. Sitting there, you were hyped more than any other Disney star wars. While it played it "safe" with the story by using a lot of familiar arcs, you were still interested in the new characters. Interested to see where this story went. Then TLJ came and absolutely shit on every possibility.

Wrong. Solo: A star Wars Story is much better.

Solo wasn't a bad movie. My own two problems is: first, it never felt like Han Solo. The personality was completely different. He wasn't the mean smart ass we came to love. It also went over the top on SJW content


K-2SO is the greatest thing in that movie. I think the only extra content he gets is in the VR missions for Star Wars Battlefront. So check that out if you have PSVR.

Fuck I do have PSVR but never played the Battlefront bonus mission, I'll give that a try.

I'm pretty certain he's gonna be in the Cassian Andor Disney+ show as well and I'm expecting him to be the best thing in that too.


I liked it, but IMO the best Star Wars anything in the Disney era, begins and ends with Mandalorian.

As for Rogue One, it did a great job fleshing out how certain things made it somewhere. And the Vader scene (at the end) was my favorite individual Star Wars scene ever following Return of the Jedi.


Gold Member
Yeah as far as the movies go it' definitely the only good one we got under Disney.

Solo could have been decent if it focused more on just being a fun Star Wars heist movie and less on trying to give some explanation of everything they felt "iconic" about the character. "So this is how he got his name, this is how he met Chewie, this is how he got those dice, this is how he met Lando, this is how he got the Milenium Flacon, etc....oh and it almost all of it happened over a period of a couple of weeks"
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