People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.

Release Date:
November 11, 1995 (Original JP)
November 11, 2019 (Remaster WW)
Square Enix, ArtePiazza
Japanese Turn-based RPG
SNES (original)
PS4, PSVita, PC, Xbox One, Switch (remaster)
"The Rise of Morastrum--an event where the dark star blocks out the sun--threatens the very existence of our world. All born in that year are doomed to perish before its end.
However, during the first Rise of Morastrum 600 years ago, a sole child did survive. He came to be known as the Archfiend, leading the world to ruins.
Another 300 years passed, and again a child defied fate. She came to be known as the Matriarch, defeating the evil and bringing peace back to the world.
Now, 300 years later, the Rise of Morastrum strikes again, and the fate of the world hangs in the balance.
Will there be another child of destiny? Will the child be righteous, evil, or another force that the world cannot fathom?
And now, we relive the grand story revolving around the “Child of Fate” who survived..."
Players get to choose what a character will specialize in, and whether or not to strengthen their physical or magic power. If a player constantly has a character attack, then their strength will grow along with their TP (tech points). If a player constantly has a character attack with a specific weapon, then they will learn special attacks that use only that weapon. Special physical attacks use up TP. If a player constantly has a character use magic, then their magic power will grow along with their MP (magic points). If a player constantly has a character attack with a specific element of magic, then their magic power with that element will grow, and magic attacks (obviously) use up MP. Characters that you have more focus on physical attacks have a tendency to get higher maximum HP than characters that you have more focus on magic attacks. Items need to be individually equipped with characters in order to use them in battle. Each character has eight slots in their inventory: four for weapons, shields, and items and four for armor and accessories.


Romancing SaGa 3
Romancing SaGa 3 (ロマンシング サ・ガ3, Romanshingu Sa・Ga 3?) is the sixth title in the SaGa series released originally in 1995 in Japan for the Super Famicom. A remastered version of the game was first announced late 2018. The global release had been announced for release in 2019 at E3. The game's...

Everything you need to know about the Romancing SaGa 3 HD remaster, out today on PS4
A guide to the JRPG classic's story, combat, characters, music and more hits Europe for the first time

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